Motor Control Systems Flashcards
A simple, highly stereotyped, and unlearned response to a particular stimulus.
Motor plan
A plan for action in n.s. (Ex crawling)
Closed-loop control mechanisms
Maximize accuracy. Provides flow of info from whatever is being controlled to the device that controls it.
Open-loop control mechanism
Maximizes speed. Feedback from the output of the system is not provided to input control. Makes ballistic movements.
Tissue that connects muscles to bones
A muscle that counteracts the effect of another muscle
A muscle that acts together with another muscle.
Pull towards body
Pull away from body
Primary motor cortex (M1)
In most posterior part of frontal cortex.
Nonprimary motor cortex
Supplementary- lateral part of frontal lobe
Premotor cortex- medial part of frontal lobe
Fast-twitch muscle fibers
Act quickly and fatigue quickly.
Slow-Twitch muscle fibers
Slower to respond but have endurance
Neuromuscular junction(NMJ)
The point where the nerve transmits ya message to the muscle fiber
Innervation ratio
The ratio expressing the number of muscle fibers innervated by a single motor axon.