Brain and Resp Center Flashcards
Brainstem Function
tells body how to control breath rate
involuntary respiratory control
Dorsal respiratory group
- receives input from peripheral chemoreceptors and other types of receptors via the vagus nerve
- generate inspiratory movements and are responsible for the basic rhythm of breathing.
signals if the body needs more or less CO2 by measuring pH
Apneustic center
- controls the intensity of breathing
- emergency center if breathing stops
why is the vagus nerve negative
Is negative to tell the brainstem to slow down or stop breathing when the diaphragm is fully contracted
Pneumotaxic center
- helps in sending inhibitory impulses to the inspiratory centre
- used for speaking which messes with breath rate
How hemoglobin lets go of oxygen in tissues? 2 ways
- Myoglobin - has more affinity for oxygen the hemoglobin so it’ll take in oxygen
- create an environment that will denature the hemoglobin
4 ways to alter environment so hemoglobin lets go oxygen?
1) amount of oxygen around hemoglobin (more oxygen in environment equals more oxygen carried)
2) higher temperature because hemoglobin can be denatured (eg working out)
3) increased ph leads to increased affinity so you need low ph
how tightly bound two molecules are
Hemoglobin affinity
should be low near tissues but high near lungs
Biphosphateglycerate (BPG and DPG)
- chemical produced when you are chronically low in oxygen
- lowers hemoglobin affinity for oxygen
When do you produce excesss BPG
when mountain climbing since there is less oxygen to breathe in
- helps make red blood cells when BPG is made
high pH (above 7.5)