Chempath: Diabetes CPC + Hypoglycaemia Flashcards
What are the diagnositic tests for DM?
FPG ≥ 7.0mmol/L
2hr OGTT ≥ 11.1mmol/L
HbA1c ≥ 48mmol/mol (past 3m hence preferred)
What are the test levels for pre-diabetes?
HbA1c: 42-47mmol/mol
Impaired Fasting Glucose
FPG: 6.1-6.9mmol/L
Impaired Glucose Tolerance
FPG: < 7.0mmol/L and
2hr OGTT: ≥ 7.8 - < 11.1mmol/
What is the equation for anion gap?
Anion Gap= Na + K – Cl – HCO3
Normal: 14-18mmol/L
Difference between DKA & HHS (Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic State) / KONKC (Hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma)
DKA = mainly in T1DM acidosis due to no insulin hence makes ketones:
- pH <7.3
- BM >11mmol
- Blood ketones >3mmol (++ urine?)
- Raised anion gap (due to ketones)
- Rapid presentation (N+V, abdo pain etc)
HHS / HONKC = Body has insulin so no ketones are made:
- pH >7.3 - not usually acidotic
- BM >30mmol (not aloways tho)
- V. high osmolality (>320mm)
- Occurs over a few days
Mx of DKA?
IV Fluids (0.9% saline)
Insulin (once drops below 14)
K+ started later (only if low) - to replace insulin caused hypokalaemia
Mx of HHS / KONC?
IV Fluids (0.9% saline)
Insulin if needed
When is DKA considered to be resolved?
Resolution = ketones < 0.6, pH > 7.3
What pathologies explain the following changes in glucose and ketones:
Glucose High Ketones High
Glucose High Ketones Low
Glucose Low Ketones High
Glucose Low Ketones Low
Glucose High Ketones High = DKA - Metabolic acidosis (raised anion gap - often in T1DM but can happen in T2DM)
Glucose High Ketones Low = HHS / HONKC - often v dehydrated, typically in T2DM but can happen in T1DM
Glucose Low Ketones High = Starvation - causes normal ketosis
Glucose Low Ketones Low = Fatty acid oxidation defects (eg. MCADD)
What are the causes of raised anion gap metabolic acidosis?
Ketoacidosis- DKA, starvation, alcoholic
Uraemia- renal failure
Lactic acidosis - Metformin
Toxins (ethylene glycol (IMPERIAL LOVE THIS), methanol, salicylate)
What can excess metformin cause?
Metformin excess can cause a lactic acidosis as it inhibits conversion of lactic acid to glucose (Cori cycle)
What is the definition of hypoglycaemia?
Multiple definitions of Hypo but generally glucose <4.0mmol/L
What is the mx of hypoglycaemia?
Alert & Orientated= PO Carbohydrates (Rapid acting: juice/ sweets, Longer acting: sandwiches)
Drowsy/ confused but swallow intact = Buccal glucose (e.g. glucogel)
Unconscious or concerned about swallow = IV 100mL 20% dextrose
Insulin induced/ Refractory/ Deteriorating/ Difficult IV access = IM/ SC 1mg Glucagon*
Why might IM / SC glucagon not work in some patients?
- Patient must have adequate glycogen stores in order for this to be effective. E.g., not effective if:
- Starving
- Liver failure
- Anorexia nervosa
Important to stay by these pts and check if its worked in 10-20 mins
How to check for rebound hypoglycaemia?
Check levels throughouts the day after the mx
Ix for hypoglycaemia?
Insulin, C-peptide, ketones
What can cause high insulin and low c-peptide?
C-peptide is produced when insulin is cleaved hence should be 1:1 ration
This suggests exogenous insulin -> factitious insulin
What can cause high insulin and high c-peptide?
This suggests endogenous insulin secretion of which causes include:
Islet cell hyperplasia
Sulphonureas (gliclazide) - IMPORTANT
What can be the causes of low c-peptide and low insulin
If high FFA and ketones - this is appropriate response hence seen in:
- Starvation (MAIN), anorexia, organ failure, hypopituitarism and adrenal failure
High FFAs + low ketones:
- B-oxidation defect eg MCADD (niche)
low FFAs + low ketones:
- paraneoplastic ‘BIG-IGF2’ (niche)
SBA 1: A woman presents worried because she had a low glucose reading when testing her blood glucose using daughter’s meter (her daughter has T1DM). She denies taking any drugs. She also has a BMI of 35kg/m2. The investigations show the following:
Glucose: 3.5mmol/L
Insulin: raised
C-peptide: low
What is the cause?:
- Factitious insulin
- Surreptitious gliclazide
- T1DM
- Anorexia nervosa
- Insulinoma
- Factitious insulin
SBA 2: Which one of the following values is most likely indicative of impaired glucose tolerance 2 hours after an oral glucose tolerance test?
- 2.8
- 3.0
- 304
- 11.5
- 10.0
- 10.0
Impaired Glucose Tolerance
FPG: < 7.0mmol/L and
2hr OGTT: ≥ 7.8 - < 11.1mmol/L
Ddx in no ketones present, very very high osmolality (‘blood is like treacle’)?
no ketones present, very very high osmolality (‘blood is like treacle’) suggests what dx?
What to do in hypoglycaemia if no access?
IM Glucagon