Module 1 nasolacrimal duct, dacryocystitis, pingueculae, pterygia Flashcards
nasolacrimal ducts
drains tears from the eyes into the nose
- complete or partial obstruction is called a nasolacrimal duct obstruction
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO) 2 acquired types
- Primary: caused by inflammation or fibrosis without any precipitating cause
- Secondary: caused by a myriad of precipitating factors; infection, inflammation, neoplasm, trauma, stenosis
lacrimal drainage system
superior and inferior canaliculus
lacrimal sac
nasolacrimal duct
NLDO patho
fluid enters opening in the upper and lower lid margin (puncta) before being pumped through canaliculi into the lacrimal sac
-> through rhe nasolacrimal duct -> exit into the nasal cavity through the valve of Hasner and the inferior meatus
NLDO s/s
chronic tearing
ocular discharge
eyelash crusting
painful swelling below medial canthus
mucopurulent discharge from punctum
accumulation of tears in the palpebral fissure with eventual overflow down the cheeks
- denotes lacrimal outflow deficiency
Hx assoc. with NLDO
chronic allergies
previous nasal or sinus surgery
prior midfacial fractures
radiation therapy
granulomatosis with polyangitis
crohn disease
ulcerative colitis
NLDO physical exam
gross findings
- overflow of tears
- mucoid or purulent discharge
- conjunctival injection
- erythema over the lacrimal sac
- pressure over the lacrimal sac -> produce a mucoid reflux from the punctum: indicates lower system obstruction
Inspect nares for abnormality that could narrow the distal opening of the nasolacrimal duct
inflammation of the lacrimal gland
medial canthus swelling
fluctuance, erythema, or tenderness over the lacrimal sac
NLDO non-pharm tx
will resolves over a 12 month period
Crigler massage: downward pressure applied on the lacrimal sac to force open a blocked valve of Hasner
NLDO pharm tx
warm compresses
topical antibiotics with infection
dacryocystitis tx
warm compresses
topical broad-spectrum antibiotic eye drops
oral penicillinase-resistant antibiotics till culture returns
benign, elevated, yellow-white nodule on the bulbar conjunctiva
- most often located nasal to the cornea
benign growth of conjunctival tissue that extends onto the surface of the cornea
- name comes from the greek work pterygion meaning wing
– wing is on the conjunctiva and tapers to a head over the cornea
pinguecula and pterygium patho
elastotic degeneration of stromal collagen and disruption of the basement membrane of the conjunctival epithelium
pterygia patho
corneal involvement includes infiltration of the bowman layer
- can lead to scarring and focal opacification of the cornea
pterygia risk factors
exposure to UV light
sunny, dusty, sandy, windblown areas
near the equator
chronic conjunctival inflammation
viral infections
pinguecula and pterygium s/s
foreign body sensation
bothersome cosmetic appearance
intermittent blurry vision
pterygium may lead to
- persistently decreased vision
- induce astigmatism
- impair vision by extending from the periphery into the central cornea, obstructing the visual axis
pterygium physical exam
can be whitish or clear and may be detectable only by changes in corneal contour and blood vessels that track from the conjunctival base
pterygium and pinguecula tx
- symptomatic: dry eye, itchiness, rendess
- artificial tear drops
- UV protection
- low potency topical steroid drops
NLDO risk factors
chronic allergies
prior facial trauma
systemic inflammatory diseases