Managing and monitoring Urinary dx in produciton Flashcards
How to examine Urinary tract on rectal exam?
- Kidneys -> enlarged; loss of lobulation; pain
- Bladder -> wall thickness, fill, pain
- Ureters )> pulsation, distention
How to examine urinary tract on US ?
- Trans rectal -> caudal parts of the left kidney ; Bladder
- Abdominal -> Ridhe and left kidneys (right paraL fossa)
How to collect urine from cows?
- Wait
- Stimulate vulva and perineum
- Urinary catheterisation
How to collect urine from bulls?
- Massage prepuce or wash with warm water
- Urinary catheterisation
Anatomy for urethral catheterisation?
how to do urinalysis ON FARM?
- Gross inspection -> colour, clarity, odour
- Urine dipstick
- Refractometer
-pH meter
What might red discolouraiton fo urine indicate?
- haematuria
- Haemoglobinuria
- Myoglobinuria
What other things migth impact clarity of urine?
- Cloudiness suggests cellular debris
- Pyuria
- Presence of pus in the urine
-> Need to distinguish between urinary and reproductive origin
Odour of urine?
Foetid if pyuria (e.g. pyelonephritis) or urinary retention
‘pear drops’ if ketotic
Normal volume of urine ?
4 - 19 L /d
What should pH of urine be?
- Normal to alkaline
-> Inc alkalinity with: urolithiasis/cystitis OR metabolic alkalosis
-> Inc acidity with: metabolic acidosis (DCAB); anorexia; Some UTIs
Normal USG of bovine urine?
What might cause proteinuria?
- Nephrosis
- Amyloidosis
- Glomerulonephritis
- Pyelonephritis
- Acorn poisoning
What might we see/ want to know on biochem/haematology to do with urine?
» +/- Anaemia
» +/- Leucocytosis if inflammatory
» +/- Hypoproteinaemia if PLN
» Azotaemia
If red urine with NO sedimentation we have…?
HAemoglobinuria? (maybe myoglobinuria too?)
What two main things cause haemoglobinuria?
-> Infectious
-> Intoxication
Infectious Haemoglobinueia?
- Babesiosis
- Bacilliary haemoglobinuria
Intoxication haemoglobinuria?
- Brassica poisoning
- Copper toxicity
- Acute bracken poisoning
- Water intoxication
- Post-partum haemoglobinuria
Aetiology of babesiosis?
Babesia divergens
Epidemiology of babesia?
- Tick-infected areas (Ixodes ricinus)
- Spring to Autumn
- Non-immune animals at greatest risk
- Age immunity – animals less than 2 years unlikely to suffer from clinical disease
Pathogenesis of babesia?
» RBC intracellular parasite
» Replication cycles followed by cell rupture in association with progressive
* Haemolysis, anaemia and haemoglobinuria
* Spiking fever coincides with cell rupture
* Drops in PCV can be sudden and dramatic
Acute CLs of babesiosis?
- Red urine
- Pyrexia (to 43ºC)
- Anaemia
- Pipe-stem diarrhoea,
- Depression, weakness, ataxia and anorexia
- Abortion
Subacute cLS of babesia?
Immmune animals with transient dullness
Dx & Tx of babesiosis?
» Diagnosis
* History, clinical signs and location
* Identification of the parasite on blood smears
» Treatment
* Imidocarb diproprionate (Imizol)
* (Oxytetracyline)
* Blood transfusion