Misc Textbook pt. 2 Flashcards
What are the two types of infant social fear?
Separation anxiety and Stranger Wariness
What is the definition of temperament?
It is the born differences in emotions, activity, and self-regulation
What are the three proponents of temperament?
- Effortful control
- Negative Mood
- Exuberance
What is synchrony?
It is early parent-child interactions
What are the three aspects of infant social involvement?
- Synchrony
- Attachment
- Social Referencing
What is the hallmark of a social game that has become synchronized?
The infant will anticipate and react to moves
What experiment supports the experience-expectant nature of synchrony?
The still face technique - parent with a still unresponsive face
What two signs indicate attachment?
contact-maintaining and proximity-seeking
What is attachment parenting?
Prioritizing mother-infant relationship
What is the correlation between cesarian births and allergies?
A c-section triples the rate of allergies
What are the three aspects of executive functioning?
Memory, inhibition, and flexibility
When is the vocabulary explosion?
What is fast mapping?
learning a word after one exposure
What is overregularization?
It is applying the rules of language to too many cases
What are pragmatics?
The adjustment of language depending on the audience
At what Piagetian stage do children start to understand pragmatics?
Preoperational thought
What are the critical ages for emotional regulation?
What are the two types of motivation?
Intrinsic and Extrinsic
What are the five types of Parten’s stages of play in order?
- Solitary
- Onlooker
- Parallel
- Associative
- Cooperative
What is the developmental problem associated with high screen time?
Less active play
What does rough and tumble play help develop?
A connection between the limbic system and prefrontal cortex
What is sociodramatic play?
It is the acting out of roles and plots
What correlation is found between corporal punishment and adult temperament?
Spanking leads to agressiveness
What is empathy linked to?
Prosocial behaviour
What is the significant problem associated with childhood asthma described in the textbook?
Frequent absence from school
What is the hygiene hypothesis?
The immune system not having interaction with microbes when young leads to poorer immune response when older.
Define comorbidity
More than one disorder is present in the same person
Do IQ tests aim to measure aptitude or achievement?
What are the three learning disorders discussed in class?
Autism, specific learning disorders, and ADHD
What is parentification?
It is when a child feels responsible for the whole family