Muscle Quiz Flashcards
Reasons for names (6)
Its action Direction of fibers Its location Number of divisions Its shape, size Its points of attachment
Characteristics of skeletal muscle tissue (12)
- Voluntary
- Cells are called fibers
- Fibers arranged in bundles called fascicles
- Striated
- Attached to bones via tendons
- Supply the strongest contractions
- Mostly protein composed of filaments
- Many nuclei per fiber
- Many mitochondria per fiber
- Will fatigue
- All or nothing law
- Graded response during contraction
Continual partial contraction (posture)
Muscle shortens but it’s tension increases; produces movement
Muscle length stays the same with increasing tension; movement
Quick, jerky contraction in response to single stimulus; rare
Sustained smooth contraction produced by a series of stimuli
Staircase phenomenon; muscles contract more forcefully after they have contracted a few times
Abnormal contraction where different muscle fibers contract at different times causing a flutter
Uncoordinated tetanic contractions of varying groups of muscles
General functions (3)
Heat production
Examples of muscles named for their direction of fibers
- transversus abdominis
- rectus femoris
Examples of muscles named for their location
- tibialis anterior
- frontalis
Examples of muscles named for their points of attatchment
Examples of muscles named for its number of divisions
- Bicep
- tricep