Monitoring and managing Udder HEalth Flashcards
How should we approach monitoring of udder health?
- (Identify the presenting problem (e.g. SCC Vs CM))
- Obtain an accurate history
- Analyse the available data (diagnose the pattern)
- Make relevant on farm observations (weigh the risks)
- Collect & analyse appropriate samples
- Establish a plan for control
What is the timeline of lactation?
How classical approach to mastitis investigation?
- Milk sample → bacteriology → diagnose bacteria → predict
behaviour → identify likely risk factors → establish controls - On farm risk assessment + bacteriology
What pattern analysis approach can we use alos?
- CM / SCC data → diagnose behaviour → identify likely risk factors
→ establish controls - Pattern diagnosis + targeted risk assessment
What KEY QUESTIONS for udder health?
- PResentation - is the main issue high SCC or clinical-mastitis ?
- Origin - dry or lactation?
- Bhvr - environmental or contagious ?
What to identify with subclinical mastitis?
- % cows recording >200K cells/ml
- Culling Rate
What to identify with clinical mastitis?
- Clinical case rate
- Recurrence rate
- Clinical cure rate
- High severity / mortality
- Culling Rate
What case rates with clinical mastitis?
Targets for subclin mastitis?
Make a table of which pathogens are contagious or environmental ?
Make a table of which pathogens are major vs minor ?
Compare contagious and envronmental bhvr of pathogens
How do we grade mastitis?
What observations should we be looking at?
- Management
- Environment
- Dairy cows
What risk factors for environmental mastitis?
- Poor environmental hygiene
- High stocking density
- Organic bedding substrates
- Cubicle & passageway design
- Poor ventilation
- Milk leakage
- Nutrition, NEBAL, rumen health & faecal consistency
- Milking plant dysfunction & teat hyperkeratosis
- Milking routine
What risk factors to contagious mastitis ?
> Milking routine
* Post-milking teat prep absent / poor technique
* No segregation of high-risk / low-risk cows
* No cluster disinfection
> Milking plant dysfunction
* Vacuum reserve & pulsation
* Liner fatigue / slip
* Cleaning & disinfection cycle
* Maintenance & servicing
What is a N(1) TEat score?
No ring -> no callosity ring present at the end of the teat
Smooth ring or slight callosity ring (parakeratosis)
Rough ring -> hyperkeratosis of the teat epidermis and eversion of the teat end
VR (4) ?
Very Rough Ring -> hyperkeratosis os the teat epidermis and keratin fronding of the teat orifice
- Severe teat eversion
Cleanliness scoring?
Describe individual milk bacteriology?
- New Clinical MAstitis Cases Pre-tx
- NEw high SCC cows
- CJHronic High SCC cows
Describe bulk milk bacteriology/ qPCR
- Mastitis
- Coliforms
- Psychotrophs
- Thermoducts