Life's Final Chapter Flashcards
The irreversible cessation of vital life functions
The end stage of life in which bodily processes decline leading to death
cessation of activity of the cerebral cortex
brain death
cessation of activity of the cerebral cortex and brain stem
whole brain death
The Stages of Dying; (kibler ross)
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
Today about half of the deaths that occur in the United States do so in ________
An organizations that treats dying patients by focusing on pallative care rather than curative treatment
Treatment focused on the relief of pain and suffering rather than cure
Palliative care
The purposeful taking of life to relieve suffering
The administration of a lethal treatment to cause a quick and painless death
Active euthenasia
The intentional administration of lethal drugs or other means of producing a painless death with the person’s informed consent
Voluntary active euthanasia
The intentional administration of lethal drugs or other means of producing a painless death without the person’s informed consent
involuntary active euthanasia
the witholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment to hasten death
Passive euthanasia
A document prepared when a person is well directing medical care providers to terminate life-sustaining treatment in the event he or she becomes incapacitated and unable to speak
living will
The state of deprivation brought about by the death of a family member or close friend
Emotional suffering resulting from a death
customary methods of expressing grief
Advice for coping :
take care of yourself first Allow yourself to feel your loss don't reject offers of help from friends and family give yourself time join a bereavement support group
Advice for helping a friend:
dont worry about what to say
dont be afraid to talk about the deceased person
dont force them to talk about their feelings