Motivation I Flashcards
desire to achieve a goal or certain performance level, leading to goal directed behavior.
- must important thing a leader does is motivate employees
factors of job performance
motivation * ability * environment = performance
- need based theory
- basic needs we need to fulfil, and we don’t consider others until then
- as we satisfy basic needs, it no longer serves as a motivator
MASLOW’S limiations
- people have multiple needs at a time
- different order of needs is possible
ERG Theory
▪ Existence → Maslow’s physiological/safety needs
▪ Relatedness → Maslow’s social needs
▪ Growth → Maslow’s self-esteem and actualization needs
- Relaxes assumption that there is a particular order of needs and acknowledges that
more than one need can operate at a time
ERG limitations
lack of precise definitions of a need makes it difficult to measure what exactly needs are
two factor theory
- certain aspects of work environment either satisfy or dissatisfy employees
two factor motivators
factors that are intrinsic to the job that create engagement
2 factor: hygiene Factos
factors that are extrinsic to the job that create discontentment
2 factor limitations
2 factors is overly simplistic
hygiene factors ex.
co. policy, supervision and relationships, working conditions, salary, security
motivators ex.
achievement, recognition, interesting work, increased responsibility, advancement and growth
acquired needs theory
individuals acquire three types of needs as a result of life experience:
achievement, affiliation, power
acquired needs limitations
neglects basic needs
limited number of motivators
process based theory
motivation is more than action aimed at satisfying a need