microbiology introduction Flashcards
how many bacteria on earth
4-6 x10^30 bacterial cells on earth
the original evolution of life or living organisms from inorganic or inanimate substances
aristotle and abiogenesis
taught that this form of biogenesis and laid it down to the observed fact that some animals spring from putrid matter e.g. aphids arising from the dew which falls on plants –> spontaneous generation
who was first to challenge Aristotle on spontaneous generation
Francesco Redi
francesco redi experiment
at the time it was believed that maggots arose spontaneousy in rotting meat. Reid believed that maggots developed from eggs laid by flies. to test this he set out meat in a variety of flasks. Some ope to air, some sealed completely and other covered in quake. he expected maggots appeared only int he open flask- which the flies could reach

robert hook
compound microscope and coined the phrase ‘cell’ when observing a cork–> monks. MICROGRAPHIA
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
simple microscope 200 x ANIMALCULES- microscopic animals
Bonnet suggested term
who conclusively disproved spontaneous geenration
Pasteur Through an experiment where beef broth was sterilized through boiling in two flasks, one that was exposed to air and another that was protected from it. The one that was exposed to contaminants became clouded, showing microbial growth, whilst the sealed one did not.
Koch’s postulates
1) the suspected pathogenic organism must always be present in animals suffering from the disease and should not be present in healthy individuals 2) the organism must be cultivated in pure culture away from he animal body 3) cells from he pure culture of the suspected organism should cause disease in a healthy animal 4)the organism should be preisolated and shown to be the same as the original
Bacteria and Archaea
on the bacterial tree
size of boxes indicated the relative number of each group that have been identified –> over 80 phyla

a hyperthermophile
Deinococcus is unique in that it can tolerate…
radiation- 10Gy is sufficient to kill a human. A does of 60Gy is ssuffieicnt to kill all cells in a culture of E.coli. However a dose of 5,000 Gy can be withstood by D. radiodurans
what paved the way for life being able to produce oxygen
in the 21st century in developed countries few deaths are caused by
infectious disease
how is tree of life generated
comparing nucleic acid sequence in particular ribosomal RNA

what did Koch discovered
mycobacterium tuberculosis –> causative agent of TB
first used Salvarsan i.v. for syphilis and discovered that penicillium notatum prevented growth of staphylococcus aureus
vaccination –> smallpox hit glousterhsire. Noted that milkmaids with cowpox did not become infected. Took material from pustules of milkmaids and inoculated children.
Martinus Beijerinck
for enrichment culture, a medium and a set of incubation conditions are established to elect for the desired organism from an inoculum -famously isolated N2-fixing bacterium Azotobacter