auth states final essay plans Flashcards
economic conditions on the rise of power for nasser
Economic dependence on Britian allowed nasser to gain support through the growing discontent in the public and fueled anti colonial sentiments
Agricultural reform: land owners only allowed 200 feddans of land. This only redistributed about 15% of land under cultivation. Helped gain support from rural population.
- Harsh depression in 1930s = majority just above poverty line
- Average per capita income 1/10th that in GB
- Farmers and landless labourers far below that
- Fewer than 6% landowners owned 65% cultivatable land
- More than 77% (over 5s) were illiterate
- Life expectancy 36
- Rural poverty led to burgeoning urban slums * Few workers’ rights (unions run by the state) * Robert Stephens sees the rich-poor divide as akin to pre-Revolutionary France – the pashas disappointed – led to failure of Parliamentary democracy p 13The government were mainly drawn from high-ranking ‘pashas’ who seemed more set on maintaining power than economic reform
- Immediate postwar period see unemployment and a weak economy
economic conditions on the rise of power for mussolini
War: wartime government shad [rinted money to pay for arms so inflation increased. By the end of 1920, the lira was worth only one sixth of its 1913 value.
Bienno Rosso: strikes, mass worker demonstrations and high unemployment. 1663 industrial strikes in 1919
weaknesses of political systems for rise of power of nasser
7.Abdin Palace Coup or 4 Februrary incident
*2 prime ministers assassinated between 104- ad 1950. Minority governments. Hope returned 1950 with wafd party.
* In October 1951, PM Nahas Pasha ended the 1936 Treaty - GB proposed MEDO (a middle eastern NATO) instead, but Egypt rejected it * Egypt adopted a policy of non-cooperation with GB relating to the Canal Zone (labour, goods)
* In Ismailia GB troops fired on auxiliary police they suspected of supporting Suez liberation (41 killed and 71 wounded)
* This led to ‘Black Saturday’ (25 Jan. 1952) attacks and looting. King tried to appoint politicians – but couldn’t manage (not until Nasser)
* For Stephens ‘The King, the Wafd and the British who between the had ruled Egypt for the previous thirty years had now between them made Egypt ungovernable’ – the army now arose as the most powerful element in Egyptian politics. The British the target
weaknesses of political systems for rise of power of nasser
1.Liberal italy: couldn’t build an empire so dissatisfaction from nationalists (who saw a growth in their party membership), loss of war increases this
2.Fiume crisis 1919
Fear of socialism:
Strikes, violence and food riots gave the impression of a society on the edge - land was occupied by soldiers, farms by farm workers and factories by workers, support for Socialism was growing which terrified middle classes
The 1919 and 1921 Elections: were a disaster for the Liberals and increased political instability - the Socialists and the Popolari became the main parties in the Chamber, and fiercely opposed each other
impact of war on rise to power for nasser
WW2: increased nationalism, italy had attacked neutral egypt in 1940,
8.Arab Israeli War (impact of war)
impact of war on rise to power for mussolini
Terra Irredenta: nationalists believed italy ought to have more of an empire, in austrio hungarian territories like trentino and trieste
1.5 million casulties in WW1
Humiliation from caperetto
- economically
* The rapid demobilisation of over 4 million troops resulted in unemployment figure of 2 million
* Post-war inflation hit, and the lira lost half it’s value
* Rising prices
* Inflation wipes out the savings of the middle classes
* Strikes in the North
* 1920 occupation of factories by workers
* Land on large estates forcibly occupied by returning soldiers
Bad harvests of 1919 and 1920 lead to rise in Socialist support
social division for rise to power of nasser
9.Free officers
1952 coup: toppling of King farouk by the free officers
Less division as most anti British, allowed military coup.
social division for rise to power of mussolini
Workers discontent, support for socialists
Bitter returning soldiers
Inflation wipes out the savings of the middle classes
use of legal methods for consolidation and maintenance of power for nasser
12.New constitiution 1956
10.Anglo Efyptian Policy
Nasser called for a national union, all the egyptain parties to come under the leadership of the RCC. Creating a one party state which would exclude all opposition groups (banned). Nasser embarked on a policy of political repression. Groups such as the communists and extreme nationalists, who were unwilling to cooperate with the new gov’s were to be suppressed.
use of legal methods for consolidation and maintenance of power for mussolini
acerbo law
if maintenance as well
kellogg briand pact
stresa front
closer relations with nazi germany
charismatic leadership for consolidation and maintenance of power for mussolini
As the Associated Press wrote in 1922, his “career has been distinguished by his virile and forceful traits of character, his magnetism and eloquence.”
charismatic leadership for consolidation and maintenance of power for nasser
cult of mussolini
“I have not, in fact, been a dictator, because my power was no more than the will of the Italian people” 1944
dissemination of propaganda for consolidation and maintenance of power for nasser
Control of radio, newspapers, censorship
dissemination of propaganda for consolidation and maintenance of power for mussolini
Control of radio, newspapers, censorship
Nature, extent and treatment of opposition for consolidation and maintenance of power for nasser
11.Assassination attempt
- Nasser made a particular target of the Muslim Brotherhood.
- Initially, the Brotherhood had welcomed the Free Officers’ revolution since it expected that it would lead to the establishment of an Islamic republic.
- However, when Nasser made it clear that Egypt was to remain a secular state the Brotherhood quickly turned against him.
- he ordered it to be closed down in January 1954.
- In justification for such suppression Nasser pointed to the uncompromising opposition of the Muslim Brotherhood
Nature, extent and treatment of opposition for consolidation and maintenance of power for mussolini
Matteotti crisis
Aventine session
page 23 liberation rallies
pre page 39
Successes and failures of foreign policy for consolidation and maintenance of power for mussolini
- ango egyptian treaty
Successes and failures of foreign policy for consolidation and maintenance of power for nasser
corfu 1923
Economic, cultural, social, political policies for consolidation and maintenance of power for mussolini
- John Hite and Chris Hinton (1998) argue that Mussolini had three main economic aims:
- To consolidate his political system (and authority)
- To move towards autarky (self-sufficiency)
- To provide a foundation for expansion (empire)
- BUT, he inherited:
- Few raw materials
- A North-South divide
- Low literacy
- Tradition of industrial-banking-state links
13.Phases of policies
D williamson, M.Vadja, Edward Tannenbaum, Mark Robson
Pg 29
impact of policies on women and minorities in consolidation and maintenance of power for mussslini
In 1933: limit of 10% on state jobs for women
Measrues intensified from 1936 as methods below had limited impact:
propaganda, campaigns stressing importance of marriage
Financial rewards
Ceremonies and prizes
Pressyre and prohibition
Women excluded from certain jobs
In 1925, women granted vote in local elections, then they stopped local elections.
Battle for births: to increase italy’s population from 37 million in 1920 to 60 million by 1950.
Birth rates continued to decline
Popualtion rose 45 million in 1940.
Average age of marriage rose and marriage rate fell
Economic, cultural, social, political policies for consolidation and maintenance of power for nasser
impact of policies on women and minorities in consolidation and maintenance of power for nasser
Authoritarian control and extent it was achieved in consolidation and maintenance of power for mussolini
Mussolini had to deal with church and monarchy
Pg 68 in fascist policies one note
Todd and Waller: “he was determined to enforce a dictatorship that would be independent of the ras. The authoritarian regime that mussolini presided over between 1925 and 1945 was thus a personal rather than a fascist party dictatorship.”
Authoritarian control and extent it was achieved in consolidation and maintenance of power for nasser
- egypt made a police state
Army * Secret police – Mukhabarat – 10,000 * Controlled trade unions * Government controlled media – TV, radio, by 1970 most urban homes - not all non-government newspapers closed down but secret police kept watch * Fedayeen – Egyptian civilian nationalists – supporters of Nasser * No protest - By 1960, 8,000 Islamists and 10,000 communists had been imprisoned along with hundreds of army officers. * Arab Socialist union (ASU) The new name given in 1962 to the National Union, the sole party allowed to function legally in Egypt. * Prison camps – state terror never on scale of China – 6 main camps – brutal – mostly communist and Islamic * Jews – not anti-semitic but anti-Zionist (creation of Israel depriving Arabs of land) – did put 500 in prison following 6 day war in 1967
How far did Nasser achieve a tolitarian state
persuasion and coercion for rise of power of nasser
14.Pg 25 Nasser triumphant
persuasion and coercion for rise to pwoer of mussolini
15.Mussolini and becoming PM pg 59 power in four days
Threat of coup Pg 58
role of leaders for rise of power of nasser
Member of free officers, became their chairman, able to assert influence. Set up RCC on hearing that king about to arrest them – stated intention to create democracy
Excerpt from “Nasser” by Jean Lacouture, published by Secker & Warburg, uK, 1973, p. 78.” * “Egypt was a triptych of suffering, anger and humiliation. In the villages, the peasantry was being exploited unbearably. In the Canal Zone the guerrilla war against the British had assumed a ferocity very costly in human lives. In Cairo, the royal court pursued its depravity and intrigues to the point of nausea, and Egypt was about to vomit.”
Excerpt from “Egypt’s Liberation: The Philosophy of Revolution by G.A. Nasser”, quoted in “Nasser” by Anthony Nutting, published by Constable, London, uK, 1972, p. 51 * “If anyone had asked me in those days what I wanted most, I would have answered promptly – to hear an Egyptian speak fairly about another Egyptian.“
- June 1953, the RCC proclaimed that the monarchy was abolished and that Egypt was a republic.
- Neguib was declared to be president both of the Republic and the RCC, with Nasser named as vice-president.
- Neguib was the figurehead of the revolution but it was Nasser who directed it.
- Between 1952 and 1954, Nasser supported Neguib and declined to stand against him.
- Neguib, as an established elder officer with a proud Palestine War record, gave the new regime respectability, if not legitimacy.
role of leaders for rise to power of mussolini
Giolitti (PM) included Fascist candidates in his list of government in 1921, making the Fascist party more respectable
Ras leader Balbo used 50,000 unemployed followers to occupy Ferrara and forced the council to set up schemes to give them work
Facist violence increased and squadristi esp in north. PM Facta did nothing to deal or negotaite with Mussolini or to end the violence
idealogy of rise to power of nasser
1952 coup was a vague Egyptian nationalism. One of its first acts was land distribution
Mainly anti British
Anti Zionist
idealogy of rise to pwoer of mussolini
- Abolishing the monarchy
- Confiscating wealth of Church
- Increasing peasant ownership
- Increasing tax on rich
….. very Socialist really - Nationalist pride
- Strength
- Glory
- Family values
- Nationalism
- Anti socalism
- Strong, decisive leadership
- Answer to threat of Communism
Fascism had become more conservative by 1921, opposing Communism and Socialism appealing to middle classes. Promoted family values and opposed divorce. (got church on its side).
Not a very clear ideology, Mussolini started on left and moved to extreme right. Action and mood, not doctrine. No coherent and unified ideological root for fascism (cohesive strategy by 1930s?)
Early view: against liberalism, socialism, democracy, econ conception of history, centrality of class war. For action, nation, authority and state. anti communist, anti socialist, state as an absolute.
“Mussolini was an extraordinary tactician, but his skill at monoeuvre was due in part to the absence of any ethical foundation or an overall political vision.” - A. de Grand, 1982
use of force for rise of power of mussolni
- Facist violence increased and squadristi esp in north.
Mattotti (acerbo law)
use of force for nasser rise to power
1952 23rd july coup
1954 coup
use of propaganda for nasser rise to power
Secret society before coup so deliberately isn’t any pg 17 pamphlets
use of propaganda for mussolini rise to power
Secret society before coup so deliberately isn’t any pg 17 pamphlets
Popolari pg 44
Fasces as the logo.
“Today in Italy is not the time for history; nothing is yet concluded. It is the time for myths.” 1922
Journalism, speech making
Pg 52
Mass rallies