Micro 13: Mycobacterial Diseases Flashcards
Describe the different possibilities that can occur when you get exposed to TB?
Exposure to TB -> Infection or non-infection
If infected, can cause primary TB -> this is basically when you have symptoms
If infected, usually becomes latent (no symptoms) -> infection multiplies at pleural surface in Ghon focus, but controlled in caseating granuloma (basically a collection of macrophages)
Latent TB -> no reactivation (no symptoms) or can cause reactivation / Post-primary TB (symptoms)
What are the symptoms of TB seperated by systems?
General: Fever, night sweats, weight loss, ethnicity/travel
Pulmonary: Cough, haemoptysis
Meningitis: Subacute headache, personality change, meningism, confusion
Spinal (Pott’s disease): Back pain, discitis, vertebral destruction, iliopsoas abscess
Miliary: Disseminated haematogenous
What can usually trigger reactivation in latent TB?
Latent TB may be latent forever, or can be activated (so you get symptoms)
Reactivation happens with immunosuppression, illness etc.
What are mycobacteria on gram stain?
Gram +ve aerobic RODS
What are the Ix required for TB?
CXR - Upper lobe cavitation
3x sputum sample - as TB is hard to grow:
- Microscopy using Ziehl-Neelson stain
- Cultured on Lowenstein-Jensen medium 6w (GS)
- Which will reveal Acid-fast bacilli
- Tuberculin skin test (mantoux / heaf) - shows previous exposure = active/latent/BCG
- IGRA (Interferon Gamma Release Assay / Elispot) = Active/ Latent -> NOT BCG
What is the mx for TB?
Rifampicin - 6/12
Isoniazid - 6/12
Pyrazinamide - 2/12
Ethambutal - 2/12
NB: Resistance is becoming problematic – 2nd line treatment includes injectables (amikacin), linezolid
What is Leprosy caused by?
Mycobacteria leprae
What are the features of leprosy infections?
Skin pigmentation
Nerve thickening -> neurological symptoms
What are the features of mycobacterium Avium-Intracellulare complex?
Disseminated infection in immunocompromised
What are the features of Mycobacterium Marinarum?
Fish tank granuloma ->
Aquarium owners
What are the features of Mycobacterium ulcerans?
Buruli ulcer ->
Australia; ulcerating nodules
Which TB investigation may be positive in somebody who has had the BCG vaccine?
a) Sputum cultures b) Blood cultures c) Tuberculin skin test d) IGRA e) CXR
c) Tuberculin skin test
Which stain is used to visualise TB on microscopy?
a) Gram stain b) Methylene blue c) Lowenstein-Jensen d) Ziehl-Neelson e) Tuberculin
d) Ziehl-Neelson
List some side-effects of:
Rifampicin - orange secretions
Isoniazid - peripheral neuropathy (B6 deficiency)
Pyrazinamide - hepatotoxic, hyperuricaemia
Ethambutol - optic neuritis (pain, vision loss, one eye)
What is an auramine stain useful for?
acid-fast bacilli
What are the two types of Mycobacterium leprae infection and their features?
Paucibacillary tuberculoid
- few skin lesions
- hairless plaques
- loss of sensation
- robust T cell response
Multibacillary lepromatous
- multiple skin lesions
- poor T cell response
- Thickened dermis
- Lion like face