767 Profiles (FM 11) Flashcards
“Set Trust”
“Trust Set”
“80 knots”
“Positive rate”
“Gear up”
> 400’ RA: “LNAV” (if not preselected) or “HDG SEL”
1500’ AGL: “VNAV” (“FLCH___”) (Autopilot may be turned on)
3000’ AGL -Flaps Up (on schedule)-
“Flaps up, AFTER TAKEOFF checklist”
“AFTER TAKEOFF checklist complete”
“Set Trust”
“Trust Set”
“80 knots”
“Positive rate”
“Gear up”
> 400’ RA: “LNAV” (if not preselected) or “HDG SEL”
Accel Ht (1000’): “VNAV” (“FLCH___”) (Autopilot may be turned on)
-Flaps Up (on schedule)-
“Flaps up, AFTER TAKEOFF checklist”
“AFTER TAKEOFF checklist complete”
Go-Around and Missed Approach - All Engines Operating
GA Required “Go-around, Flaps 20” “Go-around”
“Trust Set”
“Positive rate”
“Gear up, check missed approach altitude”
“_____ set”
>400’ RA: “LNAV” or “HDG SEL”
Accel Ht: “VNAV” or “Set top bug, climb power”
-Flaps Up on schedule-
“VNAV” or “FLCH, _____” (if not already)
“AFTER TAKEOFF checklist”
“AFTER TAKEOFF checklist complete”
Reset FMC Cruise Altitude
Takeoff - Engine Failure
> 400’ RA “LNAV” or “HDG SEL”
Accel Ht “V/S 0-200” / “set top bug” / “autopilot on”
“What’s the problem”
State the condition
-Flaps up on schedule-
Flaps Up “VNAV” or FLCH, top bug”
“Select and set max continuous”
“Select and execute ENG OUT”
After QRC
“After T/O Checklist”
“After T/O Checklist Complete”
Rejected T/O
- “REJECT” (state reasons / “my aircraft” if taking over)
- Thrust Levers Idle
- Autothrottles Disconnect
- Brakes: Verify RTO or Max Manual
- SPEEDBRAKE Lever Raise
- Reverse Thrust Maximum
- Don’t set parking brake*
- Advise ground crew of hot brakes*
- Non-Normal checklist for caused the RTO*
- Recommended brake cooling schedule*
< 80 knots:
Master Warning/Caution
Vibration / Tire Failure / Slow Accel / CONFIG
> 80 knots: Engine Failure Fire Windshear ACFT unsafe to fly
Stall Recovery
- Disconnect Autopilot and Autothrottles
- Nose down elevator until buffet or stick shaker stops
- Roll wings level
- Advance thrust as needed
- Retract the speedbrakes
- Establish pitch attitude
- Re-engage autopilot
- don’t change gear or flap config until recovered*
Upset Recovery
Nose High Recovery
- Disconnect Autopilot and Autothrottle
- Apply nose down elevator
- Reduce thrust
- Roll wings level
Nose Low Recovery
- Disconnect Autopilot and Autothrottle
- Wings level
- Nose up elevator
- Thrust as necessary
Pitch attitude greater than 25 degrees nose up
Pitch attitude greater than 10 degrees nose down
Bank angle greater than 45 degrees
An upset condition is now considered any time an airplane is diverting from the intended airplane state
Windshear Recovery
Press Go-Around
Retract Speedbrakes
Manual: Disconnect Autopilot Press Go-Around Max Trust Autothrottles OFF Pitch 15° Retract Speedbrakes
- don’t change gear or flaps*
- don’t attempt to regain lost airspeed*
- don’t exceed PLI*
GPWS Recovery
- Disconnect Autopilot and Autothrottle
- Maximum Thrust
- Roll Wings Level / Pitch Attitude 20°
- Retract Speedbrakes
Cruise - Engine Inop
- Disconnect Autothrottle
- Select and Set MCT
- Select ENG OUT
- Set ENG OUT Cruise Altitude on MCP
- Turn off track if needed / Contact ATC
- Select VNAV (ACFT will descend and slow to EO alt & Speed)
*Same Procedure if Climb is Required
Expedited Descent (on fire)
At 25,000’ / 60NM from ARPT
(Because QRH directs you to 25,000’)
Select 3000’ (or min safe alt)
Select FLCH / Speed MMO/VMO
Thrust Levers Idle
Speedbrakes EXTEND
At 3000’
Speedbrakes Retract
Maintain VMO/MMO
15NM from ARPT
Slow to approach speed
Intercepting Final
Config for landing
Rapid Decent (loss of pressurization)
Select 10,000’ (or min safe alt)
Select FLCH / Speed MMO/VMO
Trust Levers Idle
Speedbrakes EXTEND
Notify ATC, get altimeter
Call out altitudes
Level Off
Speedbrakes DOWN
LRC or 300 knots
PRM Breakaway
Follow Controller instructions (TCAS overrides)
Autopilot / Autothrottles- OFF
Flight Directors - OFF
Flight Directors - ON
Autopilot / Autothrottles- ON
Set assigned HDG / ALT on MCP
Clean Up
C - Clearance Limit A - Altitude (re-cruise the box) D - Divert the FMS (RTE page 1, LSK 1R) D - Divert ACARS \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ B3 - Build / Bug / Brief L/R - Speed / Mins / Landing Distance / Auto-brakes / Pressurization
Approach Speed Profile
15 NM - Clean / 250 knots
10 NM - Flaps 5 / 210 knots
5 NM - Flap 15 / 170 knots
Clean - 230 knots
Flaps 1 - 210 knots
Flaps 5 - 190 knots
Flaps 15 - 170 knots
Allowed to bug 20 knots under current flap speed when selecting a new flap speed
Discontinued Approach ILS at altitude
Then GA calls
Flaps 20° / Thrust Set, Positive Rate / Gear Up, Check MAP Alt / ______feet set
Discontinued Approach RNP AR
ALT HOLD, then re-automate
If you do press GA, immediately select LNAV
Manually track course until LNAV is engaged