Ethics Flashcards
Ethical Theories
attempts to provide a clear account for what our moral obligations are
Ethical theory that judges whether something is right by outcomes or consequences
- the end justify the means
- ex. lying is wrong, but lying is the right thing to do if it could save someone’s life
Consequentialism Forms
▪ Utilitarianism: Greatest good for
greatest number of people
▪ Hedonism: Something is good if it
produces pleasure or avoids pain
- can be pragmatic and efficient
- focuses on collective and not just individual benefit
- can be difficult or impossible to know result of action
- leads to objectionable decisions even if consequences are good
ethical theory that uses rules to distinguish between right and wrong
- dont seal, cheat.
- ex. : An engineer learns a nuclear
missile is about to be launched and can hack the network to cancel launch, but this would violate rule of “breaking
in without permission”
Deontology forms
- rights: respects and protects fundamental rights of others
- categorical imperative: would a rule be acceptable if it became universal?
Deontology Strengths
- more easily applicable
- less subjectivity and uncertainty
Deontology weakness
- Disregards possible consequences of actions
- can produce results many people find unacceptable
Ethical theory that focuses on moral character of a person
- follow your moral compass
- ex: a virtuous person should work on treating all human beings equally through practice and habit
Virtue Example
- courage
- honesty
- temperance
virtue strengths
- gives people guiding framework without specific rules
- focuses on growth and development
virtue weakness
- some virtues are inconsistent with others
- no consistent application across cultures
Challenge of Ethics
- many people fail to recognize when they are dealing with an ethical dilemma
- each ethical perspective has its pros and cons
- ethical frameworks are often in conflict with one another
Ethics Problems aren’t created
by unethical people.
- failure to have an ethical code leads people to make questionable decisions in the moment
Justifiable rationale
It is of the utmost importance you can provide a justifiable rationale for your decisions and actions
moral reasoning
- begin with an opinion
- seek the ethical principle on which this opinion is based
- Revisit the principle when confronted with a situation that calls the principle into question