Abuse and Violence (exam 3) Flashcards
Intergenerational transmission of violence
Children witnessing violence in homes often perpetrate violent behavior in families as adults
Learn to accept violence and expect it
Theories of Violence include:
Social Learning Theory (Intergenerational transmission)
Imbalances in relationship power
Factors influencing leaving versus staying in a violent relationship
Substance Abuse
What are examples of imbalances in a relationship that lead to violence?
- Personality differences (dominant v submissive)
- Financial differences (housewife v working man)
- Personality types
What are factors that influence leaving v staying in a violent relationship?
- Dependent person
- Trauma bonding
-Financial constraints
-Fear of the unknown
wrongful use and maltreatment of another
Who is usually the abuser?
Perpetrator typically someone the person knows
What does a victim of abuse look like?
Victims across life span: spouses, partners, children, elderly parents
Abuse includes all ethnicities and economic statuses
Family Violence
spouse battering; neglect and physical, emotional, or sexual abuse of children; elder abuse
Common Characteristics of Violent Families
Social isolation
Abuse of power and control
Alcohol and other drug abuse
Intergenerational transmission process
Cultural considerations of domestic violence
Domestic violence spanning families of all ages and from all ethnic, racial, religious, socioeconomic, and sexual orientation backgrounds
What is intimate partner violence
Mistreatment or misuse of one person by another in context of emotionally intimate relationship
Types of intimate partner violence
Psychological abuse
Physical abuse
Sexual abuse
Psychological abuse in intimate partner violence
(emotional abuse) can be overt or subtle.
Physical abuse in intimate partner violence
Physical abuse: shoving, pushing, battering, choking
Sexual abuse in intimate partner violence
assaults during sexual relations, rape
In which group are rates of intimate partner violence high?
Rates higher among women
When are there increased rates of violence in women in intimate relationships
Increased rates during pregnancy
Compared to heterosexual relationships, does same sex relationships have more or less violence?
Domestic violence occurs in same-sex relationships with same statistical frequency.
Clinical picture of abuse: abuse is often perpetrated by who against who?
Abuse often perpetrated by husband against wife
What is the abusers view of partner?
Abuser’s view of wife as belonging to him;
What is the abusers view of themselves?
strong feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem; poor problem-solving and social skills
When would someone increase violence or abuse?
Increasing violence, abuse with any signs of independence
Who is the dependency trait most commonly found in?
Dependency trait most commonly found in abused women who stay with their husbands
What is the cycle of violence?
- Calm phase
- Tension building
- Violence
- Honeymoon/Makeup phase
Intimate Partner Violence: Assessment
Victims do not commonly seek direct help for abuse.
Some may be seeking treatment for other conditions.
When assessing a pt for abuse/intimate partner violence, what should you ask FIRST?
Ask all clients if they feel safe - Priority
When assessing a pt for abuse/intimate partner violence, what should you ask?
Ask questions about safety
Physical assessment of Domestic Violence- what to look for
Explanation does NOT equal to injuries
Unexplained injuries
Broken bones
Multiple bruises in varying stages
Perforated eardrum (repeated head injuries)
What are other Domestic Violence qualities?
Repeated healthcare visits
Sleeping difficulties
States “having problems with partner”
States is “accident prone”
Feelings of shame, self blame
Treatment and Interventions for Intimate Partner Violence
Laws related to domestic violence; arrest
Restraining order/protection order
Individual psychotherapy/counseling, group therapy, support and self-help groups
Child abuse
Intentional injury of a child
Child abuse includes:
Physical abuse or injuries
Neglect or failure to prevent harm
Failure to provide adequate physical or emotional care or supervision
Sexual assault or intrusion
Overt torture
What is the clinical picture of a parent in a child abuse case?
Minimal parenting knowledge and skills
Emotionally immature, needy, incapable of meeting own needs
Frequently view children as property
Cycle of family violence: adults raising children in same way they were raised
Adults who were victims of abuse frequently abuse their own children.
What are the first steps of handling child abuse?
- Detection and accurate identification are the first steps
- Report suspected child abuse
What does it mean to report suspected child abuse
Nurse does not have to decide for certainty if abuse occurred.
What are the treatment and intervention of child abuse?
Child’s safety and well-being is a priority.
Psychiatric evaluation
Therapy may be indicated over significant period.
Approach depends on the age of a child.
Social services involvement
Family therapy/requirements for parents
Elder abuse
Maltreatment of older adults
Types of Elder Abuse
Physical, sexual, psychological abuse
Neglect of self-neglect
Financial exploitation
Denial of adequate medical treatment
What percent of population are abused by caregiver? What percent of victims are women?
Estimated 10% of population over age 65 abused by caregivers.
60% to 65% of victims are women.
What type of person abuses elderly?
People who abuse elders almost always in caretaker role or elders depend on them in some way.
What are most cases of elder abuse?
Most cases when one older spouse is taking care of another
Why are elders often reluctant to report abuse?
Want to protect family members
Fear losing support
What is the treatment and intervention of elder abuse?
Caregiver stress relief
Additional resources
Possible removal of elder or caregiver
Rape and Sexual Assault
Perpetration of act of sexual intercourse with person against his or her will and without consent
Will overcome by force, fear of force, drugs, intoxicants
Crime of violence and humiliation of victim expressed through sexual means
Also rape if victim cannot exercise rational judgment
What is included in assessment of rape and sexual assault?
Physical examination to preserve evidence
Description of what happened
Rape kits, rape protocols
What is the treatment and intervention for rape and sexual assault?
Immediate support
Give control back to victim
Prophylactic treatment for STIs, pregnancy
Supportive therapy
Evaluation and Treatment Outcomes of Rape and Sexual Assault are dependent on:
Dependent on the setting for interventions
Rape/ Sexual Assault Treatment outcomes
Managing the patient’s immediate safety
Ending abusive relationships
Recognizing that one is not to blame
Demonstrating knowledge of strengths and coping skills, and reestablishing social networks
Follow-up efforts important
Appropriate treatment of any disorder resulting from abuse