Middle Childhood: Physical and Cognitive Development Flashcards
Middle childhood is typically defined as the ages from ___ to ____
6 to 12 years old
Characteristics of physical growth,BOY:
slightly heavier and taller, at age 9 to 10
more muscles
Characteristics of physical growth , GIRL:
surpass boys height until about 14 or 13
develop more fat
By the ages of __ to ___, children are showing the balance and coordination, and strength that allows them to engage in gymnastics and team sports
8 to 10 years old
During these years, muscles grow stronger and _______ ________ that connect the cerebellum to the cortex becomes more myelinated
neural pathways
The amount of time required to a stimulus
Reaction time
A disorder characterized by excessive inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. Typically occurs at age seven. Impair’s children’s ability to function in school, and difficulty getting along well with others. more common in boys
Excessive restlessness and overactivity
Drugs that increase the activity of the nervous system
________ are the most widespread treatment for ADHD, promoting the activity of the brain chemicals dopamine and noradrenaline , which stimulates the executive center of the brain to control more primitive areas of the brain
Placing disabled children in classrooms with nondisabled children
The third stage in Piaget’s scheme, characterized by flexible, reversible thought concerning tangible objects and events
Concrete operational
Simulataneous focusing on more than one aspect or dimension of a problem or situation
The principle that if A>B and B>C, then A>C
Concrete operational children show understanding of the ______ ___ _________.
laws of conservation