Module 5.1B: Conflict Resolutions Flashcards
What are grievances?
usually formal, documented complaints where the employee believes a law or regulation has been violated by the organization, management, or another employee.
What are the 2 stages to conflict and dispute resolutions?
understanding the problem and resolving the problem
How to Identify the problem?
- use active listening skills. Ask clarifying questions and rephrasing employee’s concerns back to them ensures understanding and gathers information that will be helpful in finding best resolution
- Active listening demonstrates that employees concerns are being taken seriously
How to Identify perspectives?
The problem is the action, or inaction, that has led the employee to complain
HR is better suited to not only identify the best resolution, but also to anticipate the potential responses the involved parties may have to it.
As a result, HR can be planned for possible negative reactions and be prepared to mitigate concerns as necessary.
How to Identify impact?
A problem is not fully comprehended if its impact is not understood
HR is responsible for not only recognizing the immediate impact of a concern, but also any potential ripple effects, such as impact on employee morale, corporate culture, as well as any possible legal ramifications and liability issues.
When an employee lodges a complaint or files a grievance, the problem has already impacted the employee enough that they feel compelled to address it.
It is up to the HR to determine the potential future impacts the problem could have if it continues, as well as the potential impacts if it ceases to occur.
What is the goal of conflict resolution?
The ideal goal of any conflict resolution is to find a solution that fully satisfies all the involved parties.
HR should identify multiple options, evaluate them, determine the best one, implement it, and communicate the resolution as appropriate.
Identify Options
This step involves a lot of brainstorming
It can be helpful and informative for HR to ask each of the involved parties individually what they consider the ideal resolution
In addition to engaging the involved parties in the process of finding a solution, asking for their input can provide a bit more insight into their perspective on the problem or concern.
Evaluate Options
HR needs to strongly consider the impact potential resolutions may have on the organization as a whole.
resolve minor complaints or concerns on their own
HR should work closely with organizational leadership, provided there is no conflict of interest, to evaluate the merit of potential solutions
prudent to review possible resolutions with the organization’s legal department or counsel, if available.
Identify Best Resolution
It is important to identify all the steps that will be implemented, including how, when, and by whom they will be executed.
It is essential to outline when and how follow-up will occur.
bringing different parties together to discuss the issue, including what has or is being done to prevent a similar issue in the future
HR professional serves as a mediator to keep the discussion on the topic and appropriate.
It may be helpful to set guidelines and expectations for the discussion in advance or right at the beginning.
responsible for communicating the resolution with all involved parties, as appropriate.
What is an employee complant?
any concern or problem raised by an employee.
A complaint is an umbrella term that includes serious grievances.
Commonly, complaints are minor concerns, that do not have legal implications or involve outside regulatory agencies. Unresolved complaints may escalate to grievances.
What is a grievance?
A grievance is a serious written complaint that is raised in a formal manner.
Employees file grievances when they believe an organizational policy, procedure, or regulation has been violated.
Throughout the grievance resolution process, HR must be cognizant of any legal risks and potential impacts.
What are employment practices?
Employee complaints and grievances may be lodged about any aspect of the employee–-employer relationship
relate to the policies, procedures, and practices regarding the treatment of employees throughout the employee lifecycle.
Discrimination concerns and fair labor standards violations fall into this category.
What are working conditions?
All employers are required by law to provide a workplace without serious recognized hazards.
designed to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses.
Positive employee relations may help employees approach the HR or the management with concerns directly.
employees who file complaints with OSHA are protected from recrimination under the Whistleblower Act.
What are behavioral issues?
Interpersonal relationships have a large impact on employee satisfaction.
Even seemingly minor disruptive behaviors must be addressed immediately and thoroughly.
Any behavior that could endanger the health and safety of other employees or create a hostile work environment is unacceptable and illegal
An employee alleges that their direct supervisor displays favoritism by allowing another employee to leave early regularly. Employee is being treated for medical issues and taking time off under FMLA with HR authorization
Concerns regarding supervisor favoritism must be investigated by HR. Due to privacy concerns and HIPAA regulations, the HR professional should limit the amount of information given to the complainant.
Employee complains to HR that coworker has offensive body odor. Employee does not feel comfortable approaching coworker directly but states odor impacts ability to perform job duties effectively
Personal hygiene complaints can be awkward to address. However, these complaints are generally handled by the employee’s direct supervisor. HR professionals may offer guidance to supervisors on discussing hygiene and other sensitive topics.
Male African American employee applied for competitive, internal management training program but not accepted. When he realized that all employees accepted into program were Caucasian, he told boss he may file complaint with EEOC
Supervisors and management should notify HR immediately of any concerns regarding discrimination. While the employee has the right to file a complaint with the EEOC, HR should make every attempt to resolve the concern internally.
Employee given verbal warning regarding their performance. They state that coworker interrupts them multiple times throughout workday to chat. They believe they were being unfairly penalized for coworker’s disruptive behavior
Interpersonal complaints or disagreements regarding behavior that is disruptive but not offensive or hostile should be handled by the employee’s supervisor. HR may offer guidance to the supervisor or become more involved if the concern escalates.
Female employee alleges that male coworker regularly asks her questions about status of marriage. States she doesn’t want to make big deal out of it. She has told him to stop asking as it is none of his business to no avail.
Persistently asking intrusive questions, despite requests to stop, is a serious behavioral concern. Despite the employee’s request to not make a big deal of it, the HR should be involved immediately.
What are the steps to resolve conflicts?
- Identify feelings surrounding problem
- Evaluate impact of problem
- Evaluate impact of potential resolutions
- Being working toward chosen resolution
- Communicate resolution
What is a formal greviance?
a written complaint alleging a violation of organization policies and procedures or workplace laws and regulations.
All formal grievances must be addressed
may include an internal investigation, as well as alternative dispute resolution (ADRADR) strategies such as mediation and arbitration
What is an ADR?
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) - an option for resolving workplace conflict outside of the court system. Involves a neutral third party that helps facilitate communication and resolution.
What is a Union vs Nonunion?
collective bargaining agreement for union employees will include the grievance resolution process.
all organizations should have a grievance resolution process for nonunion employees.
What are internal investigations?
the first step HR should take when a grievance is filed.
HR gathers information about the grievance, involved parties, and any applicable policies, laws, or regulations.
An internal investigation serves to:
- Demonstrate trust and respect for employees
- Determine complaint validity
- Protect the organization from litigation or legal liability
What is Mediation?
a process of conflict resolution involving a neutral third party
The mediator is usually a counsellor trained in conflict resolution.
initiate and guide communication between parties.
goal of mediation is to reach an agreement through a process of negotiation.
What is Arbitration?
involves a neutral third party but is employed when attempts to reach an agreement through negotiation are unsuccessful.
similar to the court system but faster and less expensive
role of the arbitrator is to hear both sides of a dispute and make a decision, or arbitration award.
During confidential counseling session, employee tells an external EAP counselor about an ongoing sexual harassment being conducted by an organization plant manager. Employee does not want counselor to initiate any action against plant manager.
What should EAP counselor do first?
Try to convince employee to report sexual harassment to HR department
A supervisor has heard rumors that an employee’s behavior may be related to some serious personal problems. The supervisor’s best action is to:
give a referral to the organization’s EAP
The first thing an individual who is being sexually harassed should do is:
ask harasser to stop