Motor Control Flashcards
What is a motor programme?
Once a decision has been made and a plan of action has been chosen we need to organise the commands to the muscles so that the action can be carried out. The memory of this action is called a motor programme.
Nature/ characteristics of a motor programme
A generalised series or pattern of movements stored in the long term memory
Established in the long term memory through constant practice
It is brought about by making one decision
It is established in the long term memory by feedback, reinforcement and watching role models
What is an executive motor programme?
Each subroutine makes up the overall motor programme. When each movement is linked together they form an executive motor programme
What is level 1 open loop control?
This level of control is used when the motor programme has been overlearned or grooved. The motor programme is sent to the working muscles via a memory trace. A memory trace initialised the movement but doesn’t control it.
When is open loop control used?
Quick, ballistic actions of well learned skills or movements
There is no feedback involved in the production of the skill because it is automatic and the skill happens so quickly
Once the skill has started it cannot be adjusted
Why is open loop control used by autonomous performers?
Skill performed with little or no conscious thought
Increased capacity to attend to peripheral stimuli
Memory trace is already established so movement is automatic
What is closed loop control, level 2
This level of control used intrinsic of kinaethetic feedback during the performance. It is received by the muscles closing the feedback loop. This is feedback via proprioception
Memory trace initiates the movement and the perceptual trace monitors the performance. It compare what is happening with what is stored
If the comparison doesn’t match them subconscious corrections are made. These corrections are stored in the long term memory
Give an example of closed loop control level 2
Skiing- making adjustments to keep balance
Correct movements are reinforced
What is level 3 closed loop control?
Involved feedback using the brain as well as the muscles. This is because conscious effort is required to control the skill
Feedback may be external at this level
Control is done consciously so any adjustments made are slower, uncoordinated and jerky
There is a larger feedback loop than level 2 because of the attention required
What are novel responses?
Responses in sport are often spontaneous, creative and unusual