MD-11/10 Flight Training Manual (FTM 3.0) Flashcards
Established on Course
VOR ± one dot or ±5°
LOC ± one dot (± 1/3 dot, decision region) NDB ± 1 nm
RNAV approach (non-final) (IAF to FAF) (RNP-1) ± 0.5 nm*
RNAV final approach segment (FAF to minimums) (RNP-0.3) ± 0.3 nm
Min RWY width for Autoland
Oil Gulp During Engine Start
Monitor for oil gulp if pre-start oil quantity is
at or near full indication of:
GE: 22 or more
PW: 26 or more
Oil gulp on initial start of a cold engine is
GE: 4-6
PW: 5-12
If oil quantity fails to decrease after the engine stabilizes at idle for
approximately one minute, or steadily increases with no decrease post
start, shutdown the engine and make an AML entry.
Max Taxi Thrust
40% N1 in ramp/congested area
1500’ AGL, PF “Select Level Change”
3000’ AGL, PF “Select Speed”
1000’ AGL / non-standard EO ACCEL alt:
PF “Select Level Change” and “Select Speed”
Windshear guidance can be engaged in three ways
- Pushing the G/A button manually
- Advancing the throttles to at least 95% of G/A thrust manually
- The ATS system automatically advancing the throttles to at least 95% of G/A thrust.
Trim in Level Flight
- Remove any aileron and rudder trim with manual trim wheel.
- Allow ATS to stabilize, holding cruise speed constant.
- Allow AP stabilizer trim to stabilize.
- Disconnect AP.
- Hold wings level (use PFD); trim rudder so that heading stays constant.
- Trim off aileron pressure so that wings remain level.
- AP - ON.
- Check the PFD bank and trapezoid. Zero bank and a complete trapezoid means the aircraft is well trimmed.
Make AML entry (include configuration, altitude, and airspeed) for
excessive flight control trim required if:
Ailerons require over 1-1/2 units of trim while the rudder trim is zero,or
Rudder requires over 1-1/2 units of trim while the aileron trim is zero.
New Approach Brief Items
- Planned Flare Altitude
- Planned autothrottle usage (on/off)
- Planned autothrottle disconnect altitude (if applicable)
RNAV (GPS) Approach, need to verify
GI NAV is displayed on ND
FMS Automatic Speed Logic
10,000 ft 245 kts 15 DTG 0/RET foot +20 kts 11 DTG 0/EXT foot +20 kts 7 DTG 15/EXT foot +20 kts 6 DTG 28/EXT foot +5 kts (MD-11) 5 DTG 35/EXT foot +5 kts
Wind Additive on Approach
Only if not using Auto-Throttles or at Capt discretion
Vapp is > of Vref +5 or Vref + wind additive
Additive: 1/2 steady state > 20kts or full gust (max 20 kts) (gust is deference between steady state and gust)
3 Ways to set wind additive
- Edit FMS Vapp (on MCDU Appr page)
- Edit FMS Vapp (on FCP)
- SPD SEL (on FCP)
Decision Region Performance Limits and Application
Airspeed ± 5 knots of target speed
Localizer ± 1/3 dot
Glideslope ± 1/2 dot
Descent Rate Maximum of 1,000 fpm
Applies: 500’-TDZ on coupled ILS Approaches
When must autopilot be use on approach
All Non-ILS Approached
PROF to MDA, when can you set MDA on approach
- Cleared
- Established (ILS or VOR, 1 dot / NDB +/-5 / NAV .3)
- Protected (2) (Good prof / large font alt not in 1R prior to min prof)
*Select Prof and MDA
Approach Deviation Limits
Altitude IAF to FAF: ±100’
Altitude FAF to Minimums: 0 to +50’
Airspeed: ±5 knots
LOC Course: ±1 dot
VOR: ± One dot or ±5°
ARC: ±1 nm
NDB Course: ±5° (NDB bearing)
LNAV path deviation
IAF to FAF: ± 0.5 nm
FAF to Minimums: ± 0.3 nm
VNAV path deviation FAF to Minimums: ± 100 (Full Diamond)
Go-Around without using Go-Around Button
With auto flight engaged, use of “vertical speed” or “level change” is ok if;
- On an ILS approach and not in Single or Dual Land (“LAND ARMED” must be displayed)
- On a non-ILS or visual approach and ACFT is at or above 1000’ AGL
When is the Go-Around mode engaged (FTM 109)
Pressing the Go-Around button;
- Below 2500’ RA
- Flaps or Slats extended
- Pressing the GA button above 2500’ RA with the flaps or slats extended selects GA thrust limits only.*
- If ground spoilers are deployed as a result of main wheel spin-up, ATS will not advance the number 2 throttle. Manually advance throttles to GA thrust.*
Use caution on MD10 Go-Around (FTM 109)
DO NOT RETRACT BEYOND FLAPS 22° until reaching the all engine ACCEL altitude
Below 1500’ AGL, the ACFT pitches to 15° which could cause it to accelerate above FR and then at above 1500’ AGL, it could pitch up slowing the ACFT below FR speed.
Go-Around with V/S or Level Change (FTM 113, 116)
- AUTO FLIGHT is engaged, and
- Coupled to an ILS and LAND ARMED is still displayed in the FMA, or
- Conducting a non-ILS instrument approach or visual approach and the airplane is at or above 1000 feet AGL.
- Go-around with Vertical Speed is not available with DUAL LAND, SINGLE LAND, or G/S APPR ONLY displayed in the altitude FMA.*
- To avoid undesired level-off, do not select PROF until the runway sequences to the FROM waypoint in the FMS flight plan or level at the desired level-off altitude.*
Tail Strike Pitch
MD-11 10°
MD-10 13°
Both with strut compressed
Bounce Recovery (FTM 124)
Pitch: 7½°
Power: Go-Around
HUD light
FO will announce “HUD” between 40-80 knots.
Wind Shear on T/O, last point rotation must be initiated
If prior to V1: REJECT
If after V1: NLT 2000’ remaining
Provides FD and Autopilot guidance (has pop up F/D and Auto-throttles if turned off)
To Activate or Re-activate: T/O Mode / GA Button / Throttles to 95%
To Disengage: Select any other pitch mode
On T/O, rotate NLT 2000’ runway remaining
Decent Ops in Icing Conditions
MD-11 GE
6° or colder and anticipate moisture,
Turn it all on
Autopilot to use with Engine Failure
MD-11: Lose 1, Use 1 / Lose 2 or 3, Use 2
MD-10: Lose 1 or 3, Use 1 / Lose 2, Use 2
FCP EO Procedures
EO ACCEL altitude: Select Speed
SR appears on A/S tape: Set SR Speed
At SR: Select Level Change
ACCEL altitude: Select 250 kts
Engine Failure at Cruise
- Confirm EO
- New EO altitude, request from ATC set in FCP
- INIT new cruise altitude when leveled off
- PROF and FMS Speed
REJECT T/O, FO’s Duties
- Ensure Auto-spoilers Delpoy
- Control Column Forward (if requested)
- Notify ATC
The barometric pressure used for the standard altimeter setting (29.92 inches Hg or 1013.2 hPa).
(Remember, we use QNE/QNH and E=Enroute)
The barometric pressure as reported by a local station.
The barometric pressure that would result in an altimeter reading zero ft on the ground.
Transition Level (TL)
The lowest assignable flight level at which QNE (29.92) may be used.
Going Down
Transition Altitude (TA)
The highest assignable altitude at which QNH (field pressure) may be used.
Going Up
Transition Layer (TRL)
When the transition altitude (TA) and transition level (TL) are not the same, the airspace between is called a transition
Required for Prof to MDA
- In database (min prof alt)
- In the descent phase
- MAP not past RWY
- No notes (NOTAMS, etc)
- No modifications inside FAF
(don’t change flap setting in FMS. If you do change flaps setting, select flaps 50° and bug 5° or less)
3 ways to extend centerline
- Direct to and clear the turn point (invisible centerline)
- Direct to the first, clear the first (for procedure turns when on RV)
- / course method (direct to and put a tail on it) [OLWOW] [OLWOW/173]
Items that remain in FMS for next flight
- Perf Factor
- Engine Out
- Ballast Fuel
Lat/Long Rules
Flt Plan Check:
(CA) north 5200.0 / west 07500.0
(FO) Checked
Airborne Clearance:
(PF) 50 north / 050 west
(PM) north 5000.0 / west 05000.0
(PF) read as written
(PM) north 5000.0 / west 05000.0
Max Power / No Flex T/O
W - Windshear I - Ice, anti-ice > 6000' FE N - Noise abatement (no places for us) A - Anti-skid inop B - Brake inop C - Clutter / Wet RWY
(Capt discretion)
Flare Rules
- Don’t flare late
- Don’t make large control inputs during the flare
- Use extreme caution when pushing the control column close to the ground
Delayed Engine Start MD-10 Pack Configuration
Pack 1 2 3
ISO —–1/2—– 1/3 I
Bleed 1 2 3
50’ A/T retard
30-40’ Begin Flare (approximately 2° per/second)
NET 1902 = 1902+
NLT 1902 = 1902-
At 1902 = 1902
How to enter Cruise Winds
F-PLAN (page 2)
- Select waypoint (LS right side)
- Select one altitude / wind direction / wind speed
- Select insert / next / wind direction / wind speed (for all others)
RNAV (RNP) Approach Limits
Lowest RNP:
VDI max deflection:
Max approach speed:
Autopilot must be disconnected:
Lowest RNP: MD11 0.10 RNP (0.3 RNP initially)
VDI max deflection (ON Approach Mode): +/-75 FT=full scale deflection
Max Approach Speed: 165 knots
Autopilot must be disconnected by: 50’ below Mins
RNAV (RNP) Approach (Items prior to FAF)
- Speed: 165 knots
- RNP Verify: POS REF page 1/3 (manually enter if required)
- G/I NAV displayed
- PF select TERR
- 10 or 20NM Range
- Set DA (once cleared, established, protected)
—–Crossing the FAF—–
2. The PFD has rescaled
3. G/I NAV
4. Correct RNP
PF/PM: Set MAP Alt (ensure ACFT is at least 300’ below MAP Alt)
RNAV (RNP) Approach Alerts
Must go Misses Approach:
- Words and Numbers turn amber
- Full scale deviation pointers (VDI +75’)
- Loss of PROF
- Loss of G/I NAV
- —-EAD Message—– - Level 1 alert: UNABLE RNP (with Master Caution)
- Red X’s on PDF (VDI and LDS)
- —-Scratch Pad Message—– - VERIFY POSITION
Sidestep Maneuver from an ILS Approach
- Disconnect the autopilot.
2. Insert the new ILS frequency and course in the NAV RAD page.3. Push the APPR/LAND switch on the GCP.
RNP AR (93)
Not authorizedfor FedEx MD-11 FMS-923 or MD-10
RNAV (GPS) Rwy XX” chart labels to “RNP Rwy XX (93)
These approaches have LNAV/VNAV minimums and FedEx is authorized to use them
RNAV (RNP) Approach Terms
ANP: Actual Navigation Performance
RNP: Required Navigation Performance
PRAIM: Predictive Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitor