Deliver Complications Flashcards
cephalopelvic disproportion
occurs when the infant’s head is too big to pass through the maternal pelvis easily / may be caused by oversized fetus, large fetuses associated with diabetes, multiparity, postmaturity, hydrocephalus, conjoined twins, fetal tumors
a condition in which fluid accumulates in the brain, enlarging the head and sometimes causing brain damage
precipitous delivery
a delivery that occurs after less than 3 hours of labor / occurs most frequently in grand multipara and is associated with a higher-than-normal incidence of fetal trauma, tearing of the umbilical cord, maternal lacerations
shoulder dystocia
occurs when the infant’s shoulders are larger than its head / most frequently with diabetic and obese mothers
meconium staining
occurs when the fetus passes feces into the amniotic fluid, it is always indicative of a fetal hypoxic incident / hypoxia causes an increae in fetal peristalsis along with relaxation of the anal sphincter
McRobert’s position
pelvis tilts, orienting symphysis more horizontally to facilitate shoulder delivery; the maneuver is used in should dystocia delivery
postpartum hemorrhage
loss of more than 500 cc of blood immediately following delivery / most common cause is uterine atony; other causes include, placenta previa, abruptio placentae, retained placental parts, clotting disorders, vaginal or cervical tears
uterine atony
lack of uterine muscle tone
uterine rupture
tearing, or rupture of the uterus
uterine inversion
occurs when the uterus turns inside out after delivery and extends through the cervix / average blood loss ranges from 800 to 1,800 cc
toxic shock syndrome (TSS)
a form of septic shock