Attitudes & Behaviors Flashcards
opinions and feelings about aspects of our environment
attitudes and behaviors
behavior at work depends on how we feel about being there.
att. is a strong predictor of behavior
- happy workers are more engaged therefore more productive
organizational commitment
the emotional attachment people have towards the company they work for
psychological contract
unwritten understanding of what employee will bring and what co will offer in exchange
- breach leads to lower JS and OC
Organizational Justice
people pay attention to the fairness of co. policies and procedures
JS predictors
core self evaluations: high self-efficacy & internal locus of control
OC predictors
OCEAN: agreeableness
person-job fit
degree to which a person’s KSAs match job demand
Person-org. fit
degree to which a person’s values, personalities, and goals match that of the company.
Preferred job characteristics
skill variety,
task identity- identifiable piece of contribution,
task significance- affect other’s wellbeing, autonomy, feedback
role ambiguity, role conflict - contrary demands at work, org. politics, job insecurity
work-life balance
family-supportive workplace policies tend to predict positive job attitudes
Job performance/ in-role performance
degree to which an employee successfully fulfils the factors included in the job description
JP- major predictors
General mental ability/ emotional intelligence
- Conscientiousness/ agreeableness
-Job satisfaction
citizenship behaviors
behaviors that are more discretionary or extra-role
- voluntary behaviors employees perform to help others or benefit organizations
Major predictors- CB
▪Conscientiousness/ agreeableness
▪ Organizational commitment
▪ Organizational justice
▪ Age
Performance reviews myths
- only based on in role description
- based on objective set of criteria
- provide motivation for employees to improve
Performance review biases
selective perception:
- first impressions
- halo or horns effect
- stereotypes
performance reviews biases
- liking the employee
- leniency - Managers may have desire to avoid
confrontation which makes reviews relatively useless - stereotypes
unscheduled absences from work cost employers -21-22% of total payroll
Major predictors
- poor job attitudes
- work - life balance issues
- poor health
employee departure from an organization
voluntary turnover
initiated by employee
initiated by organization.
- can lead to major drop-offs in co. quality and productivity
Counterproductive Behaviors
intentional behaviors that harm an organization
ex: abusing others, production deviances, theft, sabotage, tardiness