Medieval Europe Flashcards
German invaders - Militarily powerful; Important because create largest and most stable empire since fall of Rome
Church in Dark Ages
Only organized institution - Provide comfort
Capital of the Franks
Aechen (Charlemagne’s reign)
1st King of the Franks; Unification of various Frankish tribes under 1 ruler; Baptized and covert to Christianity - Gain support from Catholic Church; Forced soldiers to convert
Where is the Catholic Church located?
732 Battle of Tours / Battle of Poitiers
Battle between Franks vs Moors/Muslims (Islam); Stopped northward expansion of Islamic rule into Western Europe; Martel built his own professional army and fought the Moors who were advancing into Europe and a threat to Christian kingdoms; Franks won;
Charles Martel
Martel = Hammer; Advisor to King; Defender of Christianity; Gains taxes / land from Christians to support his army and fight moors
Spanish Muslims
Charlemagne / Charles the Great
One of the King of the Franks; Creates circumstances for cultural rebirth; Introduce education system; 1st time forcing non-Christians to become Christian; Emperor of the Romans; Carolingian Renaissance
Christmas Day 800
Day Charlemagne was crowned “Emperor of the Romans” by Pope - Saves Pope from German invaders
Carolingian Renaissance
Reign of Charlemagne; Books; Monasteries
Carolingian Minister
Lowercase Letters invented by Charlemagne
Rhine River
Contains half of French, half of Germany - In both countries
Eldest son of the family gets all the land
Feudal System
Decentralized political system; Vassals; Loyalty to lord; Political and military system that provide clarity
People with lower authorities; Lowest vassal is still a noble, knight, and get paid
Doesn’t do much but is able to make things through different relationships
Who they marry can create powerful alliances to improve their relationship; Make great vassals; Have political relationships
Church and King’s legitimacy; Settle influences
Attack enemies from behind
Fortress / Manor
Most numerous; Individually useless; Social mobility is rare to try to move up
Land the lord give to a vassal in the Feudal System - Similar to currency; Real estate; Use land as wealth
Economic system of the middle ages; Lord owns a manor - serfdom, freeman, etc.
What is the goal of each manor?
Self-sufficiency through agriculture and farming -> Surplus -> Revitalization of towns -> No distance trade
Social mobility in Manorialism
No social mobility but get enough land to survive means land security, safety for kids -> Trade opportunity for security;
Most peasants - A lord owns the right to their labor
Freemans (Other kind of peasants)
Have some special demand who can leave freely (Blacksmith, tailors, millers, bakers, etc.)
3 field crop rotation
1 Land has wheat; 1 Land has rye; 1 Land is fallow
Similar to Carruca; Moving livestock from one place to the other
Moldboard Plow / Carruca
Replaces horses’ ankles - Same plow in farming today; More soil
Rural town; Self-sufficient community with surrounding farmland
Hierarchy and Social Mobility in Feudal System
King > Barons / Dukes > Earls / Marquis > Knights > Small urban class > Commoners; No social mobility to move up - Very little; Every vassals is a noble and have a fief; Must trust people that you pay fief to; Higher up pay their vassals
Code of Horsemen
Loyalty to one’s lord
Entire system is built of the assumption that people can make deals and trust them; Willing to make sacrifices / to fight
Skill in combat; Ability to fight - Exaggerated
Expect knights to be protect religion; War can be sanctified by the religion
Courtesy to Ladies
Upper class women; Women want what she wills - opportunity to make their own decisions
The right for someone to rule - Acknowledge this person but doesn’t have to agree; People accepting the government
Hegemonic / Hegemony
Strength of a way of thinking to be so influential that people take it to their hearts and make it their own way of seeing things; People willing to see it their own way - Almost impossible to see it any other way
The Catholic Church
Highest importance; Provide religion unifying everyone; Most influential institution - Provide service for people (7 Sacraments); Provide every essential service people have - different roles and services; Unifying concept
Head of Catholic Church; Prevent Catholic government and Monarch to get caesaropapism; Also a bishop; Successor to Peter
Who chose the Pope?
The Cardinals / College of Cardinals - Most senior members of the clergy who were mostly bishops
A group of people who are determined by God for religious duties
Priests (Bishop can do all 7)
Religious leader performing the 7 Sacraments; Lowest priest can still perform most of the sacraments
7 Sacraments
Every major turning points of life the local priest is guiding them; Gaining trust and making them influential; Among best educated people - Marriage; Communion; Baptism; Last rites / Anointing the Sick; Penance; Confirmation; Holy Orders
Merge Christianity with Plato (greek philosophy) and established its core ideas; 2 Worlds (Physical and internal); Philosopher, writer, missionary - Sees the fall of Rome -> Physical word doesn’t matter but people should worry about the world in the next life; Always be a good person
Different from priests; Seclude themselves with groups following rules; Importance: Preserve all books / Bibles -> store them -> Europe becomes more literate and take advantage of books
Great works of charities; Shelters for the poor; Hospitals
A Great Intellectual; About being able to be religious and still think for yourself
St.Thomas Aquinas
Creates an argument with Catholic so that people can think for themselves - Think rationally for themselves; Writes text on God is real and declaring he can prove it; Take logic from Aristotle and come up with other questions -> Developing society that’s more free thinking
Summa Theologica 1274
Written by St.Thomas Aquinas; Describe relationship between God and man; Explain how man’s reconciliation with the Divine is made possible at all through Christ
When Monarch becomes too powerful and hijack religion -> Making people follow him rather than Pope; Having both political and religious power
Emperor Henry IV (4th)
Excommunicated by Gregory VII; Went back on his word and stopped following Gregory
Lay investiture
Monarchs attempting to take over Catholic Church by appointing their own archbishops / close supporters as Bishops of the Church; Bishops supervises the Pope
Pope Gregory VII (7th)
Uses excommunication to stop lay investiture; Because the Bishops are supervising the Priests, Gregory uses excommunication on the Monarch
Excluding someone from the community; That person can’t use any of the Sacraments; Won’t be given Penance = Damnation / Condemned to go to hell
Pope Innocent III
Places all England into interdict because of King John; No one had any sacraments; Use interdict to collect tithe; 3rd Crusades
King John
Begs for his forgiveness; Becomes vassal to Innocent III; Owns his loyalty to the Pope; Has to offer military assistance; Receive England back as papal tithe
Mass excommunication in an entire region
Lay people contribute 1/10th of their income for religious purposes
Lay people
Anyone who is not a bishop or a nun
Holy War
Pope Urban II
Pope who calls the 1st Crusade
Reasons for Urban II for calling the Crusades
Help Byzantines because the Byzantine empire was falling to the Turks who converted to Islam; Pope is concern because he’d rather have Orthodox Christians than Turkish invaders as neighbors; Stop Byzantine empire from falling by attacking the Holy Land - Byzantine emperor ask for help; Ship knights away -> Peace
When is the 1st Crusade called?
What caused the fall of Medieval Europe?
Institutions that dominated comes to an end
Institutions that dominated Medieval Europe
Manorialism, Feudalism, and the Catholic Church
Casus belli
Justifies a war / Cause of war
Head of church in Byzantine Empire
Patriarch of Constantinople
The Great Schism
Argument on Icons; Eastern Orthodox and Western Catholic; Orthodox: Christianity should have no representation of God - Catholic: Western World needed icons because few people could read
Ways that ended Manorialism
Black Death
Ways that ended Feudalism
Manorialism; Middle class took down nobles because monarchs wanted more land back
Ways that ended the Catholic Church
Extreme unction
Last rites
100 Year War
Joan of Arc; Between French and England
Joan of Arc
Women; French Patriarch Symbol; Prophet; Becomes a martyr
English archers annihilate French knights
Rule / Authority of the Pope
Papal Supremacy
Pope has universal power over the Church