Chempath: Clinical chemistry Flashcards
What happens when K levels are altered?
Low K+
- Ventricular fibrilation
High K+
- Asystole
- Chest pain, palpitations
- Tiredness, weakness
What happens when Ca levels are altered?
Low Ca2+
- Tetany
- Arrhythmia
- Convulsions
High Ca2+
- Stones (renal) = calcium oxalate
- Bones = osteoporosis, osteopaenia
- Moans (abdominal) = N+V, constipation, pancreatitis
- Groans (psychic) = delirium/ altered mental state
What are the hormones that raise Ca? reduce calcium?
Calcitriol (activated vitamin D)(1,25-(OH)2D3)
Calcitonin - reduces ca
How is PTH, Calcitonin and Calcitriol produced?
PTH (parathyroid glands)
Calcitonin (parafollicular cells)
Calcitriol (activated vitamin D) (skin + UV light)
What effect does PTH have on:
Small intestines
Overall impact?
- 1α-hydroxylase stimulation (stimulates calcitriol)
- Increased calcium reabsorption
- Increased phosphate excretion
Increased bone resorption
Small intestines:
Increased calcium absorption
Increased phosphate absorption (small effect)
Overall = ↑ Calcium, ↓↓ Phosphate
What effect does Calcitriol have on:
Small intestines
Overall impact?
- Increased calcium reabsorption
- Increased phosphate excretion
Increased bone formation (minor effect)
Small intestines:
Increased calcium absorption
Increased phosphate absorption (small effect)
Overall = ↑↑ Calcium, ↓ Phosphate
What condition cause cause pepper pot skull?
Hypercalcaemia - lytic leisons can also get osteitis fibrosa cystica
Mx of hypercalcaemia?
> 3mmol
Fluids, Fluids, fluids !!!
Can also give furesomide to cause clacuresis
If resistant (suggests malignancy) –> IV pamidronate / zoledronate (bisphosphonates)
Keep hydrated can be oral or IV fluids
What medication should be avoided in hypercalcaemic pts?
THIAZIDES - can cause Ca retention
- Which hormone decreases blood calcium levels?
- Which biomarker can be used to confirm medullary thyroid cancer (e.g. in MEN2 syndrome)?
Calcitonin - LEARN THIS
- Which enzyme does PTH activate in the kidneys?
1 alpha-hydroxylase
- Which hormone increases urinary phosphate excretion?
PTH (phosphate trashing hormone)
The clinical features of hypercalcaemia include which one of the following?
Polyuria and polydipsia Tetany Hypotension Diarrhoea Easy bruising
Polyuria and polydipsia
“Stones, bones, abdominal moans, psychiatric groans”
Tetany - sign of HYPOcalcaemia
A 75 year old woman presents with polyuria, constipation and her mood has been low over the past few weeks. Her PMHx includes hypertension, CKD, and ischaemic heart disease. Her blood results are included.
High = Ca, PO4-, PTH
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Malignancy Primary hyperparathyroidism Secondary hyperparathyroidism Tertiary hyperparathyroidism Hyperthyroidism
Tertiary hyperparathyroidism - EVERYTHING IS HIGH
A 75 year old woman presents with polyuria, constipation and her mood has been low over the past few weeks. Her PMHx includes hypertension and ischaemic heart disease. Her blood results are included.
↑ calcium, ↓ phosphate, ↔ PTH
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Malignancy Primary hyperparathyroidism Secondary hyperparathyroidism Tertiary hyperparathyroidism Hyperthyroidism
Primary hyperparathyroidism - INAPPROPRIATELY NORMAL PTH!!!