Contraception Flashcards
Role of Estrogen in Contraception
- Suppress ___ production
- prevent ___ follicle
- increase sex hormone ___ globulin (SHBG)
- increase binding of free ___
- dominant
- binding
- androgens
Role of Progestin in Contraception
- Prevent ___ surge
- inhibit ___
- Thicken cervical ___
- atrophy of ___
- lessen ___
- LH
- ovulation
- mucus
- endometrium
- bleeding
inhibits sperm’s swimming ability and implantation
Not enough estrogen
- Breakthrough bleeding ___ in the cycle
- ___ menses
- vaginal ___
- spotting
- no ___ bleeding
- early
- light
- dryness
- withdrawal
not enough progestin
- breakthrough bleeding ___ in cycle
- no ___bleeding
- ___ menses
- late
- withdrawal
- heavy
Levonorgestrel has high progestational activity and high ___ activity
Implant - Etonogestrel (Nexplanon)
- more than ___ effective
- left in place for up to ___ years
- if inserted > 5 days after start of period, use backup method for ___ days
- Return of fertility: may be delayed or rapid return within ___ weeks
- 99%
- 3 years
- 7 days
- 6 weeks
Implant - Etonogestrel (Nexplanon)
Serious SE:
* ___ changes
* headaches
* acne
Common SE:
irregular bleeding for ___ months
- mood
- 6-12
Levonorgestrel IUD
- more than ___ effective
- left in place for ___ years (based on each IUD)
- use back up method for ___ days after insertion
- Benefits: ___or lighter periods, safe to ___, lower risk of ___ cancer
- Return of fertility: ___
- 99%
- 3-7 years
- 7
- amenorrhea, breastfeed, uterine
- immediate
Levonorgestrel IUD
Serious SE: (all about insertion)
* uterine ___
* expulsion
* infection
Common SE:
* spotting for first ___ months
* periods may become ___ or less ___
* cramping with insertion
- perforation
- 3-6
- lighter or less frequent
Copper IUD (Paragard)
- More than ___ effective
- left in place for ___ years
- no backup method needed, effective ___
- Benefits: lower risk of __ cancer, safe to ___
- 99%
- 10+
- immediately
- uterine, breastfeed
Copper IUD (Paragard)
Serious SE:
* uterine ___
* expulsion
* infection
Common SE:
* cramping with insertion
* spotting for the first ___ months
* periods may become ___
- perforation
- 3-6 months
- heavier
Levonorgestrel Brands/Strengths/Duration
Mirena; ___ mg; ___ years
Skyla; ___ mg; ___ years
Liletta; ___ mg; ___ years
Kyleena; ___ mg; ___ years
- 52 mg, 7 years
- 13.5 mg, 3 years
- 52 mg, 6 years
- 19.5 mg, 5 years
Depo Shot
- ___% effective
- ___ mg IM or ___ mg SC
- every __ months
- Quick Start: start today and use backup for __ days
- Next Period: start within ___ days of period
- Benefits: lower risk of ___ cancer, safe to ___, lighter and less ___ periods
Late dose: - > 15 weeks + unprotected sex, use ___
- 94%
- 150 mg; 104 mg
- 7 days
- 7 days
- uterine, breastfeed, painful
- Emergency contraception
Depo Shot
Serious SE:
* ___ bone density
* ___ bleeding
Common SE:
* ___ gain
* changes in ___, mood, or headaches
* spotting or ___
Return of fertility: possible ___ of return
- lower
- heavier
- weight
- acne
- amenorrhea
- delay
- ___% effective
- E + P
- Quick Start: start today, if 5 days after ___ use backup for 7 days
- Next period: start within ___ days of period
- wait 5 days to start is ___ is used
- Benefits: improved ___, lower risk of ___ cancer, more ___, lighter, and less painful periods
Late dose:
* 1 pill: take ASAP and take next pill at usual time
* 2 or more pills: take 1 ASAP, take next pill ay usual time, use backup for ___ days
- 91%
- period
- 5 days
- Ella
- acne, ovarian/uterine, regular
- 7 days
Serious SE:
* Blood ___
* stroke
Common SE:
* nausea
* spotting
* ___ discomfort
* Change in __
* headaches
Return of fertility: ____
- clots
- breast
- mood
- immediate
Very low dose EE range
20-25 mcg
Low dose EE range
30-35 mcg
High dose EE range
50 mcg
Mini-Pill (POP-Norethindrone)
- ___% effective
- must be taken with ___ hours of the same time every day
- no ___ in the pack
- same starting methods as COC
- Benefits: Safe to ___, lack of ___ related SE
- Return of Fertility: ___
- 91%
- 3 hours
- placebo
- breastfeed
- estrogen
- immediate
Mini-Pill (POP-Norethindrone)
Late Dose
* if more than 3 hours late: take pill ASAP and use backup for ___ days
* miss 1 or more pills, take 1 ASAP, take next pill at usual time, and use backup for ___ days
2 days
Mini-Pill (POP-Norethindrone)
Serious SE:
* Severe ___
* ___ bleeding
* ___ pregnancy
Common SE:
* spotting and menstrual changes more common than ___
- headaches
- heavy
- ectopic
POP-Drospirenone 4mg (Slynd)
- ___% effective
- ___ placebos in the pack
- same starting info as COC
- same late dosing info as COC
- Benefits: safe to ___, lack of __ related side effects
- return of fertility: ___
- 91%
- 4
- breastfeed, estrogen
- immediate
POP-Drospirenone 4mg (Slynd)
Serious SE:
* Severe ___
* ___ bleeding
* ___ pregnancy
* ___kalemia
Common SE:
* spotting and menstrual changes more common than ___
- headaches
- heavy
- ectopic
- hyperkalemia
Ring - EE and Etonogestrel (Nuvaring, Eluryng)
- ___% effective
- E + P (releases ___ mcg of ___ per day)
- left in place for 3 weeks and removed for ___ week
- new ring inserted after ___ days
- Quick Start: Start today, if more than ___ day after period, use backup for 7 days
- Next Period: start ___ day of period
- wait ___ days if Ella is used
- Benefits: improved ___, lower risk for ___ cancer, more ___, light, less painful periods
- return of fertility: ____
- 91%
- 15 mcg, EE
- 1 week
- 7 days
- 1 day
- first
- 5 days
- acne, ovarian/uterine, regular
- immediate
Ring - EE and Etonogestrel (Nuvaring, Eluryng)
Serious SE:
* Blood ___
* stroke
Common SE:
* nausea
* spotting
* ___ discomfort
* chanhes in ___
* headaches
- clots
- breast
- mood
Ring - EE and Etonogestrel (Nuvaring, Eluryng)
Late Dose:
* out for over 3 hours; reinsert and use backup for ___ days
* in for over ___ weeks; remove ring, put in new ring and use back up for 7 days
- 7 days
- 4 weeks
Reusable Ring - Segestrone and EE (Annovera)
- ___% effective
- E + P (releases ___ mcg of ___ per day)
- left in place for ___ weeks, removed for 1 week
- wash with mild ___ and warm water
- Quick Start: start today, if more than 5 days after period, used backup for 7 days
- Next period: start on days ___ of period
- Wait 5 days if ___ is used
- Benefits: Improved ___, lower risk of ___ cancer, more ___, lighter, less painful periods, can use one device up to ___ times
- Return of fertility: ___
- 97%
- 13 mcg, EE
- soap
- 2-5
- Ella
- acne, ovarian/uterine, regular, 13x
- immediate
Reusable Ring - Segestrone and EE (Annovera)
Late Dose:
* out for more than 2 hours: reinsert and use backup for ___ days
7 days
Reusable Ring - Segestrone and EE (Annovera)
Serious SE:
* blood ___
* stroke
Common SE:
* headache/___
* infection/___
* N/V
- clots
- migraine
- candidiasis
Patch - Norelgestromin and EE (Xulane, Zafemy)
- ___% effective
- may be less effective if over ___ lbs
- caution with BMI over ___ (still used clinically)
- E +P (releases ___ mcg of ___ per day)
- patches can be applied to arm, ___ , back , or ___
- new patch every __ weeks, patch free for ___ days
- same starting info as COC
- Benefit: improved ___, lower risk of ___ cancer, more ___, lighter, less painful periods
- Return of fertility: ___
- 91%
- 198 lbs
- 30
- 35 mcg, EE
- butt, abdomen
- 3 weeks, 7 days
- acne, ovarian/uterine, regular
- immediate
Patch - Norelgestromin and EE (Xulane, Zafemy)
Late Dose:
* off over ___hours: apply new patch, backup for 7 days
* On over ___ days: apply new patch; backup for 7 days
- 24 hours
- 9 days
Patch - Norelgestromin and EE (Xulane, Zafemy)
Serious SE:
* blood ___ (more estrogen than most COC)
Common SE:
* nausea
* spotting
* ___ discomfot
* ___ irritation
* change in ___
* headaches
- clots
- breast
- skin
- mood
Patch - Levonorgestrel and EE (Twirla)
- ___% effective
- less effective as ___ increases
- E + P (releases ___ mcg of ___ daily)
- same administartion location as other patches
- new patch every __ weeks, patch free for ___ days
- Next Period: start on ___ day of period, use back up for the first 7 days of first cycle
- wait ___ days is Ella is used
- Benefits: improved ___, lower risk of ___ cancer, more ___, lighter, and less painful periods, ___ risk of blood clots
- Return of Fertility: ___
- 91-96%
- 30 mcg, EE
- first
- 5 days
- acne, ovarian/uterine, regular, lower
- immediate
Patch - Levonorgestrel and EE (Twirla)
Late Dose:
* off less than __ hours: apply new patch, no backup needed
* off greater than ___ hours: apply new patch and start and use backup for 7 days
24 hours
Patch - Levonorgestrel and EE (Twirla)
Serious SE:
* Blood ___
Common SE:
* nausea
* spotting
* increased ___
* ___ irritation
* changes in ___
* headaches
- clots
- weight
- skin
- mood
Some Contraindications of COC
- < ___ days postpartum
- Venous ___
- ___ and vascular disease
- migraine ___ aura
- ___ cancer
- BP > ___
- smoking over ___ cigs over the age of ___
- stroke
- 21 days
- thromboembolism
- diabetes
- with
- breast
- 160/100 mmHg
- 15 cigs, 35 years old
T or F: antibiotics and COC is controversial, and backup should be recommended
T or F: Amethyst is the only pack with no placebo pills that is FDA approved
skipping the placebo pills of other COCs is off label
POP contraindication
current ___ cancer
T or F: For transgender men, testosterone treatment alone is enough to prevent pregnancy
FALSE; Testosterone use may decrease fertility but, can still lead to pregnancy
use contraceptives and estradiol to stop menses altogether
T or F: CHC is controversial for use in transgender men due to the presence of estrogen
True; progestin only would be a better option
T or F: Ella can only be used once per cycle
emergency contraception types (3)
- PlanB
- Ella
- Copper IUD
Emergency Contraception
Copper IUD
* interferes with ___ viability and function
* Most effective EC across all ___
- sperm
- BMIs/weight
Emergency Contraception
Ulipristal Acetate
* inhibits ___ and leads to follicular ___
* effective up to ___ days; better efficacy than LNG up to ___ lbs
* effective after ___ surge has begun
* interaction with ___ contraception
* ___ only
- ovulation, rupture
- 5 days, 194 lbs
- LH
- hormonal
- rx
Emergency Contraception
* inhibits ___
* available ___ (not interaction with other methods)
* may be less effective over ___ lbs (BMI of ___)
* labled for ___ hours
- ovulation
- 165 lbs, 25
- 72 hours
Mifepristone (Mifeprex)
- Selective ___ receptor modulator (SPRM)
- Anti___
- decidual ___
- cervical __
- increased uterine ___
- prostaglandin ___
- progesterone
- progesterone
- necrosis
- softening
- contractility
- sensitivity
Misoprostol (Cytotec)
- Prostaglandin ___ analogue
- cervical ___
- uterine ___
- E1
- softening
- contractions
Medication abortion dosing
Mifepristone: ___ mg po for 1 dose
Misoprostol: ___ mcg buccally 24-48 hours later. (2x ___ mcg tablets in each cheek for 30 mins)
- 200 mg
- 800 mcg, 200 mcg
Medicaltion abortion counseling points
bleeding and cramping is to be expected but contact your doctor if:
* more than ___ pads/ hour for 2 consecutive hours
* blood clots larger than a ___
* chills and fever greater than ___ or ___ for over 4 hours
* most severe pain is ___ after misoprostol
- 2 pads
- lemon
- 101 degrees, 100.4 degrees
- 2.5-4 hours
Irregular Bleeding - Pills
- take pill at the same time each day
- ibuprofen ___ mg po ___ for 5 days
- ___ acid 500 mg po TID for 5 days
- change pill formulation
- 800 mg, TID
- Mefenamic
Irregular Bleeding - Implant/IUD
- ibuprofen ___ mg po ___ for 5 days
- ___ acid 500 mg po TID for 5 days
- Combined pill with ___ for 1 cycle
- EE ___ mcg daily for ___ days
- 800 mg, TID
- Mefenamic
- levonorgestrel
- 50 mcg, 21 days
Heavy/Prolonged Bleeding
- ibuprofen ___ mg po ___ for 5 days when bleeding starts
- EE ___ mcg daily for ___ days (or ___ pills)
- ___ acid 1500 mg po TID for 3 days, then ___. mg po daily for 2 days when bleeding starts
- 800 mg, TID
- 50 mcg, 21, combined
- Tranexamic, 1000 mg
Headaches and Nausea
* pain relievers
* if during hormone free week, consider __ use
* if headaches get worse or are more often, seek evaluation
* take pill at ___ or with ___
* if beginning of cycle, consider ___ use or ___ cycle
- extended
- bedtime, food
*continuous, extended
breast tenderness and acne
Breast Tenderness
* wear supportive bra
* hot/col compress
* pain relievers
* consider product with lower dose of ___
* topical
* try different formulation of pills
* switch from implant/IUD to ___
- estrogen
Mood changes
- ___ cycle if changes during hormone free week
- refer if major ___
- continuous
- depression