MP 201.06A When to Summon Additional Resources Flashcards


When should you summon additional resources?

  1. Life hazard exceeds the rescue EMS capabilities of initial alarm companies
  2. The number, location, and condition of actual victims exceeds the rescue/removal/treatment capabilities of companies
  3. the property protection demand exceeds the fire control capabilities of initial alarm companies
  4. Fire conditions become more severe or the situation deteriorates significantly
  5. All companies have been committed and fire is not controlled
  6. Forces are depleted due to exhaustion or injury or are trapped or missing
  7. Command runs out of some resources
  8. There is evidence of significant fire but companies are unable to determine location and extent
  9. The commitment of companies is not effective
  10. Companies cannot effectively perform early loss control operations
  11. Situation becomes so widespread/complex that command can no longer effectively “cope”
  12. The weather is or has the potential to have a particularly exhausting effect on resources
  13. Command instinctively feels the need to summon additional resources
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