condensed essay plans final Flashcards
lira was worth how much of its 1913 value in 1920
economic conditions
social discontent
agricultural problems
briefly describe the 1948 arab israeli war
egypt held out for nearly 10 months in al-faluja but in march 1919 an armistice was agreed
it was good for nasser and humiliating for the old egypt
11,000 casulties
how many strikes were there in 1920 italy
how many prime ministers killed ibetween 1948 and 1950 in egypt
free officers 6 point plan announced at 1952 coup
included to end colonialism, feudalism, to have equality and have a powerful army
agricutural problems in italy
bad harvests of 1919 and 1920. rise in socialist support. land on large estates forcibly occupied by returning soldiers
fewer than 6% landowners owend how much of cultivateable land in egypt
life in nassers egypt agriculturally
rural poverty or urban slums
weaknesses of political system
egyptian colonialism and italian liberalism
political instability
coup vs bienno rosso
egyptian colonialism
british troops fired on auxilary ppolicce they suspected of supporting suez liberation
41 killed
lead to black Saturday 25th Jan 1952, attacks and looting
king couldn’t appoint a pm until nasser
italian liberalism
count build an empire with liberalism
politics monopolised by a small, powerful elite
political instability in italy
1919-1921 elections
fiume crisis 1919
strikes due to fear of socialism
fiume crisis 1919
d’annuzio and 2000 followers occupy fiume for a year
great public support - gov scared to give orders to end the seizure incasea the army refused
ended with a compromise with Yugoslavia and Italian military action
bienno rosso
fear of socialism
1663 strikes in 1920
inflation etc
coup in 1952 egypt
toppling of king farouk in a coup d’etat by free officers
23rd july 1952
free officers wanted to strike before king cracked down on them. occupied comms in Cairo on eve of 22nd july 1952
relatively bloodless coup
Impact of war for Mussolini and Nasser? Nasas nationalism and fascist glorification of all.
human cost
economic cost
fasist glorification of war
Italy had attacked neutral Italy in 1940, so WW2 increased nationalism.
Using the country’s collective memory to his advantage. Il duce meant leader in latin. roman salute. fasicst architecture reminiscent of ancient Rome.
nasser’s nationalism
british troops fired on auxilary ppolicce they suspected of supporting suez liberation
41 killed
lead to black Saturday 25th Jan 1952, attacks and looting
king couldn’t appoint a pm until nasser
human cost arab israli war 1948
egypt held out for nearly 10 months in al-faluja but in march 1919 an armistice was agreed
it was good for nasser and humiliating for the old egypt
11,000 casulties
human cost of ww1
humilation from caparetto
1.5 million casulties
economic cost of ww1
demobilisation of over 4 million troops led to unemployment figure of 2 million
lira worth 1/6 of its 1913 value in 1920
economic cost of 1948 arab isralei war
Total cost $3.4 billion. roads and bridges destroyed. Already had a track fragile economy from colonialism and under investment. war required lots of investment. Lots of investment mobilizing troops, arms and ammunition. Suez War closed during war. It disrupted trade of supplies.
anti british, anti zionist vs autarky, romanita
not much idealogy for nasser (panafricanism/arbaism) and more so fo rmussolini, change in his ideas
nationalism, imperalism, alliances
anti zionist means
hte belief that jews are a distinct national group. Zionism argue the historical connection
nasser and anti zionism
saw zionism as form of colonialism
though it was a threat to middle east stability
anglo egyptian treaty 1954
angloe gyptiant reaty 1954
anthony nutting and nasser. gb agreed to:
withdraw from canal zone within 2 years
abandon connections with existing farouk and egyptian monarchists
accept right of sudan to independence from gb and egypt
mussolini change in ideas
early on was left and became very right.
action and mood not doctrine
cult of il duce
strong, decisive leadership
nasser idealogy
didnt have a lot. land distribution one fo first acts.
bernardi quote about mussolini
fascism had trends that “flowed naturally from imperial policies”
nationalism imperilaism alliances mussolini
rome berlina xis
mutual support fo rpoltiical and territorial ambitions
nationalism imperialism alliances nasser
anglo egyptian treaty 1956
in a way anc. egypt
use of force
coups andmarch on rome
secret violent oppression
official oppression
coups nasser
toppling of king farouk ina coup d’etat by free officers
23rd july 1952
free officers wanted to strike before king cracked down on them. occupied comms in Cairo on eve of 22 july 1952 in relatively bloodless coup
march on rome
fascists mobilised 30,000 poorly armed squadrisiti for march on rome
facta takeover
secret violent oppression by mussolini
ovra suppressed dissent and used torture, imprisonment, assassination
secret violent oppression nasser
general intelligence directoreate
brutal tactics, torture, killings
suppressed, academics. activists
official oppression mussolini
violent attaks against political opponents and threats to regime.
suppressing protests
matteotti crisis
he protested against fasicm and Mussolini and denounced the violence they used to get votes
was killed 11 days later
official oppression nasser
free officers
assassination attempt october 26 1954
ended mus brotherhood publicly after assassinations attempt
negib under house arrest
propaganda for nasser and mussolini
none for nasser, lots for mussolini (journalism, speech making)
mussolini blackshirts,
violent attacks against politiclal opponents and threats to regime
suppressing protests
charismatic leadership for nasser, speeches
nasser at assination “I will live and die for your sake, for your freedom, and honour”
banned muslim brotherhood
utilised unity to ban all opposition and other political parties
threat of revolution so gov relied on army which nasser left ot itself
radio broadcast across egypt and wider middle east
criticised imperialism and opposing leaders
appealed to people directly
nation with strong literary tradiiton
well established film industry
class struggle etc
“Philsoophy of the revolution” 1955
british ambassador said it reflected a breadth of viison, humanity and idealism
what does mussolini say in 1944 about his dictatorship
“I have not in fact been a dictator, because my power was no more than the will of the italian people.”
charasmatic leadership for mussolini, rallies
balance between the ras and the elites, (radicaism vs moderates)
could be lef or right, monarchist and republican, catholic and anti clerical, socialist and capitalist.
march on rome
fasicts mobilised 30,000 poorly armed squadristi members for htemarch on rome
takeover of facta
poltiical repression of nasser in charasmatic leadership
muslim brotherhood
banned all politial parties unde runity
seizure ofpower, negibs banishment
poltiicla repression of nasser in charasmatic leadership
acerbo law
one party state 1926
black shirts
cult of mussolini and propaganda
cult of mussolini
pictures on n otebooks
censorship by ministry of pop culture, in 1930 all books containing marxist, socalist, anarchist ideas were banned.
dissemination of propaganda
censorship and poltiical repression
posters, paramilitaries
radio/tv nasser propaganda
radio/tv mussolini propaganda
in 1926, fascist gov only owned 10% of newspapers
1924 film agency
biographies, films
what did david mack smith say about mussolini
he had a “stupendous poseur”
censhorship and political repression
muslim brotherhood
banned all political parties under’unity’
censorship and poltiical repression mussolini
acerbo law
one party state 1926
black shirts
posters, paramilitaries
see propaganda?
nature, extent and treatment of opposition
matteotti crisi, muslim brotherhood
political repression
religion and monarchy for mussolini whilst nasser had fewer
justice and liberty
socalists dropped 400,000 anti fascist leaflets primarily in milan and rome
the two roselli brothers were killed in 1937 by the government
political repression / legal methods mussolini
one party state by 1926
acerbo law
when does the pope order catholics not to vote
when are catholics allowed to vote again to stop socialism
when was the lateran pact
what was included in the lateran pact
angered anti fascists/anti clerical fascists
recognised catholicism as sole state region
vativan recieved compensation - 750 mil lire in cash and $1000 mil lire in gov bonds
monarhy in italy
king emmanuel II initally cautious after appointing mussolini
disapproving in late 1930s
arrested in 1943
philosophy of the revolution 1955
GB: reflected a breadth of viison, humanity and idealism
US : selfless and icily intelligent
6 principles of the revolution 1955
anti colonialism
anti feudalism
anti corruption
social justice
strong, national army
clean democracy not the game of democracy
egyptian armty hoped to defend from israel. the west refused aid so they turned to
successes and failures of foreign policy
abyssinia and suez canal
anglo egyptian treaty and locarno pact
non aligned movement (fail) vs rome berlin axis 1946
when was the invasion of abyssinia
july 1956
suez crisis
nasser nationalises suez canal (owened by gb and france)
challenge to western powers and sparked military interests
air and naval attacks - international community called for immediate ceasefire
gb, france withdraw.
u.n. establisehs a peacekeeping force in the region
inasion of albania
publicity stybt
little resistance
increased popularity
not big effect on their territorial/military position
italy and ww2
joined 10 months later (stuck between desire to become pals with germany and being unready for war)
not good outcome - rationing, wages fell, in march 1923, 80,000 workers striked
how many workers striked in march 1923 italy
pacts made by italy
rhineland: guarantee of germany’s borders with the rhinleand
eastern pact: commitment to peaceful resolution of disputes between germany and eastern neighbours, but didnt precent anything
non aligned movement (fail) nasser
nasser failed ot stick to this (1956) - it was the idea that african countries do not follow socialism and capitalism.
nasser got financial aid from ussr and czechoslovakia to ocnstruct aswan high dam
rome berlin axis 1936
non aggression
failure really as broke down in ww2
economic policies for nasser and mussolini
land economic policies for nasser
land reforms
limiting land ownership
price controls
education and technological assistance
land economic policies for Mussolini
battle for grain (1925)
make italy self sufficent in wheat productin (autarky)
tarrifs raised and government provided financial incentives ot switch production from other copy. frain imports fell by 75% 1923-25
what did martin clark say about mussolini in1984
mussolini wheat policy made little economic sense. but then it was not an economc policy, it was politics and propaganda, like everything he did.
what did hite and hinton say about mussolini’s 3 economic aims
consolidate his political system and authority
move towards autarky
provide a foundation for expansion
but instead inherited:
few/raw materials
n/s divide
low literacy
tradition of industrial banking state
economic policies industrialisation mussolini
battle for lira (1926)
deflation from great depression and rising prices and increasing import levels
was 154l to the pound now 90l to the pound
economic policies industrialisation nasser
invested in construction of aswan high dam, for necessary energy and water for industrialisation
centralised economic planning system to coordinate economic activities and ad allocate resoures efficently
expansion/international for economic policies mussolini
great depression
IRI helped to mitigate the worst effects of the great dep.
unemployment to over 2 million by 1933
social policies women
1956, egypt passes law prioritising discrimination based on gender
more women in technical and professional positions
restrictons on what women could wear
restricted political groups (independent feminist organisations dissolved
family planning
women got the vote
social policies women mussolini
1933: state limited state jobs to 10% for women
mid 1920s women excluded from certain jobs
personal life stuff
1925, women given the vote in local elections, 1926, local elections abolished
social policies minorities nasser
limited activities of social political groups
torture tactics
eg. gov used violence against muslim brotherhood
50,000 nubians displaced by construction of aswan high dam
bobes/amazigh excluded from arab national vision
social policies minorities mussolini
anti semitism fits with general nationalistic aim and imperial expansion and romanita
up to 1936, no anti semitism policies
july 1938 charter for race
excluded jewish children and teachers from schools, banned marriages, owning estates, some senior fascists were unhappy with this
education social policies mussolini
15% women at uni in 1938 (6% in 1914)
education social policies nasser
25% students were women
impact of policies on women, education, mussolini
10% limit on employment for women
1914, 6% women in he, in 1938 it was 15%
impact of policies on women, educaiton, nasser
family planning
25% of people in HE were women
impact of policies on women, idealogy, nasser
1956 egypt passes law prohibiting discrimination based on gender
more women in tehcnical and professional positions
restrictions on what women coul dwear, veil
impact of policies on women,idealogy, mussolini
stay at home
personal life
short, sturdy
no makeup or cosmetics
impact of policies on women, legal methods, nasser
restricted political groups, independent feminist organisations dissolved
women got the vote in 1956
impact of policies on women, legal methods, mussolini
Authoritarian control and extent it was achieved
nasser more so, nasser recalled, mussolini killed
politically, psi/ppi vs muslim brotherhood
chruch and monarchy vs nothing
nasser recalling
nasser resigns in june 1967, due to egyptian army’s defeat in 6 day war on june 5th 1967)
the day after he was recalled, died of a heart attack 1970
mussolini killing
1943: mussolini overthrown and imprisoned by his former colleagues n the fascist gov.
mussolini looking for a way out of power at this time
grand council passed to give more power to the king
after mussolini’s 20 min meeting with the king, he was told general badoglio gaining pm powers.
on way out, mussolini was arrested
no widespread sackings so most were not fascist in the 1920s
mainly in army leadership and civil service relaised that membership was a good way to get promoted. both largely loyal to the duce in order to advance.
dozens of judges jailed for failing to support fasicsts in court cases. no trial, mussolini gave his own sentences
muslim brotherhood and authoritarian control
muslim brotherhood underground by 1954
mukbahrat 10,000
mussolini authoritarin control politically
infiltrated social organisations
not massively useful
blackshirt violence
church and monarchy vs nothing
1929 agreement between the church and mussolini
pope gives public support to mussolini
£1000 million compensation and recog of vatican city