***FOM (r. 79) Flashcards
Release Type (Domestic/Flag) (1.07)
Dispatch Release
Release Type (Supplemental) (1.07)
Flight Release
FDX Types of Certificates (1.27)
Domestic / Flag / Supplemental
Unattended Aircraft (2.07)
If no MX or ramp personnel at ACFT;
With out security stairs:
Flight crews leaving an aircraft unattended must notify the appropriate ramp tower or controlling FedEx ramp management
With security stairs:
Crew must close and lock gate on stairs.
Flight Responsibility (Dom/Flag) (2.25)
Captain and Dispatcher
Only GOC can cancel flight
Flight Responsibility (Supp) (2.25)
Captain and Director of Flt Ops
Captains Duties (2.36)
The Captain coordinates all information relating to the flight in accordance with this manual and the respective Aircraft CFM. The Captain must keep abreast of changing conditions and notify the aircraft Dispatcher, time permitting, via the most expeditious means, of any conditions that may affect safety of flight. The Captain may alter duties if the situation indicates this to be a safer course of action, provided they are coordinated and understood by the remainder of the flight crew.
Additional Crew Members (2.45)
> 8 hours = 1
12 hours = 2
iPad Policy (2.125)
Prior to each flight:
1. Jeeps and Manuals up to date
2. 70% battery
3. 6 GB of memory available
1. EFB Mount
2. Hand
3. Stowed
Prior to flight or during taxi:
Cellular Data to OFF
Only company approved apps while at crew duty station
Currency (3.07)
3 T/O and Landings within 90 days, SIM counts.
Only 1 Auto-Land can be credited to the CA in 90 days
Airport Not in APS (3.21)
Min Airport Facilities (3.23)
Comm with;
Control of Lights
Emergency Equipment
DOM or FLAG in Ops Specs
An unmonitored or out of service Navaid that does not affect the final approach segment does not affect basic destination airport minimums, unless the approach is otherwise Notamed as not authorized.
How to know if aircraft is RNP certified (3.25)
“R” in the equipment block of the FP/R
RVSM Altitudes (3.25)
FL290 - FL410
When 1000’ separation is used
How to know an aircraft is RVSM capable (3.25)
“W” in the equipment block on FP/R
RVSM “Yes” on FP/R
RVSM TCAS Procedures (3.25)
@@@+/- 1000 fpm within 5NM and 2000’ of ANOTHER ACFT ONLY@@@
9.04 has new note
RVSM Must Report to ATC (3.25)
- Failure of all autopilots
- Loss of any altimeter (+/- 200’ of each other)
- Failure of altitude hold function
- Encountering severe turbulence
- Encountering mountain wave activity
- Situation that requires immediate altitude deviation
ATC ACFT Equipment Block (3.25)
/A = DME and Transponder with mode C
/E = Flight Management System (FMS) with DME/DME/IRU position updating
/G = Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), including GPS, with en route andterminal capability
/I = VOR/DME or INS and transponder with mode C
/J = /E with RVSM
/L = /G with RVSM
/Q = /R with RVSM
/R = Required Navigation Performance (RNP)
/Z = RNAV capability without GNSS and with RVSM
WX Source (3.31)
Primary: FDX
Secondary: NWS
Destination WX Required (3.35)
Reports / Forecast / Combo; must be at or above mins at ETA
1. Steady State Winds (gust only on actual T/O and Landing)
2. Conditional Wording (when less than main body of forecast)
3. Lowest RVR (RVR takes priority)
Time to destination 90 min or <
-At or above current and below min forecast (if WX is within 2 hours of ETA)
-At or above mins forecast and below mins current (provided a favorable trend)
Time to destination > 90 min
Solely an at or above forecast (even if current WX is below mins)
Alternate Airport Required; Domestic (3.37)
Not required if, Reports / Forecast / Combo, +/- 1 hour of ETA
1. Ceiling at least 2000’ above airport
2. Visibility at least 3 miles
Always required if;
1. X-wind of intended RWY is forecast +25 kts +/- 1 hour of ETA (not gust)
2. Braking action expected to be POOR at ETA
3. No control tower / tower closed
4. Scheduled to arrive at unlighted airport
Second Alternate Required (3.37)
Only Domestic if;
Forecast for destination and 1st alternate are marginal
Marginal = Des: @ mins
Alt: @ Alt mins
Alternate Airport Required; Flag (3.37)
Not Req. if; Flight is scheduled for 6 hours or less and,
1. Ceiling is at least 1500’ above lowest instrument approach or 2000’ above airport, whichever is greater.
2. Vis at least 3 miles or 2 miles above lowest Vis mins, whichever is greater.
Alway req;
1. Destination only has one suitable runway
2. Braking action expected to be POOR @ ETA
3. No control tower / tower closed
4. Other, Capt or Dispatcher discretion
*WX goes down en-route; Dest = No action / Alt = New alt req.
*No alt req; Isolated Destination w/o alt - outside 48 contiguous states
Alternate Airport Required; Supplemental (3.37)
Required for every destination
Forecast Ceiling and Vis at or above alt WX mins at ETA
Must remain while en-route or new alternate
Outside US isolated airport = fly and land at destination + 2 hour cruise (not Petropavlovsk (UHPP) )
Isolated Destination w/o Alternate - Outside 48 Contiguous States Flag and Supplemental (3.37)
Fly and land at destination + 2 hour cruise (not Petropavlovsk (UHPP))
Alternate Airport WX Mins (3.39)
Don’t use when N/A is listed on an alternate
- One SINP/SIP/Circle Add 400’ to MDA or DA Add 1SM / 1600m
2 Two SIP (diff suitable RYW) Add 200’ to higher MDA or DA Add 1/2 SM / 800m to highest - One CAT II 300’ RVR 4000 / 3/4 SM
- One CAT III 200’ RVR 1800 / 1/2 SM
*Circling at least 1400’ / 4 NM
* Ops outside US, 700m may be used instead of 800m
* Tower closed, ok if listed “authorized facility” for non-tower alternate
* Don’t base of RNAV mins
T/O Alternate Required (3.41)
Required whenever departure airport WX is below landing mins
*Use the same requirements as destination alternate
2 Engine Aircraft = No more than 1 hour with 1 engine inop (normal cruise)
3 Engine Aircraft = No more than 2 hours with 1 engine inop (normal cruise)
High Mins Captain (3.43)
Less than 100 hours as PIC in type aircraft
T/O Mins: No increase, but never less than 500’ RVR (no C078)
T/O Alt: Apply Exemption 5549, if unable, add 1/2 mile to CAT 1 mins
Landing Mins:
Add 100’ to CAT I DA and add 1/2 mile
Add 1/2 mile to alternate mins
CAT II: Only under exemption 5549
Int’l, apply individual country rules
No C048
Alternate Mins: No increase, but no lower than 300’ and 1 mile
Exemption 5549 offer some relief
The No FO T/O or landing has been removed
The 757 and 767 must be considered as separate types of airplanes for the purpose of determining pilot-in-command hours.
Fuel Required US (3.47)
Enough fuel to fly to;
1. Destination
2. Most distant Alternate
3. 45 min
Fuel Required outside US (3.47)
Enough fuel to fly to;
- Destination
- 10% of that needed for flight
- Most distant alternate
- 30 min at holding speed at 1500’
Min Fuel for T/O (3.47)
In the RQR block on FP/R
B043 (3.47)
Special fuel reserve for international ops req enough fuel to fly to;
- Destination
- 10% of that needed for flight
- Most distant alternate
- 45 min
Contact GOC;
1. ETA changes of 15 min
2. +/- 4000’ cruise alt change
3. Deviate > 100 NM
Release Amendment Required / Time and Initials (3.49)
- Substitution of aircraft
- Substitution of crew members
- Requirement to add BAL/MEL fuel
- MEL/CDL performance penalty change
- Change of Destination or DestinationAlternate
- Addition or change of Takeoff Alternate
- CAT Status different
- Addition or removal of a Jumpseater
- MD-11 W and B Mode Change (High toLow)
- Fuel uplift
- Fuel Load Differences (767 1000lbs, MD-11/10 1500 lbs. or more)
- Any other circumstances deemed appropriate by the Captain and aircraft Dispatcher
Captain Uplifting Fuel (3.49)
Must notify GOC
A new release is req. (ACARS numbers ok)
FLEX Route (3.49)
Routes designed to protect service
May cover a large geographical area
Do not push early. Fly the planned route for service recovery
Fly the scheduled route and time. GOC will advise of any route changes via SELCAL orACARS
Life Vest and Slides/Overwater Kit Required (3.53)
+50 NM from the shore
TCAS/EGPWS Required (3.54)
- Singapore
- North Atlantic (req. for dispatch, notify dispatcher if fails)
- Philippines (unless duty officer approves)
- Africa (unless duty officer approves)
- India (unless duty officer approves)
- Chinese airspace (notify ATC and Dispatch if TCAS fails, before or during flight) (notify dispatch if fails before Chinese airspace)
- EGPWS required at High CFIT airports
Ground Stop (GS) (3.55)
Destination airport is congested
Ground Delay Program (GDP) (3.55)
Departure airport is congested
Airspace Flow Program (AFP) (3.55)
Airspace is congested (WX)
Expect Departure Clearance Time (EDCT) (3.55)
Flow management program
Expect to be wheels up at this time +/- 5 min. (Plan taxi accordingly)
Airport Control Limited (ACL) (3.55)
Slot times are negotiated yearly between FedEx and a specific European Airports.
Unless operationally necessary, crews should not block out more than 5 minutes earlier than FPR block out time.
PDIS (4.07)
Pilot Noted Discrepancy
MDIS (4.07)
MX Noted Discrepancy
OIL (4.07)
Open Item List
(not listed in the MEL/CDL and don’t affect the airworthiness of the aircraft)
NEF (4.07)
Nonessential Equipment and Furnishings
SMIS (4.07)
Scheduled MX
MTSI (4.07)
MOCC tech service item
LMPI (4.07)
Line MX planning item
eMR Review (4.09)
- Tail Number
- ACFT Status
- Must T/O By Time
- CAT Status
- FANS Capability
- ETOPS Capability
- ETOPS Check (EXPIRED-still ok if not ETOPS)
- Items Blocking Flight (only displayed if the eMR is Not Flight Ready)
- Activities Since Last Flight (MX activities since last flight)
- MELs
- NEFs
- OILs
- MX History
- Verify orange AML is on board
- ACFT tail number printed on AML folder
- 5 blank pages / No write ups
Where to find if and airport had PDL/DCL (4.28)
PDC - Information block on the Jeppesen Airport Diagram
DLC - On the -9 pages
Non-Tower Ops Required ACFT Equipment (4.31)
Enhanced GPWS
If either system fails en-route, ok to continue if dispatcher and CA agree
Non-Tower Airport Departure (4.31)
FedEx -10 tailored pages
- Fly SID in IFR clearance
- Fly obstacle departure procedure
- If neither available, T/O is permitted as long as you have WX for RWY
(Comply until RV or on published route)
VFR Departure (4.31)
Only if you can’t receive IFR clearance on the ground and you have
1. Required Visibility
2. Reported Ceiling is 1000’ or >
3. Maintain basic cloud clearance
4. Clearance is obtained ASAP, but no more then 50nm
Aircraft Speed During Departure (4.52)
-Domestic: Ok to exceed for aircraft performance
-International: Not allowed to exceed unless permission is granted (must stay configured)
After T/O, no turns until (4.55)
Unless ATC or SID required
After T/O, no autopilot until (4.55)
767 = 1000’
Engine Out Departure Procedure (4.59)
- If still on EOSID, Fly EOSID and notify ATC
- If off EOSID, fly SID, request radar vectors from ATC to provide terrain clearance as needed.
Standard T/O minimums (4.65)
Two-engine Aircraft - RVR 5000 [1500 m] or 1 statute mile [1600 m]
3 or 4 engines RVR = 2400 or 1/2 sm
If Stated: “standard (or lower than standard,if authorized),” , ok you use 10-9 page for lower
Oxygen Use (5.09)
Any time cabin altitude > 10,000’
One pilot > FL 410 always
FL 410 is max alt for FDX flight planning
Normal En-Route Reports (5.17)
- Initial contact
- When leaving assigned altitude for new assigned altitude
- Missed approach
- Change in average TAS of 5% or 10kts from Flt Plan, which ever is greater
- Time and Altitude upon reaching holding fix or point cleared
- When leaving assigned holding fix
- Unable to climb/descend 500 fpm
- Any info related to safety of flight
Required ATC reports when not in radar contact (5.17)
- When leaving the final approach fix or outer marker inbound on final approach segment
- A corrected estimate for an estimate in error in excess of 3 minutes
En-Route Reports (5.19)
- Unforecast severe weather is encountered, or severe conditions were forecast and not encountered
- Icing conditions are encountered, or forecast icing conditions were not encountered
- Any item of required (by regulation) communications or navigational equipment fails inflight
- An engine fails or is shut down in flight
Fuel Log Required (5.27)
> 4 hours log required paper, Vector or PDF reader
A printable ACARS Fuel Log can be obtained from the dispatcher at any time during flight by sending FUEL LOG via ACARS Ops Control message.
B044 (5.40)
Reroute / Re-Dispatch / Re-Release
Max Descent Rate (6.03)
Rate not to exceed feet AGL
Max altimeter setting (6.06)
31.00, see FOM
RWY Lights Required (6.09)
Night: RWY edge lights required
@LAHSO (6.25)
Approved if Jepp 10-X (“LAHSO operations approved, refer to FOM 6.25 for procedures.”)
757 Max: 6700
767 / MD Max: 8700’ (8400’ MEM)
WX: 1000/3 (with VASI or PAPI)
1500/5 (with out)
Don’t accept if:
WS reported within 20 min
RWY wet
MD-11 Approach Category (6.11)
Category C:
A300 / A310
Category D:
***Req at the Final Approach Fix (6.40)
At the Final Approach Fix (FAF) or Outer Marker Crossing Altitude, if available or provided, the charted barometric altitude must be cross checked against the actual aircraft barometric altitude.
Captain at new ARPT (6.41)
RV to an instrument approach is required
Stabilized Approach Criteria (6.45)
1000’ IFR or 500’ VFR
- Landing configuration
- Engines set
- Briefing and Checklist complete
- Decent angle and rate appropriate
- Vert and Lat displacement appropriate
- Sink rate no > 1000’ fpm (unless briefed)
- A/S +10 / -5
- A/S +/- 5 crossing RWY TH
- Land in TDZ (first 3000’ or 1/3, which ever less)
PM “Not Stable, (identify the deviation)”
PM “Go-Arround”
Approach Begins When (6.55)
Approach with Vertical Guidance (APV) or Non-Precision Approach (NPA) with FAF:
-Passing the FAF
APV or NPA without FAF:
-Established Inbound
-Passing the begging point of the final approach segment
“C” on approach plate (6.55)
Min celling exist to start the approach
Descent below MDA/DA/DH (6.57)
ACFT in a position to land / In flit Vis
Needed to leave CAT I mins (6.57)
Threshold, threshold markings, threshold lights
TDZ, TDZ markings, TDZ lights
RWY, RWY markings, RWY lights
REIL, VASI, Approach lights
Needed to continue approach with approach lights only (6.57)
Don’t descend lower than 100’ above TDZ unless you see
Needed to leave CAT II mins (6.57)
Vis reference with CAT II lights
Needed to leave CAT III mins (6.57)
-Using DH, Vis reference with TDZ or TDZ lights
(DH is required for CAT III when rollout is unusable)(It is also required when 757-767-777 are in fail passive autoland mode, i.e., one autopilot inoperative or auto-throttles inoperative. Use of autoland required)
-Using AH, Vis reference NOT required
(use of autoland with rollout required)
What system: Fail Passive or Fail Operational (6.59)
Fail Operational (all fleets)
Active backup using two or more automatic systems.
Fails below AH, the flare, touchdown, and rollout (if applicable) can be accomplished using the remaining automatic system(s). Following any single failure, the system remains in an active status (fully operational).
If autopilot disengages on approach, don’t renegade (6.63)
< 1000’ AGL
Non-Tower Ops Facilities requirements (6.65)
Must be NTO Approved (if not, worksheet via ACARS)
- WX
- EMS service
- Control of airport lighting
Non-Tower Ops Equipment and Procedures requirements (6.65)
Equipment (fails en-route, delay the approach until tower is open or equipment is fixed)
-Enhanced GPWS
-Established on the extended centerline of the runway 4NM from the runway threshold.
-ILS, the aircraft should be aligned with the runway extended centerline by the Outer Marker.
Non-Tower Ops RWY selection requirements (6.65)
- ILS (PA)
- VGAI and Non-precision approach (APV)
- Non-precision approach (NPA)
- None
*Dark, TWR closed, No VASI or approach, wait until day light, TWR is open, or divert
- When an ATCT is closed, SA CAT II, CAT II/III, closely spaced operations, and ILS/PRM procedures are Not Authorized due to the lack of Air Traffic Control.
Post Flight Fuel Verification (6.80)
Make an AML INFO Only entry
- No ACARS: “INFO ONLY. Block-In Fuel xxx.x.”
- Tank indication inop: “INFO ONLY. Block-Out Fuel xxx.x. Sum of Fuel Used Indications yyy.y. Sumof Operative Fuel Quantity Indicators zzz.z.”
- “INFO ONLY. Fuel Summary message BLK IN amount is incorrect. Block-In Fuel xxx.x.”
- “Unexplained difference between Expected FOB xxx.x and Indicated FOB onthe Aircraft Instruments yyy.y.”
ACFT MX Log (7.07)
Black Ink
No Information Only
State if “Emergency Declared”
Only nose wheel 3 digits for tail number
Mechanics Action and Signature
Engine Monitoring (7.11)
If ACARS inop, fill out Engine Monitoring Worksheet if one on board
Contaminated RWY Performance Enhancements (8.03)
Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM), how the airport determines runway surface when contaminated
Runway Condition Code (RwyCC): 6=best/dry 0=worst/NIL
This is displayed in thirds, 6/5/5
Field Condition NOTAMs (FICONs)
Strong T-storms (8.05)
Radar returns that attenuate the ground returns behinds it
T-storm avoidance distance (8.05)
Below FL200
-5NM OAT above 0°C
-10NM OAT below 0°C
At or above FL200
-20NM upwind side
-20NM on the downwind side or 1NM for every knot wind
-5000’ vertical clearance
Turbulence Avoidance (8.09)
Avoid: Severe/Extreme Turbulence
Anticipate: Moderate Turbulence in areas where the vertical windshear is forecast to exceed 4 knots per 1000 ft.
> Moderate Turbulence, to include severe, can be expected if the
vertical windshear is forecast to exceed 10 knots per 1000 ft.
Emergency Priority (9.01)
How to avoid false RA’s (9.04)
Operate TA/RA in Above/Below/Normal mode
Reduce vertical speed to reduce RA’s
don’t disarm altitude capture mode
If there is a conflicting ACFT;
Limit the vertical speed to no more than 1500 feet per minute for the last 1000’
Preservation of CVR & FDR (9.05)
When an accident or incident occurs: Captain will ensure the circuit breakers are pulled for the CVR and DFDR to prevent inadvertent activation and erasing the recordings
The Captain may also pull the CVR circuit breaker to preserve the recording whenever heexercises emergency authority or for other abnormal occurrences. The Captain may, at hisdiscretion, reactivate the CVR later in the flight
Distress / Urgent calls (9.07)
Distress: Mayday, Mayday, Mayday
Urgent: Pan-Pan, Pan-Pan, Pan-Pan
State # of people on board + fuel on board
List of Haz Classes (10.0)
Class 1 - Explosive
Class 2 - Flammable / Non-Flammable Gas
Class 3 - Flammable Liquids
Class 4 - Flammable Solids
Class 5 - Oxidizers / Organic Peroxides
Class 6 - Poison / Toxic and Infectious Substances
Class 7 - Radioactive Materials
Class 8 - Corrosives
Class 9 - Miscellaneous
Transportation of the CRM (10.03)
CRM: Crew Rest Module
On a pallet
Secured with netting
Located in the ADG position
FDX DG ID Tag affixed to the entry door
TI Location on 767 (10.07)
< 50 TIs:
Position 3 and aft
50-200 TIs and CRM:
Position 5L and aft
Exception: Labeled with “White I do not emit TIs”
HAZ Documents to hold until landing (10.09)
ACFT DG Manifest
DG Position Summary (grab ULD pouch)
IDG (10.13)
Inaccessible DG
ADG (10.13)
Accessible DG
ULD (10.13)
Unit Load Device
ORM (10.13)
Other Regulated Material (no hazard class)
D = Domestic
TI (10.13)
Transport Index for radio active material
200 TI max unless,
Special Permit DOT-SP-15228
HAZ Incapable Separation (10.33)
At least 3’ (1 meter)
HAZ Paper Work (10.25)
ACFT DG Manifest
DG Position Summary
ULD DG Manifest
Dry Ice Limitations (10.37)
Live animals must not be loaded in the same lower belly compartment where dry ice is present
Consideration should be given to starting the APU and turning on the packs any timelive animals and dry ice are onboard in any amount
Do not enter any compartment or Flight Deck/Courier area unless the associated exterior entry door has been open for 10 minutes
China HAZ (10.39)
FedEx aircraft are authorized to transport revenue Dangerous Goods shipments on flightsin and out of mainland China.
Class 1 Explosive and Class 7 Radioactive material (only in certain situations)
(Except Dry Ice)
(Except HK and Taiwan)
Max number of ADG positions (10.43)
Narrow Body: 2 positions max
Wide Body: 3 positions max
767 only - When using pallets for ADG the aisle must be on the left and forward sides
WX Forecast (11.11)
In order of;
1. FX WX
2. FC (short range): one hour after it is issued and covers a period of 9 hours
3. TAF Forecast: 4 times a day at 00Z, 06Z, 12Z and 18Z. A TAF covers a period of 30 hours.
Transition Altitude (11.25)
Below = feet
Going Up
Transition Level (11.25)
Above = FL
Going Down
Transition Layer (11.25)
In between transition altitude and transition layer
Type of altimeter settings (11.25)
Used in China and Russia:
Hectopascals or Millibars
Different Altimeters (11.25)
Above transition altitude
QNE: Altimeter set to 29.92
Below transition level
QNH: Local Altimeter
QFE: Field Elevation = 0 on altimeter
China and Russia use Meters
Interactive Plotting (11.31) (don’t know where it is in the book)
- Both EFB should have oceanic routes
- ETP on iPad
- Approximately ten minutes after passing an oceanic waypoint, conduct the Post Position Check:
-Confirm that the aircraft symbol is on the programmed route using the Navigational Display on the lowest scale (10 NM).
-Check the crosstrack deviation (“Data Tag”) for an excessive or unusual value.
-Confirm that the “TO” waypoint on the Navigational Display matches the ATC clearance.
-Investigate/take corrective action to address any anomalies or unexpected deviations.
-Verify that FMA lateral mode is NAV.
Int’l Approach Considerations (11.33)
Approach Bans:
Listed in the route manual State Rules and Procedures
“Look-See” Approaches:
NOT authorized for FedEx operations at foreign airports
Reduced Runway Separation Minima (RRSM):
NOT authorized at night
“Land After” Clearance:
NOT authorized for FedEx operations
Additional J/S briefing items for animal attendant (13.13)
How to open/close smoke barrier
Use of oxygen bottle
Only one attendant in cargo compartment at a time
Seatbelt sign
Animal attendant human killing devises (13.13)
Present to the Capt and keep on flight deck
Animal attendant ID (13.13)
2 forms required
CRAFT flying requirement (13.15)
May be turned down by crew member
Flight over hostile countries (13.27)
TAS: 400 knots or less
Alt: 10,000 - 25,000
Course: Maintain course to the diversion airport
Least risk bomb location (13.31)
MD or B-767
Changed to “not defined by manufacture”
FAR Flight Duty Times (Appendix B)
1,000 hours in any calendar year
100 hours in a calendar month
30 hours in 7 consecutive days
Scheduled 8 hours in any single duty period
4 pilots with adequate sleeping quarters required for all flights scheduled in excess of 12 hours during any 24 consecutive hours
Max Allowable Duty: 21 hours 3+1 crew members
WND/C (Appendix C)
Average wind component from Top Of Climb (TOC) to Beginning of Descent (BOD)
P = Tailwind, M = Headwind
Re-dispatch/Release, with LMTOGW to use (Appendix C)
Uses the lowest (most restrictive) LMTOGW
DEST (Appendix C)
Time/Fuel to destination
Includes MEL/CDL penalty fuel when applicable.
ALTN (Appendix C)
Time/Fuel burn for MA and CLB fuel from destination to cruise altitude and CRZ and APP fuel to the ALTN requiring the greatest fuel burn, which includes MEL/CDL penalty fuel when applicable.
ADJ FUEL (Appendix C)
Fuel for ETP, MEL or Emergency
Not included in FOD
No time associated with it
Just be explained in the remarks field
MEL (Appendix C)
Unusable fuel that may be required for MEL compliance
This fuel will not be burned and therefore, time is not computed
CONT (Appendix C)
Contingency fuel added for known or anticipated delays in landing
ATC, WX, missed approach, and country requirements
Explanation in remarks
CONT fuel is calculated at 1,500 ft above the destination at planned landing weight at maximum endurance airspeed in a clean configuration
-RQR- (Appendix C)
The sum of all required fuel items, listed above, that must be on board in order to depart to the final scheduled destination
A fuel load less than RQR does not meet FAA/FEDEX-specified minimum for brake release.
RPF (Appendix C)
Reliability Protection Fuel
Planned fuel for possible unanticipated situations.
RPF fuel is not part of the required fuel calculation.
CAPT (Appendix C)
Captains requested uploaded fuel
Uplifted fuel above policy.
OTHER (Appendix C)
Fuel in excess of RQR fuel for company preferences.
Tanker, payload protection, possible reroute market protection and FOD
If exceeds 10 minutes, GOC enters an explanation in the REMARKS field.
TOTAL (Appendix C)
The sum of RQR, RPF, CAPT, OTHER, and TAXI fuel.
FOD (Appendix C)
Fuel over destination is non-regulatory fuel that is protected during the dispatch planning of a flight
FOB minus the burn (DEST + TAXI).
US Holding Speeds (AIM)
Up to 6000’ = 200 kts
6001’ - 14000’ = 230 kts
> 14000’ = 265 kts
Up to 14000’ = 1 min legs
> 14000’ = 1.5 min legs
Clearance entering the NAT from New York OCA (11.39)
Departure IFR clearance constitutes the route portion of the oceanic clearance.
Once airborne and prior to entering the NAT, Mach # and Alt will be assigned.
Pacific FIR (KZAK) MACH # (ALPA Bulletin)
-Notify ATC of MACH # when entering FIR boundary
-Notify ATC of MACH # change of 0.02 or >
ICAO Holding Speeds (Jepp Country Pages)
Up to 14000’ = 230 kts
14001’ - 20000’ = 240 kts
20001’ - 34000’ = 265 kts
> 34000’ = .83
***VOR Check (2.87)
Our ACFT does it
CA must check in flight.
Difference greater than 4 degrees, an AML entry is required.
Enter the date, place, bearing error, and sign the aircraft log.
***Portable Electronic Devises (PEDs) and
Prohibition on Personal Use (2.114 and 2.115)
NO wireless comm device or laptop for personal use (block-out / block-in)
Cell Phone: Ok if parking break is set and for ops need only
*does not apply to jumpseat, but (2.93) says, no use below 10,000’
***Navigation Database Error (4.19)
DO NOT write up suspected Navigation Database omissions in the AML. Instead, report theomission via:
-Email: NAVDATA@FedEx.com. Include the date, aircraft type, route of flight, and anyother relevant details.
-Telephone: NAVDATA at 901-485-8649 (leave a voice mail message if appropriate)
To get a new Weight and Balance (4.21)
Prior to block-out: Ops CTRL message “WTB”
* Do not attempt a WT/BAL RQ unless informed to do so by GOC*
After block-out: Ops CTRL message “WTBON”, then send another Ops CTRL message “WTB”