condensed essay plans final p2 Flashcards
economic causes sv
land reforms/rural unrest
workers conditions/natural resources
socio economic divide
land reforms/rural unrest s
1930: 46% of spanish pop directly involved in agriculture
by 1919 freq episodes of unrest
land reforms v
move to collective farming
by end of 1956, over 265,000 hectares ofland had been redistributed
initiated 1935 by HCM
cadres role to identify landlords
50,000 executed
land reforms v
move to collective farming
by end of 1956, over 265,000 hectares ofland had been redistributed
initiated 1935 by HCM
cadres role to identify landlords
50,000 executed
workers condiitons/natural resources s
trade unions formed
long hours, poor housing, little warfare provision
1931 wage cuts
rise in membership to FNTT
over 1,000,000 in 1932
workers conditions/natural resources v
lots of rubber in s.v. four times as much between 1960 and 1970
in ww2, japan invaded causing a famine leading to 200,000 dead vietnamese
impovrished peassants in south supported the land reforms and didnt like htem ( wanted to improve evon and stick to trad way of life)
socio economic divide s
industry limited in 19thC and 20thC and mostly in north and catlonia
workers faced low wages, long hours, poor housing and little warfare proviison.
centres of industrial develo[ment in the economically dynamic north
rest of country dependent on feudalistic agricultural system where the peasants in the south lived under miserable coniditons as they worked on the vast estates of the rich
econ causes ww
alliances, rivalries, trade agreements, imbalances
economic depression
alliances rivalries, trade agreements/imbalances ww1
1914: gb least amount of military and naval personnel. russia: 1,352,000 germany: 891000
agricultural depression: falling prices, increase in competition from overseas markets and declining soil fertility
imbalances in flow of good and capital between countries which destabilised european economy
some countries had defiticts, others had surplus’.
alliances, rivalries, trade agreements, imbalances ww2
japan v limited, dependent on exports of oil, iron, rubber to fuel industrialization and military expansion
sought to acquire more via SE Asia, and the pacific, which it brought into conflict with other powers like gb, us
econ sanctions on japan such as oil embargo
militarism ww1
uneven econ dev
arms race: gb had 19 dreadnoughts, germany had 13
fear of germany encouraged france and russia to ally in 1894
germany cloesr to ah
triple entente: gb, fr, r
triple alliance: g, i, ah
militarism ww2
japans aggressive expansion
desire for territorial and economic nationalism
embrace of militarism and nationalism
aggressive foreign policy
greater e.a. co prosperity sphere 1940
exclude western powers
comp with us
economic depressions ww1
national debt of germany trying to expand as territory
rapid industrialisation to over industrialisation to economic recession and unemployment
uneven economic development. germany growing and russia struggling to keep up militarily
econ depression ww2
sought to acquire new territories and resources to fuel its struggling econ
from 1929-31, agricultural prices fell 40%
rural impovrishment
people disappointed with party govs and became more militarist and right wing
idealogical causes ww
alliances and rivalries
economically idealogical cause ww1
national debt of eg germany when trying to expand its territory
rapid industrialisation to over industrialisation to econ recession and unemployment
economically idealogical cause ww2
econ dep. sought to acquire new territories and resources to fuel its struggling economy
from 1929-31, agricultural prices fell 40%
rural impovrishment
people disappointed with party govs and become more militarist na dmore right wing
idealogical causes ww
nationalism and isolationism and germany bitter about TOV
nationalism and isolationism and germany bitter about tov s
1930: 46% of spanish pop in agriculture
1919: freq episodes of unrest
trade unions with cnt and ugt
long hours, poor housing little welfare provision
1931 wage cuts
rise in membership to fntt
territorial causes sv
catalonia and basque independence and vietnam independence from french colonialists
political and social divide
land reforms
catalonia and basque independence and vietnam independence from french colonialists s
industry limited in 19th and 20th c and mostly in north and catalonia
workers faced low wages, long hours, poor housing
centres of industrial dev
rest of country dpeendent on feudalistic agricultural system where the peasants in the south lived under miserable conditons as they worked on the vast estates of the rich
vietnam independence from french colinialists
north comm
south cap
french since 1874
taking rice/rubber back to their countries
political and social divide s
fasicsm vs socialism
pop front want church and land reform, gains vote
nat and army want trad power systems
psoe grew in latae 19thC
post 1917, a small comm part emerged
army, church and monarchists supported the conservatives and the fascists
poor, the repuvlicans, reformers, proletariat, peasantry and minorities
political and social divide v
forced wersternisation angered viet nationlaist
snorth, more econ growth tna dev. ussr and china
sourth, characteristed by corruption, nepotism, repression. widespread dissatisfaction
us and other nations (domino theory)
geneva accords 1954, put north under communist control
much more diverse in the south some catholis, with the north all buddhists
land reforms in s
huge estates owned by latifundia/grandees in politics
1930: 46% of spanish pop directly involved in agriculture.
by 1919, frequent episodes of unrest
land reforms v
move to collective farming
by end of 1956, over 360,000 hectares of land had been redistributed
initated 1935 by HCM
cadres role to identify landlords
50,000 executed
short term causes ww
franz ferdinand and pearl harbour
mobilisation (naval race and jap expansion)
diplomatic failures
franz ferdinand ww1
28th june 1914
gavrilo princeps
germany backed AH
rusisa backed serbia
pearl harbour ww2
dec 7th 1941
2400 americans killed
damaging numerous ships and airplanes
diplomatic failures ww1
ultimateum of serbia
no serb nationalist organisations
thought a quick war was possible
system of alliances
mobilisation plans were hard to back down on
diplomatic failures ww2
econ sanctions (oil embargo on japan from us) 1941
tripartite pact 1940
hull note: japan refused to withdraw from china and renew alliance with germany and italy
practices of war
air ww1
aircraft inc zeppelin, had easy manouevrability and firepower
interruptor gear
machine guns, fired from plane
tearing gas, asphyxiaiants, blistering agents, chlorine gas, mustard gas
air ww2
aircraft carrier
battle of coral sea
first war ever where opposing fleets didnt see eachother
hard to produce and train people to use
proximity fuse
detonatned an anti aircraft shell when near an airplane rather than direct hit
effectiveness proven at pearl harbour
used more
land ww1
trench warare
defense side trench
barbed wire
poison gas
trench runners
semaphore flags 12w/min
heliograph lamps
100k carrier pigeons
gun 600/min to 1200/min
allowed fast mobilisation
land ww2
us utilised navajo speakers and used them as code talkers
could codecode, transmit by wireless/telephone and decode a message very fast
japan never cracked the code
sea ww1
13 dreadnoughts for germany
19 dreadnoughts for gb
aim was to attack enemy economically by destroying ships
1914-15 german high seas fleet
hit and run strategy
u boat blocked enemy without needing large fleet
sea ww2
japan late to catch on
believed in light sea attacks
had to develop amphibious landings
could carry 25-200 men
us dukw/alligator (drive forwards onto beach)
duplex drive (swim to shore)
extent of mobilisation ww
human mobilisation ww1
all women encouraged to take up jobs
womens battalion 1917
all countries had a conscription before 1914 except britain and USA
encouraging community enlistment/pals regiments
human mobilsiation ww2
japanese draft 10% of po
mobilizing women and children to work in factories and other industries
in USA, 16 mil people in armed forces
economic mob in ww1
mobilised factories and produce weapons, ammunition (british factory of munitions)
gov took control of factories
women recruited into workforce to replace soldiers
trade blockades
economic mob ww2
orders fo rmunitions with existing firms
new factories
conversion of existing factories into wartime production
provided incentives for factories to produce munitions
war effort: 56 billion
japan used taxation, borrowing, printing money
china relied o n loans
us increased military spending by 10x
japan rationed food, fuel, clothes for war effort
social/eval mob ww1
telegraph and telphone lines
military commanders could talk to troops
posters newspapers
social/eval mob ww2
blackout drills
posters, films, radio
successes and failures of peacemaking
position in the world
international agreements
continuing conflicts
posititon in the wrold
spain staued neutral in ww2
allowed german aircraft adn submarine to use Spanish facilities
position in the world v
saigon market crash
us oil embargo until 1994
closer ties with commuist countries
impressed the world
doctor vs waiter money
international agreements s
nationalists won
more support for italy and germany
international agreements v
un member 1977
paris peace accords 1973
aimed to restore peace
failed in 1975
continuing conflicts s
francoist repression
white terror
spanish marquis (guerrilas well into franco)
continuing conflcits v
cap vs comm
cold war
position in the world ww1
usa helped in war torn economies
emergenc e of new states
tov for german reparations
germany restricted
positon int he world ww1
usa helped war torn economies
emergence of new states
tov for german reparations
germany restricted
position in the wolrd ww2
usa mad ehuge superpower
japan had to return manchura and was demilitarised
international agreements ww1
tov 1919
lon 1919
many mroe small treaties
international agreements ww2
nato fomred by usa
potsdam dec
– demilitarise
- deradicalise
- surveillance
- occupation adn surveillance
continuing conflicts ww1
russan civil war 1917-22
other smaller wars
mainly led up to ww2
continuing conflicts ww1
russan civil war 1917-22
other smaller wars
mainly led up to ww2
continuing conflicts ww2
battleground for cod war conflict
up to 1000 military bases
political repurcussions ww
power balance
political repurcussions ww1
france, strong divide between right and left
gb, growing nationalism in colonies. democratic system affirmed
germans, abdication of kaisar, more nationalism
russia poor management
tsar resings
loss of faith in monarchies and political polarization
power balance ww2
us emerges as superpower
gains some pacific territories like guam
economy had expanded enormously
gained territory in far east
peackeeping ww1
woodrow wilson
usa didnt join
gen assembly, council, secretariat
peacekeeping ww2
demise of european colonialism
many colinies gained independence
colonial press weakened
formation of e.u.
econ impact
infrastrucfture effects s
3000 bridges
comms lost
infrastructure v
600 bridges lost
9 capitals
9000 villages
trade s
due to lack of security and infrastructure
blockade imposed by nationalsits on republican held ports
couldn’t get weapons
enforced by Italy
shortage of food, fuel etc
trade v
econ sanctons and trade embargoes by us on vietnam
seerre infrastructure damage
south v dependent on us
many countries disrupted
18 billion from usa
industry s
lots f machienry had to be replaced
from 1956 economy began to mdoernise
15% wealth destroyed
spain had to focus on self sufficency
indsutry v
saigon market crash
us econ embargo until 1994
us dollar
invaded cambodia
food porduction fell due to chemicals
social and demographic impact sv
death toll and consequences for losers
political demographic change
women para s
role diminished post war
unmarried women aged 18-35 had to tdo 6 months training
r: propaganda to emphasise family
n: no such efforts were made
n: no fem revolts allowed, promoted trad gender roles
r: mujeres libres had 30,000 women
women para v
gov impkemented policies that aimed to promote women
gov didn’t allow feminist orgs
newly powerful socialists campaigned for ed.
reunificaton in 1976 allowed women to take on pol. leadership.
1960 marriage and family law (no forced marriages, wife beating etc.
woment o occupy 35% jobs
death toll and lsoers s
170,000 dead
killing continued after war via white terror
re-ed camps
punishments for republicans
o distinction between civilians and losers
land redistribution
death toll and losers v
boat people
50,000 dead
conc camps
awfulr refugee camps
socio poltiical change demographic s
franco dictatorship
ruled in itnerest of pre war elites
no democracy or parties
ed opps restricted
white terror
killing of thousands of repiblicans and exodus of half a million spaniards
1939 law of political responsibility made support of republicans punishable by law
socio political change demographic v
new communist gov sent people connected to sv regime to conc campps for re-ed for years
pres thieu of the south had less support of cahtolics and buddhists (the few supporters he had)
bombs, shells, napalm, chemicals and mines generated refugees in south. 2-4 mil
ref camp conditions terrible
nationalisation of industry and commerce 1971
farmer problem
land redistribution
9000 villages destroyed
pres thieru of soth had less support of Catholics and buddhists
women ww
in war
socially women ww1
1918 peoples act
some owmen coudl vote
socially women ww2
some jap women coudl vote
employment women ww1
employees still watned men despite them being 26 shillings nad women 11
90% of munitions workers were women
1918: 46.7% women working
employment women ww2
many worked in agriculture
comfort women
rape of nnaking
worked less labour intensive jos
clerical workers
90% women working
work in war women ww1
woemns aux corps and nacy and air forces
womens aux corps disbanded 1919 (around after war)
non combatants typically
work inw ar women ww2
nat volunteer comabt force
conscripted men 15-60
women 17-60 join
tained by army and had resources (britian didn’t)