Module 1 blepharitis, hordeolum, chalazion Flashcards
inflammation of the eyelid margins
- infectious or inflammatory
- 2 basic categories anatomically: anterior and posterior
- usually assoc. with staph
anterior blepharitis
involves the anterior lid margin surrounding the eyelashes. Can extend to posterior lid margin, conjunctiva, and cornea
- usually assoc. with staph infection or seborrhea
posterior blepharitis
involves the posterior lid margin and is characterized by meibomian gland dysfunction
- sometimes assoc. with rosacea
meibomian glands
enlarged sebaceous glands aligned inn a row posterior to the eyelashes
- produce a clear lipid secretion that makes up the outer layer of the tear film
blepharitis may result in
disruption of the ocular surface
dry eye syndrome
development of hordeola or chalazia
acute infection and inflammation of one of the oil glands in the eye lid, surrounds eyelash follicle
- can become a chalazion without tx
- self-limiting spontaneously improve in 1-2 weeks with warm, moist compresses and light massage
- more common in children and adolescents
- INTERNAL: points to skin or conjunctiva
- EXTERNAL: points to lid margin
chronic, sterile, nontender lipogranulomatous inflammatory lesion of the meibomian gland
- more common in adults
- non-infectious
anterior staphylococcal blepharitis patho
caused by abnormal cell-mediated response to staph
- more common in younger patients
anterior seborrheic blepharitis patho
assoc. with generalized seborrhea that may involve
- scalp
- nasolabial folds
- skin behind ears
- sternum
posterior blepharitis patho
meibomian gland dysfunction
- bacterial lipases may -> formation of free fatty acies, inc. melting point of the meibum and preventing its expression from the glands -> S. aureus growth and development of hordeolum
- more common in older patients
blepharitis s/s
scaling of eyelid margins
ocular tear film instability and dry eye
foreign body sensation
swollen erythematous lids
worse in the morning
hordeolum s/s
gradually enlarging localized nodules
erythema and edema
sensation of grit or foreign body in eye
chalazion s/s
gradually enlarging localized nodule
“lump” along eyelid
staphylococcal blepharitis physical exam
lid margin erythema with fine ulceration at the base of lashes and collarettes of fibrin along the lash
- lashes may be absent, broken, or misdirected
seborrheic blepharitis physical exam
greasy scales along the lid margin and lashes with excess oily meibomian secretion and foamy tears
- diffuse seborrhea: dandruff, scaling of brows, behind ears, base of nose
demodex blepharitis
caused by eyelash mite
- cylindrical debris encasing the base of eyelash follicles
posterior blepharitis physical exam
hyperemia and telangiectasis of the lid margin
oily and frothy tear film
pressure on the lid margin -> expression of thick inspissated secretions
- Rosacea commonly assoc:
– inspect for erythema with telangiectasis over cheeks and nose, pustular skin eruption, sebaceous gland hypertrophy, rhinophyma
All blepharitis can cause
conjunctival injection
corneal infiltrates
excess tearing
lid crusting
inflammation of the lid margin
non-pharm management
- lid hygiene
- warm compresses for 5-10 minutes
- lid scrub kits or warm water with diluted baby shampoo on a cotton tip applicator at lid margin
pharmacological management
antibiotic ointment
artificial tears
- tx needs to be maintained for months to years due to chronicity
Demodex: tea tree oil
- hordolum may progress to preseptal cellulitis or abscess
- large lesions can induce corneal astigmatism and mechanical ptosis may restrict the superior visual field
- chronic blepharitis may result in scarring and loss of eye lashes