ANS-1,2 Flashcards
Autonomic Nervous System 1/9/23
Which receptors use the Gq pathway?
M1, M3, M5, a1
Which receptors use the Gi pathway?
M2, M4, a2
Which receptors use the Gs pathway?
B1, B2, B3
What receptor is a 5 subunit sodium ion channel
Heart: rate of contraction - adrenergic response and receptor
increase rate of contraction, B1>B2
Heart: rate of contraction - cholinergic response and receptor
decrease rate of contraction, M2
Heart: force of contraction - adrenergic response and receptor
increase force of contraction, B1>B2
Heart: force of contraction - cholinergic response and receptor
decrease force of contraction, M2
Arteries - adrenergic response and receptor
vasoconstriction, a1
Veins - adrenergic response and receptor
vasoconstriction, a1, a2
Blood flow to Skeletal Muscle - adrenergic response and receptor
vasodilation, B2
Endothelium - cholinergic response and receptor
release of EDRF (endothelium derived relaxing factor), M3
Lung: bronchiolar smooth muscle - adrenergic response and receptor
bronchodilation, B2
Lung: bronchiolar smooth muscle - cholinergic response and receptor
bronchoconstriction, M2, M3
Genitourinary Smooth Muscle: Bladder Wall - adrenergic response and receptor
relaxation, B3
Genitourinary Smooth Muscle: Bladder Wall - cholinergic response and receptor
contraction, M3
Genitourinary Smooth Muscle: Ureter - adrenergic response and receptor
contraction, a1
Genitourinary Smooth Muscle: Ureter - cholinergic response and receptor
relaxation, M3
Genitourinary Smooth Muscle: Sphincter - adrenergic response and receptor
contraction, a1
Genitourinary Smooth Muscle: Sphincter - cholinergic response and receptor
relaxation, M3
Genitourinary Smooth Muscle: Uterus (pregnant) - adrenergic response and receptor
relaxation (B2) & contraction (a1)
Genitourinary Smooth Muscle: Uterus (pregnant) - cholinergic response and receptor
variable, M3
Genitourinary Smooth Muscle: Penis/Vas Deferens - adrenergic response and receptor
ejaculation, a1
Genitourinary Smooth Muscle: Penis/Vas Deferens - cholinergic response and receptor
erection, M3
Skin: Hair follicles - adrenergic response and receptor
contraction, a1
Skin: smooth muscle -adrenergic response and receptor
piloerection, a1 (goosebumps)
Sweat Glands: thermoregulation - adrenergic response and receptor
increased secretion, M3 (weird exception)
Sweat Glands: Apocrine (stress) - adrenergic response and receptor
increased secretion, a1 (NE is neurotransmitter) (nauuuurrrr my hands are sweaty)
GI Tract: salivary glands - adrenergic response and receptor
increased secretion, a1
GI Tract: salivary glands - cholinergic response and receptor
increased secretion, M3
GI Tract: Smooth Muscles: Walls - adrenergic response and receptor
relaxation, a2, B2 (no need for digestion)
GI Tract: Smooth Muscles: Walls - cholinergic response and receptor
contraction, M3 (rest and digest)
GI Tract: Smooth Muscles: Sphincters - adrenergic response and receptor
contraction, a1
GI Tract: Smooth Muscles: Sphincters - cholinergic response and receptor
relaxation, M3
GI Tract: Secretion - adrenergic response and receptor
decreased secretion, a2 (don’t need digestive juice)
GI Tract: Secretion - cholinergic response and receptor
increased secretion, M3 (need digestive juice)
Liver - adrenergic response and receptor
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, a1, B2
Fat Cells - adrenergic response and receptor
lipolysis, a1, B1, B2, B3
Kidney - adrenergic response and receptor
increase renin secretion, B1
Pancreas - adrenergic response and receptor
decrease insulin, a2
Eye: Iris: Radial Muscle - adrenergic response and receptor
contraction, a1 (mydrasis=pupil dilation)
Eye: Iris: Circular Muscle - cholinergic response and receptor
contraction, M3 (miosis=pupil constriction)
Eye: Ciliary Muscle - adrenergic response and receptor
relaxation, B2 (relaxing ciliary muscle = closing drainage = more intraocular pressure)
Eye: Ciliary Muscle - cholinergic response and receptor
contraction, M3 (contracting ciliary muscle = opening drain = less intraocular pressure)
Eye: Ciliary Epithelium - adrenergic response and receptor
increased secretion, B2 (makes more aq goo)
Eye: Lacrimal glands - adrenergic response and receptor
mucus and enzymes, a1
Eye: Lacrimal glands - cholinergic response and receptor
watery tears, M3
SNS and PSNS typically oppose each other, EXCEPT when it comes to _________
male sex organs
SNS - ejaculation, a1
PSNS - erection, M3
______ and ______ are controlled by SNS only
arteries and veins
Pilocaprine Mechanism
M3 agonist, contracts ciliary muscle and allows for drainage (decreases intraocular pressure)
Brimonidine Mechanism
a2 agonist, ciliary body inhibits production of aq goo and increase drainage (decreases intraocular pressure)
Timolol Mechanism
B antagonist, inhibits secretion of aq goo from ciliary epithelium (decreases intraocular pressure)
Latanaprost Mechanism
prostaglandin PGF2 analog, increase drainage of aq goo (decreases intraocular pressure)
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
preganglionic neurons in the PSNS are short or long?
preganglionic neurons in the SNS are short or long?
Transmitter in all PSNS
postganglionic neurons is
Transmitter in most SNS
postganglionic neurons is
In addition to NE, the SNS also utilizes which neurotransmitters?
ACh (sweat glands), Epinephrine (adrenal
medulla), Dopamine (renal
Primary transmitter of all preganglionic neurons is
SNS Exception - Sweat: transmitter responsible for nervous sweaty palms
SNS Exception - Sweat: transmitter responsible for thermoregulation (cooling sweat)
SNS Exception: Adrenal - Preganglionic neurons synapse directly on to ______
the adrenal gland (no postganglion)
SNS Exception: Adrenal - the adrenal glands release _______ into the systemic circulation
SNS Exception: Kidneys - affected by ______ which is locally synthesized (not ANS)