Histopathology 3: Breast pathology Flashcards
45 year old lady presents with thick, white nipple discharge and a periareolar lump. Histology shows distended lactiferous duct.
Most likely diagnosis ?
Mammary duct ectasia
Breastfeeding mother presents with a red, painful, swollen breast. Histology shows neutrophils and pus.
Most likely diagnosis ?
Likely organism ?
Acute mastitis
60 year old women presents with a painless breast lump. She reports being in a RTA 10 years ago and wonders if the trauma from her seatbelt might have caused it.
Most likely diagnosis ?
Other causes ?
Fat necrosis
Radiotherapy, surgery, panniculitis
A 20 year old lady presents with a breast lump which is well demarcated, mobile and feels rubbery. Histology shows stromal (fibrous tissue) proliferation.
Most likely diagnosis ?
Which breast tumour can originate from Fibroadenomas ?
Phyllodes tumour
A 60 year old lady presents after she noticed her breast lump previously diagnosed as a fibroadenoma has started to increase in size. Histology shows: increased cellularity + Stromal overgrowth and overlapping cells.
most likely diagnosis ?
Phyllodes tumour (Possibly malignant)
Normally phyllodes tumours are benign
45 year old lady presents with bloody nipple discharge. No lump is felt and no mass is seen on mammography.
Histology shows: Large dilated duck with fibrovascular core and stromal vessels.
Most likely diagnosis ?
Duct Papilloma
Histology shows a stellate pattern with central sclerosis surrounded by proliferating glandular tissue.
Most likely diagnosis ?
Radial scar
A 79 year old lady presents with a hard fixed lump of the breast. Paget’s disease of the breast is present and there are signs of nipple retraction.
Most likely diagnosis ?
Breast carcinoma
Paget’s disease of the breast is eczema affecting the nipple
Histology: Intraductal epithelial proliferation, with pleomorphic cells in the duct and necrotic material in the central lumen.
Mammogram: Microcalcifications
Most likely diagnosis ?
- Increasesd risk of progession to invasive breast carcinoma
- Screening programme is designed to catch these
- Treat = surgical excision w/ clear margins
Young women presents with multiple small lumps in the breast.
Most likely diagnosis ?
Fibrocystic disease
Histology shows linear arrangement of monomorphic cells in a distribution known as the Indian file pattern.
Most likely diagnosis ?
Lobular carcinoma
List 3 receptors tested for in breast carcinoma ?
Which drug is used to treat HER2 positive breast carcinoma?
How does the E cadherin help differentiate between invasive ductal and invasive lobular carcinoma ?
If E cadherin +ve = invasive ductal
if E cadherin -ve = Invasive lobular
What is duct ectasia? Presentation? Major RF?
Inflammation and dilation of large breast ducts
Nipple discharge (MAIN), may cause pain, mass and nipple retraction
Smoking = MAJOR RF
However this is a benign condition
Ix for duct ectasia?
Cytology of nipple discharge = proteinaceous material + inflammatory cells
What is acute masitis? who is it commonly seen in?
Acute inflammation in the breast
Commonly seen in lactating women due to milk stasis and cracked skin (or breaks in skin allowing bacteria in)
Causative organism for acute mastitis? + mx?
Commonly due to staphylococci (aureus) - hence mx = flucloxacillin
Continued milk expression, drainage and abx
What is fat necrosis? cause? who is it likely in?
Inflammatory reaction to damaged adipose tissue
Caused by trauma, surgery or radiotherapy
Presents with a painless breast mass in obese,
middle-aged women
What is fibrocystic disease
Breast lumpiness due to normal responses to hormonal influences
No increased risk for breast carcinoma
What is a fibroadenoma
(breast mouse)
Common, benign fibroepithelial neoplasm of the breast
Circumscribed mobile breast lump in young women aged 20-30
What is phyllodes tumour?
Uncommon potentially aggressive fibroepithelial neoplasms of the breast
Enlarging masses in women >50 y/o - MAIN
May form from fibroadenomas with increased mitoses
Mostly benign but can be aggressive so are excised with local excision/mastectomy - MAIN
What is ddx?
Bloody discharge from breast + lump
where does it come from?
Intraductal papilloma - arises from w/in duct system
Benign papillary tumour
What is ddx?
Benign central scarring surrounded by proliferating glandular tissue
Radial Scar - Presents as a stellate mass
What are the 4 subtypes of invasive breast carcinoma?
Invasive ductal -> most common -> big, pleomorphic cells that move into the stroma (MOST COMMON)
Invasive lobular -> cells in single file chains (can get lobular in situ too but lot less common than DCIS - not screened)
Tubular -> well-formed tubules with low grade nuclei
Mucinous -> lots of extracellular mucin which goes into the surrounding stroma
Triple assessment of breast cancers? + ix and what does that meaning?
examination, radiology and (histology) core needle biopsy
Requires assessment for oestrogen, progesterone and HER2 receptor status
- ER/PR = good prognosis (as responds to tamoxifen)
- HER2 = poor prognosis
How should a patient with acute mastitis be managed?
53 y/o F with a BMI of 28 presents to her GP with a non-tender mass in her right breast. She suffered a knock to that side of her chest a few weeks ago. Most likely diagnosis?
What is the biggest risk factor for duct ectasia?
Histology shows benign central scarring surrounded by proliferating glandular tissue. Most likely diagnosis?
What stage of breast cancer does the screening programme aim to detect?
Continued milk expression, drainage and antibiotics
Fat necrosis
Radial scar
A 32 year old breastfeeding woman presents to her GP with a sore, inflamed left breast. She reports symptoms are worsening. She feels unwell.
Her temperature is 38.5c. She is not tachycardic.
On examination there is a diffusely tender left breast with a firm, fluctuant mass located 2cm medial to the nipple. It is approximately 1cm in size. There is no nipple retraction.
What is the diagnosis?
Breast Abscess