Anaesthesia & euthanasia (Pigs 7) Flashcards
What uses of Anaesthesia ?
▪Surgery – e.g. vasectomy, castration
▪Management procedures – foot trimming,
Uses of sedation?
▪To limit savaging at farrowing
▪To prevent fighting
What products available for anaesthesia/sedation?
What licensed products for chemical restraints?
- Stresnil (Azaperone) -> CIs for boars & Vietnamese Pot Bellied pigs 0.2-2mg/kg
- Ketamidor (Ketamine) 15-20 mg/kg
What methods for humane killing?
- Blunt force trauma
- Mechanical
- Chemical
Describe blunt force trauma as an option ?
currently under review -> neonates only
Describe mechanical euthanasia?
◦ Captive bolt + secondary action (pithing/bleeding)
◦ Shotgun, rifle or humane killer (requires appropriate license/certificate)
◦ Can be carried out by a veterinary surgeon or a licensed slaughter man
Chemical humane killing?
◦ Pentobarbital sodium (0.7ml/kg rapid IV)± prior sedation
◦ Veterinary surgeon only
Describe use of firearms ?
-> Free bullet or shotgun
-> Captive- bolt equipment
describe free bullet or shotgut use?
❑Licensing requirements
❑Health and safety issues
Describe captive-bolt equipment
❑Secondary operation required to kill animals – pithing or bleeding out
❑Induces prolonged periods of random kicking
Pros/ cons of mechanical methods?
Limited stress
+++ agonal movement
Owners not always receptive
Can appear violent
What are stunners?
Cartridge or air-powered equipment, in which a metal bolt is projected at high speed through and aperture in the muzzle end of the barrel. The bolt does not leave the barrel completely, but is retained and may be returned to its prefiring position.
Must be backed up by destruction of the brain stem (pithing) or bleeding
Restraint usually necessary
Ho to aim with captive bolt gun?
Captive bolt in contact with head
Shotgun, rifle, humane killer ~ 6” or more
away from head
Correct target
Aim for tail not base of jaw
Remember to pith or bleed if required
How does bolt gun work?
▪The bolt impacts on the skull
▪Transfer of energy from the bolt to the skull
▪ Acceleration of the head causing the brain within to be jolted and ‘bounced around’ inside
▪ Massive, sudden increase of pressure in the skull, followed immediately by a decrease of equal
▪Net result is total brain dysfunction
What physical signs of an effective stun?
▪Animal collapses immediately and stops breathing
▪Front legs and neck extended with hind legs flexed into the lower abdomen
▪A fixed glazed expression in the eyes
▪No corneal reflex
▪Relaxed lower jaw with tongue hanging out
What is the foremost sign of a return to consciousness?
Is a resumption of rhythmic breathing
How to tell stun has been ineffective?
animal continues to breathe immediately post-stun
Secondary measure after stun?
▪Bleed out – via a cut across the jugular vein
▪ Consider size of pig, and how easy it is to do this
▪ Very sharp and long blade required
▪ Messy
▪Pithing – using a rod, long screwdriver to similar to destroy the brainstem
YOu need to wait until….
pig has stopped kicking
what to consider with other firearms?
▪ Size and age of animal
▪ Location
▪ Accessibility of the target area
▪ Presence of onlookers
▪ What is safe (and legal)
▪ Operator competence
What venous access for chemical euthanasia?
◦ Cephalic, saphenous and auricular difficult
◦ Jugular and mammary possible
How to immobilise before phenobarb?
Snare or previous sedation
What is a good success method for chemical euthanasia?
Intra-cardiac bolus following heavy sedation