Microcytic Anaemia Flashcards
What is haematocrit?
Ratio of whole blood that is red cells if sample was allowed to settle
What is reticulocytosis?
Increased red cell production
What are reticulocytes?
Red cells that have just left Bone marrow
Larger than average red cells
Stain deeper colour
What are the 2 main classifications of anaemia?
Decreased production - low retic count
Increased loss or destruction - high retic count
Causes of decreased production?
Maturation abnormality
Causes of increased Loss or destruction?
Microcytic cells are larger or smaller?
Causes of microcytic anaemia?
Iron deficiency anaemia of chronic disease Lead poisoning Pyridoxine responsive anaemias Congenital sideroblastic anaemia Thalassaemia
Iron exists in what 2 states?
Where is iron stored?
In ferritin - mainly in liver and some in macrophages
How is iron transported?
Bound to transferrin
How to test status of transported iron?
Serum iron
Transferrin saturation
How to assess status of storage iron?
Serum ferritin
% saturation of Transferrin is decreased in…?
Iron deficiency
Anaemia of chronic disease
% saturation of transferrin is increased in…?
Genetic haemachromatosis
What does low ferritin indicate?
Iron deficiency
What are the causes of iron deficiency?
Dietary - not sufficient intake
Blood loss - menorrhagia, GI, haematuria
Consequences of negative iron balance?
Exhaustion of iron stores
Iron deficient erythopoiesis
Microcytic anaemia
Epithelial changes - skin, koilonychia