Birth and the Newborn Baby: In the New World Flashcards
False labor contractions, first uterine contractions
Braxton Hicks contractions
Hormones that stimulate uterine contractions
A hormone that stimulates labor contractions
In the first stage, uterine contractions ______ and ______ cervix, which needs to widen about four inches to allow the baby to pass. THE LONGEST STAGE, may last a few hours to more than a day.
Efface and Dilate
Movement of the head of the fetus into the vagina
A surgical incision between the birth canal and anus that widens the vaginal opening
Stage 2: _______ and ________, baby’s head begins to emerge from birth canal. Contractions stretches the skin around birth canal and propel baby along. Last from minutes to hours. Baby emerges from birth canal, and when breathing adequately on own.
Crowning and Delivery
Stage 3: __________ last from minutes to an hour or more, separates from the uterine wall and is expelled through birth canal
Placental stage
An individual who helps women in childbirth
Agents that lessen pain
Elimination of pain by putting a person to sleep
General anesthetics
Reduction of pain in an area of the body
Local anesthetic
An infant from birth through the first four weeks of life
A childbirth without anesthesia
Natural childbirth
A childbirth method in which women are educated about child birth , breathe in patterns that lessen pain during birth and have a coach present
Lamaze method
Delivery of baby by abdominal surgery
Cesarean section
Absence of oxygen
Less oxygen than required
fine downy hair on premature babies
Oily white substance on the skin of premature babies
Weak and irregular breathing, typical of preterm babies
Respiratory distress syndrome
A heated, protective container for premature infants
The period following childbirth
Postpartum period
________ considered normal, researchers believe that they are often due to hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy. They last about ten days and generally not severe enough to impair the mother’s functioning
Baby blues
Serios maternal depression following delivery: characterized by apathy, and feelings of worthlessness
postpartum depression
Formation of parent-infant attachment
APGAR is measure of a newborn’s health that assesses
Appearance Pulse Grimace Activity Respiratory
Turning the mouth and head toward stroking of the cheek or the corner of the mouth
Rooting reflex
Arching the back, flinging out the arms and legs and drawing them back to the chest in response to a sudden noise or change in position
Moro reflex
Grasping objects that touch the palms
Grasping reflex
Taking steps when held under the arms and leaned forward so that the feet press the ground
Stepping reflex
Fanning the toes when the soles of the feet are stroked
Babinski reflex
Turning the head to one side, extending arm and leg on that side and flexing the limbs on the opposite side
tonic-neck relax
Characteristics of Neonates visual
visually detect movement
Characteristics of Neonates hearing
Respond to sound months before they are born
Low pitch relax
high pitch excited
Characteristic of Neonates Smell
can discriminate distinct odors
mother-infant relationship
Characteristics of Neonates Taste
Discriminate between taste buds
Sweet solutions calming
Characteristics of Touch
Skin on skin, comfort, attachment