MSK Presentations Flashcards
A 45 year old lady presents with pain in her DIPJs. She has an XR of the affected joints. The XR shows erosions in the centre of the joint which are described as having a ‘pencil in cup appearance
Psoriatic arthritis
A 36 year old gentleman presents with stiffness of his neck and an abnormal posture. He complains of episodes of back pain that improve on movement. He has previously had episodes of severe eye pain with photophobia.
Ankylosing spondylitis
A 57 year old female patient presents with an acutely painful and swollen first metatarsal-phalangeal joint.
A 64 year old retired gamekeeper presents with pain in both knees. He has has the pain for a number of years and finds that it is worse towards the end of the day
A 28 year old gentleman presents with an acutely painful left foot. He has tenderness over his metatarsal-phalangeal joints on his left foot as well as discomfort affecting his Achilles tendon. He states that he had an episode of diarrhoea and vomiting about 2 weeks ago.
Reactive arthritis
A 41 year old mother presents with painful hands. She has swelling and pain in her MCP joints and stiffness in both of her wrists. She is also found to have cubcutaneous nodules over both elbows.
Rheumatoid arthrits
A 50 year old woman presents with a unilateral acutely painful, swollen, hot knee. She is febrile, unwell and has raised inflammatory markers. On aspiration synovial fluid appears yellow and opaque and has an elevated white cell count.
Septic arthritis
A 16 year old keen runner presents to his GP with pain and tenderness in his right knee. He denies any acute injury but says the pain is worse after exercise. On examination his knee joint appears normal but he has a large tender lump over his tibial tuberosity.
Osgood-Schlatter’s disease
A 32 year old women presents with a lump in the popliteal area. She is asymptomatic but is concerned about the swelling.
Baker’s cyst
A 68 year old alcoholic presents with a hot tender knee. On aspiration negatively birefringent crystals were identified.
An 18 year old female student nurse presents with forefoot pain that has been present for 4 days. She has recently started clinical placement.
2 metatarsal stress fracture
A 65 year old woman presents following a fall on an outstretched hand. There is evidence of displacement.
Colles fractures
A 26 year old ruby player presents to you with difficulty walking and pain in his right knee. That morning he was playing and was tackled, twisting his knees as he fell. He says that his knee became swollen very quickly and that he feels ‘as if something is catching in his knee’. On examination his knee is swollen with an effusion identifiable and there is tenderness along the joint line. With the knee flexed the tibia can be pulled forward easily on the femur and with his knee at 90degrees internal rotation & extension causes pain.
Acute meniscal tear and ACL rupture.
A 64 year old patient with a painful left hip. She has had pain in both hips for 12 years. Over the past few months it has got much worse with the left hip being the worst affected. She experiences pain on movement and her pain gets worse throughout the day. She feels that she is constantly stiff. She has a BMI of 31, walks with antalgic gait and had reduced range of movement
Hip OA
Mrs Macleod is a 42 year old female patient who presents with pain and swelling of both of her hands for the past 18 months. The pain is worse in the morning and improves throughout the day.
Rheumatoid arthritis
A 83 year old female presents to A&E with a very painful left hip following a fall. On examination you find that her left leg is shorter than he right and externally rotated.
Hip fracture
A 56 year old plumber presents with lumbar back pain for 3 weeks. It is worse with activity.
Mechanical back pain
Elderly patient with recognised osteoporosis has acute back pain and kyphosis
Crush fracture
A 39 year old man has leg pain in a dermatomal pattern. He states he previously had episodic back pain before the leg pain.
Lumbar disc prolapse
A 52 year old overweight male has burning lower leg pain when walking downhill. It radiates to his buttocks. The pain is relieved when walking up hill.
Spinal stenosis with neurogenic claudication
A 60 year old woman has bilateral leg pain and is experiencing bladder dysfunction. She recently was diagnosed with a lumbar disc prolapse.
Cauda equina syndrome
A 76 year old man is admitted with suspected thoracic vertebral fracture. There is no history of trauma
Pathological fracture; tumour
A 43 year old weightlifter has anterior shoulder pain on elbow/shoulder flexion and pronation of the forearm. On examination the popeye deformity is seen
Bicep long head tendon tear
A 22 year old woman playing sports fell backwards onto her arms. She has numbness is the regimental badge area and can’t bend her arm at the elbow or raise her arm at her shoulder.
Anterior shoulder dislocation with axillary nerve injury
A 55 year old woman reports pain and weakness on abduction, internal and external rotation of her shoulder. She had a ‘sudden jerk’ and has had symptoms since.
Rotator cuff tear
A 36 year old man has shoulder pain between 60 and 120 degrees of abduction of the shoulder which radiates to the deltoid. On examination the Hawkin’s Kennedy test is positive
Impingement syndrome aka painful arc
A 48 year old woman presents with a progressively pain and stiff shoulder. She is diabetic. On examination you note a decreased range of external rotation.
Adhesive capsulitis aka frozen shoulder
A 18 year old man presents to A&E after having an epileptic fit. He has had severe shoulder pain since. On examination there is a positive sulcus sign
Posterior shoulder dislocation
A RTA patient has a severe arm pain and a wrist drop
Humeral shaft fracture with radial nerve injury
A 62 year old woman has a fall on an outstretch hand and has had severe shoulder pain since
Surgical neck of the humerus impaction fracture
An 8 year old girl had a fall on an outstretched hand and has since had severe arm pain. On examination you note abnormal humerocapitellar alignment
Supracondylar humerus fracture
An 83 year old woman had a fall onto a hyperflexed wrist and has since has severe wrist pain
Smith’s fracture
A 20 year old male had a fall on an outstretched hand. He has pain in the anatomical snuffbox and particularly when you press on the thumb metacarpal
Scaphoid fracture
A 28 year old office worker has pain on the lateral side of her wrist. She has a painful, swollen and red styloid process. She has a positive Finklestein’s test.
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
A 6 year old child has an abscess around their nail fold. Their mum says they bite their nails frequently.
A 23 year old man has a pigmented mass on the palmar surface of his finger near his PIPJ. It is slightly painful.
Giant cell tumour of tendon sheath
A 52 year old man has an acutely swollen and red hand around his middle finger. It is extremely painful.
Flexor tendon sheath infection
A 6 year old girl in by her mum in general practice, she is concerned about the alignment of her daughter’s fingers. On examination you see hyperflexion at the DIPJ and hyperextension at the PIPJ.
Swan neck deformity
A 47 year old woman has had pain and stiffness in her hands for several months. On examination you see hyperflexion at the PIPJ and hyperextension at the DIPJ.
Boutonniere’s deformity in rheumatoid arthritis
A 52 year old man has recurrent paraesthesiae in his left pinky finger. He also has weakness in his left forearm and hand. On examination you find a positive Tinel’s and Froment’s test.
Cubital tunnel syndrome
A 56 year old man has a fixed flexion deformity of his ring finger. The skin on his hand is puckered and you palpate nodules. There is a positive table top test on examination.
Dupuytren’s contracture
incorrect punch, fingers can’t bend in same direction
Boxer’s fracture
articular surface of 1st metacarpal thumb displacement
Bennett’s fracture
women, >30, thumb + 2 1/2 finger paraesthesia, worse at night,
Carpal tunnel syndrome
avulsion finger# on extensor tendon, from forced extension, can’t extend at DIPJ
Mallet finger
severe mutilating injury, skin removed
bleeding under nail, v painful, part of nail black
Subungual hematoma
pain/tender at greater trochanter & on abduction, abductor gluteus medius tendonitis, women
Trochanteric bursitis
fall from height, 1 leg shorter, hemipelvis displaces superiorly, >nerve injury
vertical shear pelvic fracture
2-5yr, boy, insidious onset, after URT infection, can’t bear weight, pyrexic,
Transient synovitis aka irritable hip
A 12 male of African descent has knee and distal thigh pain. He is currently having a growth spurt. On examination there is a loss of internal rotation and a positive Trethowan’s sign.
4-8yr short hyperactive boy, unilateral hip pain
Child sits in W position
Femoral neck anteversion
asymptomatic area of sclerosis found on x ray at long bone epiphysis
teenage boy with pain mid thigh which is worse at night, warm swelling, fatigue and weight loss
ewing’s sarcoma
painless well defined firm mass at the base of the thumb
mucous cyst
rheumatoid arthritis patient in for review clinic recently been experiencing mouth uclers
methotrexate side effect