767 Flight Training Manual (FTM 11) Flashcards
29.92 inches
1013 hPa
Local station barometric pressure
Barometric pressure that will result in a reading of zero at field elevation
Transition Level (TL)
The lowest assignable flight level at which QNE (29.92) may be used.
Going Down
Transition Altitude (TA)
The highest assignable altitude at which QNH (field pressure) may be used.
Going Up
Transition Layer (TRL)
When the transition altitude (TA) and the transition level (TL) are not the same, the space between is called transition layer.
Hold Time Limit (Bingo Fuel)
Fuel To Destination 1.5
Alternate Fuel (FP/R) 7.5
FOD 10.0
Bingo 19.0
Engine Severe Damage
No N1 Rotation
No N2 Rotation
Zero Fuel Flow
Very High EGT
Systems that require coordination with ground crew before use
- Hyd System Pressurization
- Flight Control Surface Movement
- ACFT Movement
Radio Use
VHF L - ATC VHF R - All other voice communications VHF C - ACARS/Datalink HF L - Primary HF R - Secondary/ACARS/Datalink
Electric Failure Rules
AC Lies
DC Dies
Wind Additive
Autothrottles ON:
Not needed
NextGen APS:
Not needed
Autothrottles OFF: Steady state wind: Headwind: 50% 45°: 35% X-wind: 0%
Plus full gust (don’t use if tailwind)
Min: +5
Max: +15
Do not apply wind additives for steady tailwinds or tailwind gusts
When must Autothrottles be disconnected
Manual Landing: Prior to touchdown
Decision Region Tolerances
500’ RA
Loc: 1/3 dot
G/S: 1/2 dot
No sustained oscillations about the localizer or the glide slope
ASA Indications
Land 3/Blank: CAT III, Auto-land, No DA (fail operational)
Land 2/No Land 3: CAT III, Auto-land, Required DA (Fail Passive)
Blank/No Auto-land: CAT II, No Auto-land, 1200 RVR
When can you set your Missed Approach Alt on an RNAV
FAF is a good place
Make sure you’re 300’ below missed approach altitude
Decent on an RNAV approach
Cleared: Clearance from ATC
Established: Lateral scale becomes active “case break” or within 1 NM of a point cleared to
Protected: Altitudes verified and NO Discontinuities on the legs page
After Cleared, Established and Protected
L-LNAV selected and annunciated
A-Altitude set to threshold rounded up to next 100’
V-VNAV selected and either VNAV SPD or VNAV PTH annunciated
S-Speed intervention selected and set
(if past the FAF without VNAV PTH displayed and in IMC, Go-Around)
RNAV RNP AR considerations
- Confirm FMC RAD NAV INHIBIT is “On”
- MAX 15 kt crosswind if <4000 RVR (1200 m) or ¾ mile
- Use published VNAV DA(H)
- The minimum RNP value is .13
- Prior to IAF, PF must have “TERR” displayed
- Prior to FAF, ND/PFD display range 10 NM or less
- Speed intervention selected and set
- Full configured and on speed by FAF
- Cross check primary altimeters +/- 100’
- Compare primary altimeters +/- 100 ft of FAF
- In the event of missed approach, manually entered RNP values should be deleted
Min Holding Speed
Vref30 + 100
How is top of decent calculated
Any restrictions
If none,
30 miles from the VOR / Airport at 250/10,000’ AFE
Reasons to Abort Engine Start
- EGT does not increase by 25 seconds after the fuel control switch is moved to RUN
- There is no N1 rotation by 30 seconds after N2 is stabilized at idle
- EGT quickly nears or exceeds the start limit
- The oil pressure indication is not normal by the time that the engine is stabilized at idle
- Hydraulic or electric MEL deferrals
- A system that impacts braking or steering capability is not operative
- Visibility less than 1,200 RVR/350m
- When “FOM 10.37 Dry Ice Supplemental Procedures in Effect”
- Ramp and/or taxiway slippery or contaminated
- Aircraft to be deiced
- During Icing conditions
- Tight maneuvering required
- 10-10 page restriction
1. Exceed 40% N1 when operating in a congested area
2. Accomplish the flight control check or the BEFORE TAKEOFF
checklist until all engines are started and stable
1. 3 minutes warm-up time
2. Engine oil temperature must be above the bottom of the temperature scale
Normal EICAS Messages before start
Reject Prior to 80 knots
- Activation of the Master Caution
- System Failure(s)
- Unusual Noise or Vibration
- Tire Failure
- Abnormally Slow Acceleration
- Takeoff Config Warning
- Window Opens
- HUD (if required)
- Engine Failure
- Fire
- Windshear Warning
- ACFT Unsafe or Unable to Fly
Reject Above 80 knots - V1
- Engine Failure
- Fire
- Windshear Warning
- ACFT Unsafe or Unable to Fly
Tail Strike
8° T/O
5° Landing
Try to keep less than 7.5° at all times
“TAILSTRIKE” warranting at 6.5°
Ways to reduce T/O thrust
- Assumed Temperature Method (ATM)
- Fixed Derate
ATM: Wet RWY OK, contaminated NOT
Fiexed Derate: OK wet and or contaminated
Max Combined is 25%
Windshear Indication and Reaction
In Excess 15 knots indicated airspeed 500 FPM vertical speed 5 degrees pitch attitude 1 dot displacement from the glideslope Unusual thrust lever position for a significant period of time Windshear Immediate-Alert Warning
Before V1: Reject
After V1: Perform Windshear Escape Maneuver (Rotate no later than 2000’ RWY left)
On Approach: Perform Windshear Escape Maneuver or Normal Go-Around
GPWS Recovery
- Disconnect Autopilot and Autothrottle
- Maximum Thrust
- Roll Wings Level / Pitch Attitude 20°
- Retract Speedbrakes
Max High Speed Turn-Off
60 knots
Magenta “B” on the Landing Performance
AML entry required
Req block time of (time), landed at (date and time)
What altitude should fuel jettison be complete
Required MX Write-Ups
- Hard Landing
- Over Weight Landing
- Hi Drag / High Side Load Event
- Severe Turbulence
- Overspeed
- High Energy Stop
- Lightning Strike
- Extreme Dust
- Tail Strike
- Any Event PIC Deems Appropriate
Pitch on Approach
Pitch in the Flare
Approach: 2° - 4°
Flare: 4° - 6°
Flare Height Caculation
Flare Height
Descent Rate ÷ 30 = Landing Flare Height
900 fpm ÷ 30’ = 30’
Simpler, drop the zero
90 ÷ 3 = 30 feet