Muscle Imbalances and Deviations - Part 3 - Hurdle Step Screen Flashcards
What muscle imbalances during lack of foot stability?
- Soleus, Peronaels Lateral Gastrocnemius
What muscle imbalances are causing knees to move inward?
- Hip Adductors
- Tensor Fascia Latae
Muscles to focus on for hip adduction
- Hip Adductors
- Tensor Fascia Latae
What muscles are causing lateral tilt, forward lean rotation?
- Lack of core stability
What is a lack of ankle dorsiflexion (raised leg)?
- Ankle Plantar Flexors
What limb deviates from saggital plane (raised leg)
Raised-Hip Leg Extensors
Hiking The Raised Hip
Stance-Leg Hip Flexors
Limits Posterior Hip
Rotation During Raise
APT with Forward Torso Lean
Stance-Leg Hip Flexors
PPT With Hunch-Over Torso Lean
Rectus Abdominis and Hip Extensors
What muscles need to be addressed to improve the lack of foot stability?
Medial gastrocnemuis
Tibialis group
What muscles need to be addressed to reduce knees moving inward?
Gluteus Medius and Maximus