Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology of Pulmonary Disease Flashcards
Main Treatment Strategies in Asthma
(3 drug classes)
- B2 adrenergic agonists
- methylxanthines
- anticholinergics
Main Treatment Strategies in Asthma
(2 drug classes)
- glucocorticoids
- antileukotriene agents
Main Treatment Strategies in Asthma
inhibition of mast cell degranulation
(2 drug classes)
- Cromolyn
- Omalizumab
Main Treatment Strategies in Asthma
long acting beta agonists
Main Treatment Strategies in Asthma
inhaled corticosteroid
Main Treatment Strategies in Asthma
leukotriene receptor antagonist
Main Treatment Strategies in Asthma
long acting muscarinic agents
B2 adrenergic receptor agonists - sympathomimetic amines
primary activity - ___ bronchial smooth muscle
secondary activities - inhibit release of mediators from ___ cells, inhibit ___ leakage, increase microciliary ___ of mucus
- relax
- mast
- microvascular
- transport
B2 adrenergic receptor agonists
LTC4 and LTD4 or histamine activate ___ pathway which causes contraction.
B2-agonists activate the ___ pathway which causes relaxation
- Gq
- Gs
Selective B2- Adrenergic Agonists
SABA examples
albuterol (Ventolin)
levalbutoral (Xopenex)
terbutaline (Brethine)
short acting beta agonist
Selective B2- Adrenergic Agonists
T or F: albuterol has optimal B2 selectivity wheras terbutaline is more potent
True; terbutaline causes increased palpitations
Selective B2- Adrenergic Agonists
LABA examples
SABA examples
SABAs are resistant to ___
LABAs are resistant to ___ and ___
Selective B2 - Adrenergic Agonists
T or F: salmeterol/formoterol are for acute attacks
Selective B2- Adrenergic Agonists
- Inhaled drugs have ___ systemic adverse effects compared to oral B2 agonists
- inhaled drugs provide a ___ action on brochial smooth muscle
- fewer
- local
Selective B2- Adrenergic Agonists
Regular vs. PRN dosing
* ___ for acute or anticipated attack
* __ dosing confined to oral drugs or salmeterol and formoterol (in combination with ___ only). Used morning/evening.
- regular
Selective B2- Adrenergic Agonists
skeletal muscle ___ , palpitations, ___
* occurs less with B2 selective agents
* high doses of B2 selective agents may stimulate B1 receptors in the heart
* reflex tachycardia may occur due to vasodilation caused by B2 activation
vasodilation → decreased blood pressure → increased heart rate
- tremors
- tachycardia
what 2 drugs are contraindicated as monotherapy for prevention of asthma attacks?
salmeterol and formoterol
monotherapy LABA increases risk of asthma related death; need ICS + LABA
Glucocorticoids: Mechanism of Action
alter gene expression of proteins important in the ___ process
* Eosinophils, macrophages, and mast cells in the ___ epithelium and submucosa are decreased.
* Inhibit synthesis of ___ and ___.
* Decrease the ___ of bronchial smooth muscle cells that occurs in ___ asthma.
* bronchial
* prostaglandins and leukotrienes
* hyperresponsiveness, chronic
Glucocorticoids: Clinical Use in Asthma
___ dosing reduces the frequency and severity of acute attacks in patients with chronic bronchial asthma.
* ___ weeks to experience full effects of the medication
daily, 4-8 weeks
albuterol and terbutaline
- SABA inhalation onset ___ and duration ___
- SABA oral onset ___ and duration ___
- 5 min, 3-4 h
- 30 min, 3-8 h
salmeterol and formoterol -LABA
- salmeterol inhalation onset ___ and duration ___
- fomoterol inhalation onset __ and duration ___
- > 20 min, 12 h
- 10 min, >12 h
fluticasone + salmeterol combo
budesonide and formoterol
mometasone and formoterol
not for acute relief of bronchial spasm. 12 yo+
Methylxanthines - Theophylline
- inhibits ___
- increases ___ levels
- antagonizes bronchoconstriction produced by ___
evidence for anti-inflammatory activity at low dose
- phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4)
- cAMP
- adenosine
Anti-inflammatory actions of theophylline
- ____ activation
- enhances ___ of inflammatory cells
- enhances anti-inflammatory effects of ___
- apoptosis
- glucocorticoids
why is theophylline not commonly prescribed
narrow therapeutic range
* Usual therapeutic range 10-15 mg/ml;
start to see adverse effects at 20 mg/ml.
* N/V, nervousness, abdominal discomfort, cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension, CNS stimulation, seizures, cardiac arrest
Theophylline: Drug Interactions/Cautions
- ___ and ___ antacids delay absorption
- t1/2 prolonged in patients with ___
- may aggravate pre-existing ___ disorders
- 6 drugs that increase therophylline levels by competing for same CYP450:
- Mg2+ and Al(OH)3
- congestive heart failure
- seizure
- cimetidine, allopurinol, erythromycin, fluroquinolones (ciprofloxacin), propranolol, and leukotriene inhibitors
Degranulation of Mast Cells
- Antigen mediated-binding of allergens to ___ antibodies bound to the cell surface releases inflammatory agents (histamine, kinins, serotonin, leukotrienes, prostaglandins)
- Other triggers: thermal/mechanical stress, cytotoxic agents like ___, and high dose of ___
- IgE
- venom, morphine
Mast Cell Degranulation Requires:
- binding of ___ to FcER
- binding of ___ to IgE antibodies
- Clustering of ___ receptors
- influx of ___ via ___
- IgE
- antigen
- FcER
- Ca2+, CRAC
CRAC = Ca2+ release activated channels
Two Phases of Asthma
Early reaction and Late reaction
- early reaction is allergen/mast cell/ T lymphocyte mediated
- late reaction: ECP, PAF, Neutrophil proteases
Inhibition of Mast Degranulation
Cromolyn sodium (Intal) and nedocromil sodium (Tilade)
* only of value when taken ___
* stable/insoluble salts (cannot be taken __)
* inhaled as a microfine powder/aerosolized solution
Reduction in symptomatic severity and bronchodilator use
- prophylactically
- orally
Prophylaxis of mild to moderate chronic asthma, mostly used for exercise induced asthma
Biologics Therapy and when to use
Monoclonal antibody used to modulate biological pathways by blocking ___ or ___
* used when steps 1-5 dont work - failed ICS, leukotriene antagonists
* Used for patients with frequent exacerbation
- receptors or cytokines
Asthma Phenotypes
Type 2 - ___ inflammation
* neutrophilic
* IL-6, IL-8, IL-17
* harder to treat and more likely to have adverse events when treatments have been used
Type 2 - ___ inflammation
* Eosinophilic
* IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13
* also - PGD2 stimulation of DP2 receptor
5 Major types of Biologics – six monoclonals
- Omalizumab - ___ antagonist
- Reslizumab and Mepolizumab - ___ pathway
- Benralizumab - ___ alpha receptor
- Dupilumab - ___ receptor alpha antagonist - affects both ___ and ___ pathway
- Tezepelumab - ___ stromal lymphopoietin
- IgE
- IL-5
- IL-5
- IL-4, IL-4, IL-13
- thymic
all are approved for type 2 high inflammation
Omalizumab (Xolair)
inhibition of ___
* humanized mouse anti-human ___
* >___ yo with moderate+ asthma and unresponsive to inhaled ___
* One injection every ___ weeks
* Causes a ___% reduction in free IgE levels.
- IgE
- 12, steroids
- 2-4
- 96%
Inhibition of Eosinophils - Interleukin 5 pathway
IL-5 - ___ and ___ of eosinophils
* Mepolizumab and Reslizumab
recruitment and maturation
Inhibition of two pathways - Interleukin 4 alpha receptor
Dupilumab (Dupixent)
* IL-4 alpha chain is involved in signalling for both IL-4 and ____
* used of persistent asthma
* self administered
* also used for atopic dermatitis and rhinosinusitis
* side effects - increase ___ levels and rare conjunctivits
bloody eosinophils
Inhibition of Interleukin 5 alpha receptor
Benralizumab (Fasenra)
* Severe Eosinophilic Asthma Treatment
* Binds to IL-5 receptor (IL-5R) and blocks IL-5
* inhibits differentiation and maturation of ___ in the bone marrow
Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP)
Tezepelumab (Tezspire)
* targets TSLP, an epithelial ___ for severe asthma (12+ yo)
* decrease ___ and T2 independent inflammation
* Inhibits differentiation and maturation of ___ in the bone marrow
* One fixed dose – prefilled syringe every ___ weeks by a physician
- cytokine
- T2
- eosinophils
- 4
Inhibition of Eosinophils
DP2 - prostaglandin receptor antagonist Fevipiprant (Novartis) – Failed in Phase III clinical trials
___ is produced primarily from IgE activated mast cells and promotes activation and migration of eosinophils, Th2 lymphocytes, and basophils through activation of the DP2 receptor
5-Lipoxygenase Oxygenation of Arachidonate
Lipoxygenase pathways for
the formation of ___
Leukotriene Inhibitors - Zileuton
- inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase and thus inhibits the synthesis of ___, ___, and ___
- decreases ___ stage asthma symptoms
- not reccomneded for acute asthma attack
- prophylaxis and treatment of chronic asthma
- LTB4, LTC4, LTD4
LTB4 – potent chemotactic agent
Zileuton Adverse Effects
- metabolized by ___
- doubles the blood levels of ___ and causes an increase in prothrombin time if patients taking ___
- some incidents of liver toxicity
- CYP450
- theophylline, warfarin
Zafirlukast (Accolate) and Montelukast sodium (Singulair) - Selective and competitive inhibitors of the ___ receptor. Inhibit the late phase of ____
* Prescribing description is to dose in the evening – to counter increased ___ synthesis in the evening
* do not take with food (decreased ___)
- CysLT-1
- bronchoconstriction
- leukotriene
- bioavailability
Should not be abruptly substituted for inhaled or oral corticosteroids.
Drugs to treat COPD
- Bronchodilators are the first-line treatment
- ___ used for patients with exacerbations and high
eosinophil counts - used as needed: ___ and ___
- if regular use is required: ___ and ___
- Rare - a1-___ replacement
- antitrypsin
Muscarinic Antagonists
Competitively inhibit muscarinic receptors in the lung
Examples: SAMA - ___ LAMA - ___
Both are quaternary ammonium compounds to limit systemic absorption
- ipratropium (Altrovent)
- tiotropium (Spiriva)
Clinical Use of Ipratropium and Tiotropium - dosing
Ipratropium dosing: ___
Tiotropium dosing: ___
- tid/qid (SAMA)
- qd (LAMA)
PRN dosing is not used in contrast to SABAs
Recent anti-Muscarinic LAMA - Seebri
* (FDA) has approved Seebri Neohaler (____) inhalation powder 15.6 mcg as a stand-alone monotherapy for COPD.
* inhalation dose much lower than oral use dose
* random: 1st drug approved to treat excessive ___
Long-acting B2-adrenergic agonists
T or F: Mono-therapy with LABAs is NOT contraindicated in COPD
Remodeling in COPD
- ___ of small airways
- ___inflation of lungs
- alveolar ___ and ___ destruction
- mucus ___
- genetic deficiency of ___
- fibrosis
- hyperinflation
- enlargement, wall
- hypersecretion
- a1-anti-trypsin
a1-antitrypsin Replacement Therapy
leads to excessive ___ damage to lung tissue (uninhibited ___ and ___)
proteolytic, MMP9, elastase
less than 1% of COPD patients have this genetic deficiency
Drugs to Treat Cystic Fibrosis
Ivacaftor (Kalydeco) - CFTR regulator
* For CF patients 4 months or older with ___mutations in ___
gating, CFTR
Small molecule chaperones for
DeltaF508 CFTR – lumaftor, tezacaftor and elexacaftor
* ___ – a combination of Lumacaftor and ivacaftor. Lumacaftor not approved as a monotherapy
* ___ - Tezacaftor combination with Ivacaftor
* ___ – Elexacaftor, tezacaftor and ivacaftor (Newest_
Drugs to Treat Cystic Fibrosis
Pancreatic Enzyme Products
* ___ mucus obstructs pancreatic enzyme floww
* PERT: ____
* ___ - derived from porcine pancreatic glands
Dose is individualized based on stool behavior
- thick
- pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy
- pancrelipase
Loss of CFTR function in airway epithelium
Dehydration of airway surface liquid causes thickening of mucus.
CFTR function inhibits ENaC-mediated Na+ influx. When this is broken = greater influx of Na+ and water (less water in mucus)
Pulmonary Targets Summary
- Bronchodilation
- Anti-inflammation
- Inhibition of Mast cell
- Inhibition of eosinophilia
Pulmonary Targets Summary
- bronchodilation - muscarinic receptor and adrenergic receptor based
- Protease inhibitor strategy
Pulmonary Targets Summary
- protein folding/channel correctors
- mucus treatment and pancreatic enzyme (PERT)
- bronchodilation and antibiotics