Mental Health Assessment of Child and Adolescent Flashcards
What are specific instances when private information may be disclosed for teens?
Adolescents should be made aware of specific instances when private information may be disclosed, such as suicidal or homicidal ideation or suspected child abuse.
What are some topics that pts should be encouraged to talk to their parents about?
Encourage patients to talk with their parents about behaviors that include but not limited to:
substance abuse,
high risk sexual practices,
mental health care
Assessment Process for Children and Adolescent: How should you assess for concrete thinkers?
Use of more specific, fewer open-ended questions (concrete thinkers)
Assessment Process for Children and Adolescent: How should you assess young children?
Children need simple phrases (narrower vocabulary)
Use of artistic and play media
In addition to assessing children and teens what else is needed?
Corroboration of information with adult
Possible problem when assessing children?
Possible problems with accurate sequencing of events (less specific sense of time; less developed memory)
Techniques for Data Collection: Clinical Interview
Establishment of a treatment alliance
Separate child and parent interviews
Development of rapport
Why do children have difficulty with accurate sequencing of events?
Children often have difficulty with accurate sequencing of events because they have a less specific sense of time and a less developed memory than adults.
How to develop rapport with preschool children?
Use of play
Assessment tools (drawings)
How to develop rapport with school aged children?
Have the ability to use constructs, provide longer explanations
Rapport through gaming
How to develop rapport with teens?
Communication of respect, cooperation, honesty, and genuineness
Explanation of what information will be shared with parents; direct, candid approach
Promotion of adolescent’s feeling of control
Important quality of teens that differ from preschool and school aged children?
Egocentric with increased self-consciousness, fear of being shamed
What is needed for a nursing assessment
Thorough history of psychiatric and medical problems
Physical assessment to rule out medical problems
Pharmacologic assessment
Genetic vulnerability
Neurologic examination
Nursing Assessment for the Psychological Domain
Mental status exam
Developmental assessment
Children’s rating scale
Temperament and Behavior
Risk assessment
Development assessment included in the assessment for the psychological domain:
Developmental assessment:
Maturation (developmental delays)
Intellectual functioning
Gross motor and fine motor functioning
Thinking and perception; social interactions and play
Examples of Children’s rating scales used for Nursing Assessment for the Psychological Domain:
Children’s Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale,
The Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham Rating Scale (SNAP-IV)
The Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham Rating Scale (SNAP-IV)
is a widely used scale that measuresthe core symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD
How to measure self concept for the nursing assessment for the
Self-concept (three wishes; drawings)
Opens up dialogue
Examples of temperament and behavior assessed for the nursing assessment for the psychological domain?
Easy, difficult, slow to warm up
Nursing Assessment for the Psychological Domain: Risk assessment
Risk assessment: straightforward questions
What are the questions included in the risk assessment?
Questions about thoughts or actions related to hurting self
What are you screening for with the risk assessment?
Screening for potential use and abuse of substances
Nursing Assessment for the Social Domain
Family relationship
School and peer adjustment
The LGBTQ children and adolescents
Religious and spiritual assessment
Functional status
Evaluation of childhood sexual abuse
Stresses and coping behaviors