move to global war: japanese expansionism 1931-41 Flashcards
Commodore Perry arrives in Japan
Treaty of Kanagawa signed between Japan and USA
Emperor’s powers are restored
Treaty of Tientsein signed with China
Sino Japanese War
Anglo Japanese alliance
Russo Japanese War
Russo Japanese War ends wih the treaty of Portsmouth
Japan annexes Korea
Japan seizes german possessions in shandong
The twenty one demands made on china
The siberian exhibition
The treaty of versailles confirms japan’s war gains
The washington conference
The peace preservation law
Hirohito becomes emperor
what were the origins of japanese nationalism and militarism
desire for western style power
belief in destiny as leader of asia
need for resources
need for strategic security
actions of western powers
growingsupport for militarism and expansionism within japan
who was matthew perry
american naval officer
intimated the shogun to sign the treaty of kanagawa
What were the effects of the treaty of kanagawa
political power to emperor (meiji)
modernization of japan
dismantled feudal systm
estabklishing limited democracy
reforms in industry, education and military
promotion of national unity and patriotism
what cries accompanied the meiji government
“rich country, strong military”
treaty of kanagawa military reforms
adapting german military tactics and establishing a new navy with the help of the british
what did the treaty of shimonoseki (after sino japanese war) grant japan
pescadores isaldns, formosa and liaodong peninsula.
recognised korean independence and obliged china to pay large reparation
effect of first sino japanese war on nationalism and militarism
germany, russia and france forced japan to give up the liadong peninsula in the triple intervention.
russia kept it.
gemrnay then secured control over shandong province.
britian took adv of weakened china to seize port cities.
what was the triple intervention
germany, russia and france forced japan to give up the liadong peninsula
when was the anglo japanese alliance
effect of anglo japanese alliance
strengthened japans position
ended japans diplomatic isolation
first time an alliance was signed between a western and non western country
russo japanese war
clashed over their interests in korea manchuria
japan was successful in land battles but won through war at sea
why was manchuria so important to japan
area of china closest to japan
4x larger than Japanese islands so had lots of resources
growing space
buffer from threat from russia
what did japan gain from treaty of portsmouth
control of kore and south manchuria and port arthur
also railway rights in manchuria and southern half of saklaian island
respect of west and other asian countries
how did japan expand its influence in ww1
japand emanded german colonial territory in china, and when ignored declared war, seizing germany’s military bases on the shandong peninsula in the north of china in 1914. meanwhile, its navy occupied germanys south pacific possessions. then issues china the 21 demands (as allies are distracted). economically, could supply food to allies and so exports flourished.
what did the 21 demands include
china had to agre to the japanese remaining in shadong and to grant japan extra commercial privileges in manchuria. not to lease any coastal territory to other powers and was to accept advisers from japan. allies angered so demands modified
how did japan expand during bolshevik rev
japanese sent 70,000 men to support the whites despite agreeing on 7500. stayed on at end of war whilst other nations left. ultimately had to leave in 1922. encouraged mistrust of japan
positive results of ww1 for japan
japan secured german pacific islands and shandong peninsula (back from Germany). this firmly established japan as an important economic power.
negative results of ww1 for japan
failed to get racial equality clauses included in the charter of LoN. (Britain and USA afraid of the implications this would have for Japanese immigration into their countries)
why was japans foreign policy changed to internationalism in the 1920s
aimed to develop japans economy via peaceful means: keeping good relations with the USA, a key trading partner, and continuing to seek economic advancement in china, but within the framework of international agreement
what did the americans insist on at the Washington conference in 1921
the anglo japansese treaty of 1902 should be replaced by a four power treaty with britian, japan, USA and France.
what was the nine power treaty (took place at the same time as the four power treaty but in feb 1922)
china, belgium, italy, netherlands and portual AND members of the four power treaty; Britain, japan, USA and france
the four and nine power treaty encouraged what for china
respect from japan. agreed to retun the german concessions of the shandong seized during ww1
what was the five power naval treaty
restricted competition in battleships and aircraft carriers bys getting a ration of 5:5:3 for britian,the USA and japan respectively. this meant japan had to abandon its plans for a massive expansion and was deeply opposed by the navy general staff.
what became the washington treaty system
four, five and nine pwoer treateies. indicated japan was committed to internal cooperation in the 1920s
what was the taisho democracy
refers to a siers of reforms intituted during the latter years of emperor taishos reign. beca common for the pm’s position to be given to the leader of ofne of the two main political parties that controlled the diet in the 1920s. this meant those gaining power did so through skill not nepotistic status.
when were all males given the vote in japan
problems faced by japan in 1920s
fragile democracy
opposition to shidehara’s internationalism and growing influence of the military on foreign policy
growing economic crisis
fragile democracy in japan in 1920s
financial scandals and election law violations
fear of left wing radicalism –> peace preservation law
opposition to shidehara’s internationalism and growing influence of the military on foreign policy
many conservative groups questioned shideharas approach esp the Washington treaty system
made worse when USA passed a bill limiting ‘asiatics’ specifically.
when taisho died, hirohito was celebrated with idea that the emperor was a living god, with rival of nationalism
1920s japan growing economic crisis
unemployment and industrial unrest
large divide between rural and urban areas
in 1929, great economic depression.
at end of 1920s, following domestic and foreign crisises, Japanese gov came down on side of repression not democracy.
what was the role of political instability in china before encouraging japanese nationalism in 1930s
china had been forcibly opened up to trade with west up to perry’s arrival. adopted western ideas and became semi-colonial but was still limited by European power following opium wars (so officially independent but not really)
japan scared of losing power as Europe makes gains from china
chinas weakness compared to japan exemplified in sino japanese war.
china was weak and divided.
main forces in chana in 1920
guomindang nationlist party (GMD) set up in 1925
communist party (CCP) set up in 1921
revalry between these two caused instability in late 1920s and 1930s
manchurian crisi
japan bombs chinese districts of shanghai
army officer revlt
prime minister inukai assassinated
manchuko is created `
repeal of the naval treaties of washington and london by the Japanese navy
japan signs anti comintern pact with germany
election results in theminseito party in government
an attempted coup takes place in japan, in favour of kodo-ha
the start of tosei domination of government
marco polo bridge incident
beginning of sino japanese war
national mobilization bill
a proposal fo rthe east Asia co propsesritu sphere announced
the imperial rule assistance association is formed
all political parties banned in japan
japan sets up wang jingwei as the puppet ruler of all japanes occupied china
japan signs the tripartite pact with germand Italy
japan demands access to bases in vietnam and the french
japan signs the non aggression pact with the soviet union
japan invades the rest of indochina in july
December japan attacks pearl harbour
perspectives of what led to war between the USA nd ajapn in the pacific
- japan had planned war with the aim of dominating asia.
- japan aime dot dominate asia but was willing to negotiate and not go to war
- japan was forcedinto war through usas actions
causes for japan’s expansion
high naitonalsim and militarism
crises athome and abroad allowed the above to have the upper hand
continuing political instability in china
poltiical instability in china
gmd began campaigns of national unification (anti foreigner rhetoric and demand to end unequal treaties)
ccp joined with gmd to form united front. this launched the northern expedition to consolidate central government control and wrest powers from the warlords. ultimately the two groups would clash out in war
ccp led by
mao zedong
gmd led by
jiang jieshi
zhang and jiang and kwantung army
japan had backed warlord zhang zoulon. however he had become very powerful, consequently becoming a target for jiang. if jiang defeated zhang, it would impeded japans interests inmanchuria
the Japanese army disarmed zhang and forced him to retreat back to manchuria and defeated him. the policy was to let gmd have china whilst japan focussed on manchuria. however kwantung forced jiangs northern expedition to halt at jinan. then assassinated zhang on 4th June 1928. some assassins believed that the fallout from his act would provide the excuse to conquer manchura.
what was pm tanaka instructed to do following the kwantung assisnation
enforce discipline in the army but the general staff were unwilling to punish them as they thought it would lower morale/prestige. tanaka therefore had to resign in 1929 for failing to do the emperor’s wishes. therefore in summer 1929 army could ignore everything. undermined liberal democracy
primeminsiter hamaguchi yuko
became pm in 1930 due to good relations with china, disarmament and end to corruption. his gov faltered due to great depression. did not have funds to help industry so cut government salaries for civil and military sectors. then agreed to London naval disarmament conferent to limit naval growth. military furious. shot by right wing radical
why did manchuria become even more important to japans interests in 1930s
dire economic situation in japan
kwantungs hope that the assination of zhang would allow japan to seize control was not fulfilled dbeacuase…
zhangs son allied himself with jiang. chinese naitonalses ralleid behind anti japanese propaganda.
kwantung organised the mukeden incidcent, and pm wakatsuki was warned by jpanese consil officials in manchuria. he
iinformed the emperor who ordered the minister of war to stop the kwantung army. he wrote an urgent letter to the commander but it was intentionally held back by the general delivering it. the plotters therefore executed their plan before the emperors command to cancel action.
mukden incident
18th sept 1931
what was the mukden incident
explsion on japanese owned south manchurian railway. kwantung army blamed this on the hciense, forcing them to retreat and entering Changchun to the north. was actually executed but the kwantung.
what did the kwantung not do on the 24th sept 1931
erturn to the zone before the railway
waht does kenneth pyle see the manchurian crisis as
a turning point for japan
it led to japans isolation as it seemed to have abandoned the internal cooperation and washingotn treaty system
when did japan and germany ign th eanti comintern pact
novemebr 1936
when did manchuria become netirely underjapanse control
start of 1932
what di djapn do initally in manchuko
chang ethe name
set up a puppet fovernemnt
wehre did fightin gbreak out in january 1932
`shanghai. cit was vombed by japanese with widespread devasttion. this helped turn world opinion against japan. after 6 weeks, china forced to withdraw.
chinas response to manchurain crisis
called on LoN.
jiang as now focussed on defeating Chinese communists and didn’t want to get involved in another conflict. didn’t have hopes fore resources but for time to organise army.
chinese fury at japanese actions
boycott japanese products (reduced sales inc hina by 2/3)
when was japanese contorl of manchuri accepted
treaty of tanggu in may 1933
jiangs strategy to deter japan
offer space to buy time. beleived japan would tire itsef out whilst attempting to gain little portions of china each time
resutls of manchurian invasion on china
japan benefitted economically
high cost of maintaining an army in china.
following the emanchurian crisis, little hope that gov would regain upper hand. undermined again by public support for kwantungs army. foreign cititism and condmenation glacanized japanses nationalist sentiments.
two key groups in themilitary afte r1932
koda-ha/imperial way -raidcal
tosei-ha/control -moderate
what did the koda-ha faction beleive in
military dictatorship to deliver sttae socalism.
viewed sovietunion as japans main enemy, and saw aware as inevitable. national spirit over material force
what did tosei-ha faction believe in
use of force to remvoe the governemnt
legalmeans to foster military power nad influence over the government
objective was conquest in china
PAFE 40-41
assassinaitons, may 14th incident etcrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
what did pm koki do initally
may 1936 - ministers for army and navy had to be serving officers
handed a lot of control of the gov to the military
expanded arms production to support tarmy in machuraia
signed anti cominter n pact
gov brought down after diet expressed concern over army
disadv for konoye’s gov
dominated by toesi ha faction.
chinese expansion their main objective.
1931 wakatsuki’s gov
party cabinet; undermined by the kwantung armty taking over manchuria
1931-32 inukai’s gov
party cabinet; assassinated in 1932
1932-34 admiral saito
1934-36 admiral okada
moderate admirals; power struggle between tosei-ha and kodo-ha factions, which resulted in the supremacy of the tosei-ha and paved the way or more military control over government
1936-27 hirota koki
1937 general hayashi
growing militarism
concessions to the army
1937-39 prince konoe
1939 baron hiranuma
unabel to controk the military; war with china starts
1939-40 general abbe
1940 admiral yonai
1940-41 prince konoe
japanese epanson in china and se asia
tripartite pact
diplomatic activity with usal fails to control militarists
1941 general tojo
attack on pearl harbour
when did fighting break out between japanese and chines forces at macro polo bridge
7th july 1937
marco polo bridge incident
fighting during july 1937 ending with japanese forces taking beijing and fighting in shanghai. japan fighting a war on two fronts
waht was the rape of nanjing
chinese nationalist gov mved capital to nnajing but on the 13th dec it fell to the Japanese and Chinese people were objected to awful atrocities by japan.
partially encouraged by japan believing a quick and intense war
chinese would not surrender after rape of nanjing sot he japanese had to
continue fighting. supply liens overstretched, japanese forces more vulnerable to Chinese guerrila attacks.
in nove 1938 jap govenerment declared the creation of
a new poltiical, cultureal and economic union between japan, Manchukuo and china, a new order in east acsia. jiang rejected this and war continued.
why ddi conflict deepen after 1938
the militarists take control
impact of war in europe
what couldnt prince konoe do in his return to power
control the militarist
impact of war in europe
hitlers swift victories in europe meant the military were drawn to newa areas of conquest.
tripartite axis pact
agreed that germany and italy would dominate europe and leave japan to dominate east Asia.
SEPT 1940
tripartite axis pact
agreed that germany and italy would dominate europe and leave japan to dominate east Asia.
SEPT 1940
in apiril 1941, matsuoka entered into a neutrlaity pact with
the soviet
in 1941, in part forstered by hitlers impressive ealry victorie sin eruope, japan
expanded its ambitions for the greateer east Asia co-propserity spehere. se asia to be included in this
why ddi japna ttack peral harbour on 7th dec 1941
economic concerns (japan had an economic embargo put on it)
negotiations between us aand japan contied throughout 1941, USA wanted japant o respect neigbour and maintain an open door policy. japan count not agree so deadlock.
japan had planned for war in September 1941. once again tried as final japanese mission was sen tot Washington to try and agree terms with Americans. however a huge neavla task was ready to attack if negotiations failed.
if pearl harbour had been successful, USA would haev been
temporarily helpless to japanes expansion.
tent of pearl harbour
90% of mid-pacific air and sea power either destroyed or damaged. but not destroyed the us aricraft carriers.
USA furious - negotations being conduected whislt sending an attack
killed 2403 people
hat does michiko hasegawa argue about eperal harbour
that japan was forced into it due to its oil embargo
who did japan simultaneously attack alongisde peral harbour
hong kong, singapore, dutch east indies, phillippines and malaya.
japaenses gains by ened of dec 1941
guam, hong kong and wake island
page 53
LoN deicdes to set up a commission unde rlord lytoon to investigate the mukden incident
usa issues stimson non recognition doctrine
lytton commission publisehs its report
japan leaves league of nations
second united front establiseh between gmd and ccp in china
china appeals to LoN after marco polo bridge incident
USS panay sunk by japanese
usa starts oil emabrgo on japan and trade deal cancelled
july0sept burma road closed
in september churchuill reopens the burma road following the tripartite pact
japan occupies southern indo-china
th eusa freezes japanese assets. a total trade mbargo imposed by ABD powers
1941 july
US imposes oil embargo
1941 august
us japanese negotations
1941 november
japan attacks pearl harbour
7th dec 1941
what did the LoN operate around
collective secuirty - stae taek joint ation tod eal with aggerssion
what did the LoN operate around
collective secuirty - stae taek joint ation tod eal with aggerssion
kelogg briand pact was
signed in 1928, states promised not to use war to resolve disputes. japna signed din 1928, and was ultimately joined by 61 others.
LoN made up of
assembly of the league and council of theleacgue.
council of the league consisted of
britain, france, italy, japan and four tohermmebers elected by assembly.
the covanent of the league
document whic set out how the lague was to achieve its aims of promoting internal cooperation and maintianing intrnal peace and security
league reaction to the mukden incident
send a fact finding commission led by lor dlytton to manchriia. took AGES so kwantung could still expand. in march 1932, manchia declared Manchukuo. japanses claimed that the manchurianss werenow free from chiens domination.
what di the lyttobn report sttae
takeover ws unaceptable adn unjustified
japanshould giv eup territory and withdraw its force
Manchukuo not an independent state and could nto be regonised as such
manchuria should become independent but under chinese svreignity
why did japan withdraw from the league
did not accpet lytton report
no furthe reaction taken due to fear of war, comunism and lack of resources
response of LoN after china appealed about macro polo bridge incident
condemned japan for breaking nine power treaty but was pretty useless.
how did jian glose support
insited on fighting communists rather than the japeanese. he had totry and suppress many uprisigns
jiangs kidnapping
kidnappe din decemebr 1936, acting under orders of zhang, who had been put in charge of anti communist campaign but fel like jiang should be focussing on jpanese and not ccp. the leaders of the ccop became involved and tried to negotiate a joint alliance against the Japanese. jiagn did not sign formal agreement but did change his priority. second united front formed.
despite jiangs new priotires,
war went bad fo rchina and by 1938, beijing, shanghai, ghangzou and nanjing had al fallen toj a apan and gmd gov had to withdraw their capital to chongqing.
by 1938, chian was dicivided into
nationalsit china -chogqing
communist china - yan’an
japanese occupied hcina - eas tnad north
when did jiang relaise the sino japanese war would become the second world war
after pearl harbour and the us declariotn of war on japan
(relations poor until this poitn esp ewithjiang attackign the communists in 1941)
usa approach to foreing policty concern in the 1930s
isolationsism. after ww1 it did not wante to be dragged into any more ocnflcits and great deression hit it hard.
also had self itnersts. trade nad investimetns in japan. very importaatnt ties with japan comapred to china. wanted to sell industry stuff to japan.
likd open door policy. Roosevelt attention on solving the economic crisis through his new deal policies and outside of the us, hitler took most of the attention.
gave financial di but ignored the ten british appeals fo rparticipated in a joint offe r of mediation in the sino japanese conflcit. . roselvelts involvement limited by sweveral nerutrlaity acts.
was us isolationsim poular
yes 7/10 americans in favour of withdrawing us citizensw form china.
japan d usa trad ein 1930s
us abought large quantities of japanese silk and was a mjor supplier of oil, scarp iron and autmobile parts. also met nearly 40% of japans total needs f ror metalss, cotton and wood pup/
when did usa become more aggressive to japan
in 1938 rooselvelt chose not to apply neutrality acts to china and giave an oil loan of $25 million. . did not want japan to creat a new order. growing concern jiang might spread to USA. soviets might gain more cotnrol over usa if nationalsits won.
international context of tripartiete pact and xis pwoers. essentially, the sino japanese war becoming the second world war.
us intervention in 1939-40
moral embargo placed on planes and parts. and in feb 1939, credit to japan was stopped.
in july of the same year, a long standing trade agreement with japan suspended.
a year later a partial trade embargo on aviation and motor fuel and high grade melting scrap put in place.
us began to give millions of dollars of aid to china.
following burma road close, gave more loans and by summer fof 1941, a hundred P-40 US fighter planes were sent to relenish the depleted chinese air force.
economic pressure put on japan. in july 1941, japan moved south rather than north to attack the south.
USA responded by freezing all Japanese assets. then imposed a trade embargo in November (inc oil), alongside britain and nethelands.
as japan was totally dependent on us oil, this created a crisis fo the gov who now believed western powers were trying to destroy its rightful place. if oil ran out, could not continue Chinese war.
negotiation and diplomatic mission to USA. stalled because USA said they had to withdraw from china.
japan could agree to withdrawal from southern indo-china but could not agree to china as it would be unacceptable to the military and the Japanese people.
consequently they decided a war of conquest was necessary.