767 Systems (ASM 8) Flashcards
Overhead Panel Organization (gen)
H: Hydraulics
E: Electrics
F: Fuel
A: Air
Flight Controls
Landing Gear & Breaks
ACFT Electrical System Components (elec)
- Main AC Power (main source of ACFT power)
- Main DC Power
- Battery / STBY Power
AC Electrical Power Sources (elec)
- LT & RT Engine IDG’s
- APU Gen
- External Power
AC Busses (elec)
- LT/RT Main AC Busses
- LT/RT AC Transfer Busses
- CA/FO Flight Instrument Transfer Busses
- LT/RT Utility Busses
- Galley Bus
- Ground Service Bus
- Ground Handling Bus
Autoland Power Source (elec)
- Left AP and CA Flight Instrument Transfer Bus: LT Main AC System
- Right AP and FO Flight Instrument Transfer Bus: RT Main AC System
- Center AP: Batt/STBY System
Autoland: 3 independent power sources via 3 isolated busses to 3 different autopilots
Autoland Loss of Generator Above 200’ (elec)
Both Tie breakers close, remaining GEN powers both LT and RT AC bussed
LT Main System power the Center Autopilot
Autoland Loss of Generator Below 200’ (elec)
Autoland continues using remaining 2 autopilots
Both Bus Tie breakers remain open
Autopilot who’s Gen failed, remains unpowered
Flight instruments powered through the FLT Inst Transfer Busses
DC Electrical Power Source (elec)
- LT/RT Main AC Busses (through TRU’s to produce DC)
* No flight deck controls for Main AC System*
DC Busses (elec)
- LT/RT Main DC Busses
Batt/STBY Power Sources (elec)
No Power to ACFT: Source is Battery
Power to ACFT: Source is Batt Charger or LT Main DC (through Main AC)
Batt/STBY Busses (elec)
- Hot Batt Bus
- Batt Bus
HDG (elec)
Hydraulic Driven Generator
HDG (elec)
When Activated:
Power Source:
Provides Power To:
When Activated: Automatically when loss of both LT and RT Main AC Busses
Power Source: Center Hydraulic System
Provides Power To: AC 1. LT AC Transfer Bus 2. RT AC Transfer Bus 3. STBY AC Bus 4. CA Flight Inst Transfer Bus
- Hot Batt Bus
- Batt Bus
Number of Fuel Tanks and Qty (fuel)
3 tanks
- LT Main / 6,000 gal / 40,000 lbs
- RT Main / 6,000 gal / 40,000 lbs
- Center / 12,000 gal / 80,000 lbs
Total 24,000 gal / 160,000 lbs
Fuel Low Level Warning (fuel)
LT or RT Main Tank below 2,200 lbs
Where is fuel temp taken (fuel)
RT Main Tank
of Fuel Pumps (fuel)
2 in each tank
A single pump can supply one engine
Fuel Pumps Power Source (fuel)
All 6: AC Power
DC fuel pump for APU if no AC Power (1 located in the left main)
What tanks drain first (fuel)
Center - center pumps have greater output
Center pumps automatically power off when tank is dry
How does the APU get its fuel (fuel)
Any AC fuel pump - supply’s to left fuel manifold
DC - fuel pump in the LT Main Tank
* no controls or indications * Auto Ops when no AC power*
FUEL CONFIG light (fuel)
- Imbalance, 2000 between LT and RT Main tanks
- Center fuel pump switched off with more than 1200 lbs in tank
- LOW FUEL displayed on EICAS, LT or RT Main tank < 2200 lbs
How to fix a fuel imbalance (fuel)
- Open X-Feed
2. Turn OFF fuel pumps in tank with the lowest qty
Fuel Jettison (fuel)
Tank: Center Fuel Tank
Pump: 2 fuel pumps
Rate: 2600 lbs/min
How to turn on Fuel Jettison (fuel)
jettison transfer valves open
jettison Pumps operate
nozzle valves open
How is fuel calculated during dump (fuel)
Durning Dump
FMC discontinues calculations
Totalizer valve is used
After Dump
Calculated value will reset using totalizer value
Totalizer vs Calculated Fuel (Fuel)
Totalizer: Measurement of each tank
Calculated: Measurement of START fuel - FUEL USED
Nitrogen Generator System NGS (fuel)
Converts bleed air to nitrogen enriched air to prevent a dry center fuel tank from having explosive gasses
No flight crew action
Suction Fuel Feed (fuel)
Each engine can get fuel from its corresponding Main Tank
Climb: dissolved air in the tank could cause a flame-out
Cruise: may be able to (after dissolved air depletes)
How many Hydraulic Systems (HYD)
3 systems
- Left
- Center
- Right
What does hydraulics power (HYD)
- Flight Controls
- Flaps/Slats
- Gear
- Brakes
- Nose Wheel Steering
- Tail Skid
- Autopilot Servos
- Yaw Damper
Left Hydraulic System (HYD)
- Flight Controls
- Right Yaw Damper
- Stab Trim module
- Trapped fluid used by PES
- Engine-Driven Primary Pump
- Electrical-Driven Primary Pump
Right Hydraulic System (HYD)
- Flight Controls
- Normal Brakes
- Pitch Enhancement System (PES)
- Engine-Driven Primary Pumps
- Electrical-Drive Primary Pumps
Center Hydraulic System (HYD)
- Flight Controls
- Flaps/Slats
- Gear
- Alternate Brakes
- Nose Wheel Steering
- Tail Skid
- Left Yaw Damper
- HDG - Hydraulic Driven Generator
- Stab Trim module
- Reserve fluid used by C1 for reserve brakes and steering.
Center Hydraulic System (HYD)
- 2 Electrical-Driven Primary Pumps
- Air-Driven Demand Pump
- RAT (for flight controls)
Center System Hydraulic Leak, What Remains (HYD)
Reservoir maintains reserve fluid for
- Brakes
- Steering
Reserve Brakes and Steering isolation
Center #1 electric-driven primary pump is auto isolated if low qty
Hydraulic Driven Generator - Provides AC Power
HDG is automatically powered by “C” Hyd System when both Main AC busses are lost
Ram Air Turbine - Provides HYD Power
RAT provides hyd power to flight controls portion of the Center Hyd System
Adequate HYD power at speed above 130 kts
In flight, auto deploys when both engines fail
Manually deploys by pressing button
Hydraulic Fluid Symbols (HYD)
RF = Re-Fill OF = Over Filled QTY = Quantity is Low
Speed Brake Lever (flt cont)
Positions and Ops
All spoilers retract
After landing, lever moves up and spoiler panels extend
Spoiler panels expanded max (flight or ground)
On the ground:
Trust Lever advanced to T/O position - Lever moves DOWN
Either Thrust Reverser raised to reverse idle - Lever moves UP
lever does not need to be armed
SPEED BRAKE light (flt cont)
If the speed brakes are extended and,
- RA is 800’ or below
- Flaps in the landing position
Flap Lever (flt cont)
Position and Ops
Slats and Flaps are retracted
Slats - Extend (midrange)
Flaps - Retracted
5, 15, 20:
Slats - Extended (remain midrange)
Flaps - Commanded Position
25, 30:
Slats - Fully Extended
Flaps- Commanded Position
T/O and Landing Flaps setting (flt cont)
T/O: 5, 15, 20
Landing: 25, 30
Flaps 1 = Slats Extend
Flaps gate (flt cont)
1 - Prevents inadvertent retraction of the Slats
20- Prevents inadvertent retractions of the flaps past Go-Around position
Primary and Secondary Flight Controls (flt cont)
- Elevator
- Ailerons
- Rudder
- Horizontal Stab
- Spoilers
- Slats
- Flaps
Flight Controls Powered by (flt cont)
Elevator - HYD L/C/R
Rudder - HYD L/C/R
Spoilers - HYD L/C/R
Ailerons - HYD L/R
Stab - HYD L/C (it is a mixed combination)
Flaps/Slats - HYD C (Alternate is through electric motors)
Flight Controls for Pitch (flt cont)
2 Elevators
Horizontal Stab
Flight Controls for Roll (flt cont)
4 Ailerons
12 Spoilers
Flight Controls for Yaw (flt cont)
Single Rudder
Stab Trim Control source (flt cont)
- Electric (yoke)
- Alternate (pedestal)
- Automatic (autopilot)
Pitch backup (flt cont)
Pitch Enhancement System - PES
Hydraulic motor in the RIGHT system drives a pump that uses fluid from the LEFT trim system to operate the Stab
- Auto activation if both L/C Hyd System lost in flight*
- Only electric trim is available*
Control Jam (flt cont)
Pitch: Significant force fwd/aft causes columns to OVRD STAB
Roll: Significant force L/R causes columns to OVRD
Flaps Load Relief (flt cont)
Flaps 25 or 30 speed exceeded, flaps automatically revert to 20
as you slow down, they re-extend
Alternate Flaps (flt cont)
Manually operates through electric motors
- max flaps 20 (due to FDX Ops because no asym protection)*
- ** No Flaps asymmetry protection / time increases***
Degrees of Steering (gear)
Tiller: 65°
Pedals: 7°
Tiller overrides pedals
Air / Ground Sensing (gear)
Tilt sensor on Main Gear
Strut compression sensor on Nose Gear
How is the gear held up (gear)
Main: Door structure
Nose: Up locks
Power source for gear retraction (gear)
Center HYD System
Power source for gear extension (gear)
Primary: Center HYD System
Alternate: Electric motor trim locking mechanism
Free-fall to the down and locked position
Power source for Nose Wheel Steering (gear)
Primary: Center HYD System
Alternate: Reserve Brakes and Steering System
Provides hyd fluid to the Center #1 electric primary hyd pump, this pump pressure is exclusive to the alternate Brakes and NWS system
Brake System Components (gear)
- Normal Brakes - HYD System “R”
- Alternate Brake - HYD System “C” (automatic if “R” system lost / if fluid lost to “C” system, trapped fluid and #1 elec pump provides Reserve Brakes and Sterling)
- Brake Accumulator
- Anti-Skid Protection
- Auto Brake System
- Parking Brake
Power Source for Brakes (gear)
- Normal Brakes: Right HYD System
- Alternate Brakes: Automatic - Center HYD System (automatic)
- Reserve Brakes and Steering: Push switch - Provides HYD fluid to center #1 Electric Primary HYD Pump
- Brake Accumulator: If Normal and Alt brakes lost, Accumulators provide several brake applications or parking brake
Power source for Anti-Skid Protection (gear)
- Normal Brakes HYD System
2. Alternate Brakes HYD System
Power source for Auto Brakes System (gear)
- Normal Brake HYD System - ONLY
Auto Brakes RTO (gear)
Max Brake pressure if,
- ACFT is on the ground
- Ground speed is above 85 knots
- Both Thrust Levers are retarded to idle
Auto Brakes on Landing (gear)
- Both Thrust Levers idle
- The wheels have spun up
- 5 levels of deceleration - rotary selector
- On dry RWY, manual brakes are stronger
- Provides braking to full stop or disarmed
Auto Brakes Disarm (gear)
- Pedal brakes applied
- Either Thrust Reverser advanced after landing
- Speed Brake Lever move from full UP position
- DISARM or OFF selected on Auto Brake selector
- Auto Brake fault
- Normal anti-skid fault
Power source Parking Brake (gear)
- Normal Brakes HYD System
- Alternate Brake HYD System
- Brake Accumulators - Right HYD System (brake press indicator left side)
Power source Tail Skid (gear)
Uses Main Landing Gear Actuation System
Large Display System
15” LCD’s
Inertial Reference System
Instrument Source Select Panel
Mode Control Panel
Primary Flight Display Nav Display
Integrated Standby Flight Display
Standby Engine Indictor
Engine Indication and Crew Alert System
Thrust Mode Select Panel
Autoland Status Annunciator
Multi-Function Control Display Unit
Electronic Flight Instrument - Display Control Panel
Audio Control Panel