Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
Pectoralis Majors and Minor
pull arms forward to flex shoulder
can bring your arm back, forward, and up
pulls up shoulder
Rotator Cuff
muscles involved in shoulder rotation
Upper Arm Muscles
Bicep Brachii and Triceps Brachi
Bicep Brachi
- Flexes elbow
- Stabilizes shoulder joint
Biceps Brachi Origin and Insertion
Originates on scapula/humerus
Inserts on radial tuberosity/ulna
Tricep Brachi
- back of arm
- extensor of elbow
Tricep Brachi Origin and Insertion
Originates on scapula
Inserts on olecranon
Extensor Carpi radialis/ulnaris
extends wrist (carpals) and attaches to radius/ulna
Extenson Digitorum
extends fingers
Palmaris Longus
connects from palm and flexes wrists
Flexor Pollicis Longus
flexes the thumb
Carpal tunnel
- in front of arm
where carpal tendons run through
Extensor Retinaculum
- back of arm
- tunnel in back of hand for tendons to run through
Gluteus Maximus
extends hips
Gluteus medius and minimus
stabilizes the hip
Vastus lateralis
moves legs to the side
Psoas and iliacus
pull muscles up (from top of femur to spine)/ flexes hips
Flex the knee
Lifts and separates the legs
extends the knee in the front
- Runs from top of hip to back of knee
Muscles That Result in Extension
Fibularis (group)
Tibialis posterior
Tibialis Anterior