Muscle Unit Flashcards
Types of Muscle Cells
- Skeletal (voluntary)
- Smooth
- Cardiac
Function of Muscles
- Produce movement
- Maintain posture
- Support soft tissues
- Protection
- Maintain body temperature
- Store nutrient reserves
Multinucleated with long large fibers
Branch shaped cells with intercalated disks (doesn’t need a nerve to activate)
What do muscle fascicles make up?
Skeletal Muscle
What do muscle fibers make up?
Muscle fascicle
What do myocytes make up?
muscle fibers
What do myofibrils make up?
What makes up the myofibrils?
What is the thick filament
What holds myosin in place?
What is the thin filament? What does it do?
Actin ; it pulls myosin together
prevent the muscle from contracting at the wrong time
promotes muscle contraction
A band
spans length of myosin fiber
I band
contains only actin fibers ; no myosin
H band
contains myosin fibers ; no actin
Z line
acts as anchor for actin fibers
M line
middle line (vertical medial line) to hold myosin in place
How does fiber shortening happen?
As sarcomeres shorten, muscle pulls together, producing tension
Which bands get smaller during muscle contraction?
I band
H band