Haem 13+14 - Blood transfusion Flashcards
What is the time frame for the different blood transfusion reactions?
Anaphylaxis (5-10m)
First few hours:
- Febrile non-haemolytic transfusion reaction
- Bacterial contamination (generally seen in plt transfusion due to high temp of storage)
- Acute haemolytic transfusion reaction - ABO incompatability / Rhesus
Later but <24h:
- Transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI)
- Transfusion associated circulatory overload (TACO)
Days after:
- Graft v Host disease (GvHD)
- Delayed haemolytic transfusion reaction
What are the different acute blood transfusion reactions?
ABO incompatability
Bacterial contamination
Febrile-nonhaemolytic transfusion reaction
Transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO)
Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI)
Features of anaphylactic blood transfusion reaction? who is at greatest risk?
Anaphylaxis related symptoms occurring within minutes after transfusion
Risk increases in patients with IgA deficiency (IMPORTANT)due to presence of IgA in the transfusion
Features of ABO incompatability transfusion reaction? what is the mechanism?
Occurs within minutes - hours after transfusion
The presentation can include pyrexia, abdominal/flank pain, blood in the urine, and shortness of breath
Causes IgM-mediated intravascular haemolysis
Features of bacterial contamination transfusion reaction?
Symptoms occur within minutes to hours
More commonly occurs with platelet transfusion due to higher temp that it is stored at
What are the features of febrile non-haemolytic transfusion reaction?
Rise in temperature of ≤1ºC without circulatory collapse
Caused by release of cytokines by leukocytes and prevented by leukodepletion
What are the features of TACO? Increased risk?
Symptoms of pulmonary oedema/fluid overload occur within hours (bilateral interstital shadowing on CXR)
Look for signs of heart failure: ↑JVP, ↑PCWP,↑BP
May occur in pts w/ cardiac failure, renal impairment or v old
What are the features of TRALI? mechanism?
Symptoms similar to TACO
Caused by interaction with anti-HLA antibodies in donor blood with recipient
Occurs < 6 hours
Absence of heart failure (IMPORTANT)
What are some examples of delayed transfusion reactions? +what timeframe?
Delayed = >24hrs
Delayed haemolytic transfusion reactions
Graft v host disease
What are the features of delayed hameolytic transfusion reaction? when to consider this?
Occurs within 1 week
Extravascular haemolysis – IgG-mediated
Consider these reactions when pt presents w/ haemolysis / anaemia day after transfusion
What are the features of graft v host disease? prevention?
As name suggests - graft is fighting the host
Donor lymphocytes recognise recipient’s HLA as foreign and attack gut, liver, skin and bone marrow
Symptoms include diarrhoea, liver failure, skin desquamation and bone marrow failure
Prevent by irradiating blood components for immunosuppressed recipients
What is the mx for warfarin reversal?
INR ≤5 – lower or omit next dose
INR 5-9 – either omit next dose or oral vitamin K
INR >9 – omit next dose + oral vitamin K
Any bleeding – omit next dose + IV vitamin K + PCC or FFP
Differences between TACO and TRALI as causes of acute transfusion reactions?
JVP will NOT be raised in TRALI
The patient will NOT respond to furosemide in TRALI
A 15-year-old boy with BetaThalassemia Major undergoes a bloods transfusion. Shortly after the blood transfusion is started, he feels feverish and has the chill. His observation prior to the transfusion were taken. HR 82, BP 118/80, RR 16, Temp 36.7 and O2 97 (RA).
His observation were taken as soon as he complained of the symptoms HR 84, BP 114/78, RR 17, Temp 37.6, O2 97 (RA).
What is the likely cause of his symptoms?
AcuteHaemolysis Transfusion related acute lung injury Transfusion associated circulatory overload Non –hemolytictransfusion reaction Anaphylaxis
(Febrile) Non–hemolytictransfusion reaction
Small rise in temperature compared to before transfusion
HR and BP barely changed which occurs in non-haemolytic transfusion reaction
A 40-year-old man who was involved in a major trauma is receiving a blood transfusion in hospital. Within 10 minutes of starting the transfusion, he becomes acutely unwell, with fevers, rigos and significant abdominal pain
Observations:HR 124bpm, BP 94/62 mmHg, O2 Sats 96% on air, RR 24/min, Temp 38.6ºC
What is the likely diagnosis?
Acute intravascular haemolytic transfusion reaction - V quick after start of infusion + ABDO pain + low BP and high HR (likely caused by ABO incompatability or Rhesus)
A 63-year-old man is an inpatient on a gastroenterology ward after being admitted for an upper gastrointestinal bleed secondary to oesophageal varices. Hehas become short of breath over the last 20 minutes. HR 90 beats /min, RR 32 /min, BP 85/56 mmHg, O2 Saturations 92% on air, temperature 39.7ºC.
On examination he has bilateral inspiratorycrepitations.Heart sounds are normal and JVP is not raised. No rash or swelling is noted. The patient had completed a blood transfusion of 1 unit of blood 2 hours ago.
What is the most likely transfusion reaction?
Acute Haemolysis Transfusion related acute lung injury Transfusion associated circulatory overload Non – haemolytic transfusion reaction Anaphylaxis
TRALI = JVP not raised
NB: this pt won’t respond to furesomide