Byzantines Flashcards
A narrow passage separating two pieces of land
A strait that connects the Aegean Sea to Sea of Marmara, providing a direct route from Europe to Asia
Bosporus Strait
A strait that connects the Black Sea with the Aegean Sea / Mediterranean Sea, forming trades with others (Europe and Asia) - Cultural diffusion; Largest cultural diffusion/most valuable place of real estate in the world - Silk road from China
Sea of Marmara
Sea between Hellespont and Bosporus - Connects Europe and Asia, Mediterranean and Black Sea; Trade by land and sea - high cultural diffusion
Eastern Roman Empire
Another name for the Byzantines (the west half fell)
Constantine moved the capital out of Rome to Byzantine and renamed it Nova Roma / New Rome / 2nd Rome and after he died, it was named after him; Most impressive city at the time - Diverse population; Lasted over 1000 years
Reign: 527-565; Nephew of Byzantine empire; Controversial from other Byzantine rulers who all preferred the wealthy and noble over the shady and commoners - left his wealthy status then came back; Reorganized Byzantine for success; Supported and expanded Christianity influence
Justinian’s wife; Came from a poor family; Power behind Justinian; Saved entire empire from crisis (Nika revolt); Helped create laws for women rights
General - In charge of the whole Byzantine army; Commoner(Came from a poor/shady background); Reclaimed the lost Western empire and a lot more land; Defends Constantinople from invasions
Nika Revolt
Riot during horse-race from people who worked for Justinian because they wanted to replace him - Justinian was going to run away but Theodora stopped and commanded him to go out there and stop the riot
Rule of Law
Justinian believed in what’s right is determined by what’s fair; Sent advisors to gather old Roman laws; Define the rights for all people;
Corpus Juris Civilis (Body of Civil Laws)
Fairness and equality; Ancient Roman laws and legal principles that the Byzantines preserved - still used today; Justinian organized a government based on fairness - Reason why Democracy was able to live one
Code of Hammurabi
Fair is fair - Deliberately hurting someone (high punishment) vs Accidentally hurting someone (low punishment)
Justinian’s main job
Picking the right person for the right job/for them to be powerful
Mother city
Art in Greek
Most important: Literacy
From Byzantines: Justinian; Tiles of different shapes and sizes; Displayed in church: Hagia Sophia, etc
Hagia Sophia
Church of Holy Wisdom; Biggest church in the world - Built by Justinian - Dome = Most impressive feature; Turned into mosque
Surrounding features
Surrounded by 3 waters - Defenders of water - greek fire
Cultural shift - Eastern Christianity was associated with the Pope in Rome but when he was cut off, it became Greek Orthodox Christianity
Paintings of a holy saint/person; Important in Orthodox Christianity - Catholic had stained glass windows
Missionary Work
Converted most of Europe, especially Russia, to Orthodox Christianity
Cyril and Methodius
Cyrillic alphabet came from his name; They spreading literacy to illiterate people - translated the bible by creating new alphabet related to Greek alphabet - People spoke the same language but wrote it differently
Western Europeans
Religious symbols; Greco - Roman Mythology; Basing their society on the idea of law/citizen centered society from the Byzantines;
Soft Power
Didn’t have a strong military but influenced others by religion and belief
Similar to Pope; Head of religious practice/church