Medical Legal/Ethics Flashcards
Aermination of paramedic-patient relationship without providing for continuation of care while still needed and desired by patient.
Administrative law (aka regulatory law)
Enacted by an administrative or governmental agency at either the federal or state level, OSHA for example.
Advance Directives
A document to ensure certain treatment choices honored when a patient is unconscious or otherwise unable to express choice of treatments.
Living Wills, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, DNRs, Organ Donor Cards
Appellate Courts
Will hear appeals of decisions by trial or appeals courts.
Criminal or tortious (wrongful) by hreatening physical harm to a person, whether or not actual harm is done.
Unlawful placing person in apprehension of immediate bodily harm without his consent.
A person’s control over what happens to their own physical body.
Unlawful touching of another individual without his consent
To do good.
The desire to do good.
Borrowed Servant Doctrine
If supervising other emergency care providers, you are liable for any negligent act they commit.
Breach of Duty
Conduct that falls short of the standard expected under the circumstances.
The performance of a wrongful act.
The peformance of legal act in a manner that is harmful or injurious.
The failure to perform a required act or duty.
The performance of an act or duty
Recognition granted to individual who has met qualifications to part
Civil Law
Non-criminal issues, such as personal injury, contract disputes, and matrimoial issues.
Code of Ethics for Physicians
The American Osteopathic Association
Acitions can by judged as good or bad only after we know the consequences of those actions.
Person makes intentional false communications that injuries another person’s reputation or good name.
Defenses to Negligence
Good Samaritan Laws
Governmental Immunity
Statues of limitations
Contributory or comparative neglignece
Golden Rule
Do unto other as you would have them do unto you.
Good Samaritan Laws
Protects a person from liability if that person acts in good faith, is not neglignet, acts within their scope of practice, and does not accept payment for services.
Intentional Tort
Civile wrong committed by one person againt another based on willful act
Published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation.
To do harm.
The performance of a wrongful act by the paramedic.
Breach of duty.
Military Triage
Help least seriously injured ; produces greatest number of solders who can returnd to duty.
The performnace of a legal act in a manner that is harmful or injurious.
Of or concerned with the judgement if the goodness or badness of human action and character .
Concerning what is right or purdent.
Right vs wrong as determined by personal conscience .
Social, regligous, or personal standards of right and wrong.