***767 Limits (FM 11) Flashcards
***Max Taxi Weight
***Max Take Off Weight
230,000 (757)
***Max Landing Weight
Max Single Engine Taxi Weight
300,000 lbs
320,000 lbs
FTM: pg 66/67
***Max Zero Fuel Weight
Landing CG Range
7-37 (22 center)
***Normal Taxi Speed
20 knots
No longer a limitation
***Long Strait Taxi Speed
30 knots
No longer a limitation
***Turns On A Dry Surface (other than high speed turnoffs)
10 knots
Turns 30° or more
No longer a limitation
***Differential Breaking While Turning
Maximum Operating Speeds
FL290 / 338 knots / 0.86 Mach
***Severe Turbulent Air Penetration Speeds
290 knots / 0.78 Mach
Whichever is lower
Flap Extended Speeds
1 - 250 (230) 5 - 230 (210) 15 - 210 (190) 20 - 210 (190) 25 - 180 30 - 170
Max Landing Gear Ops Speeds
Operating speeds - 270 / 0.82
Extended speeds - 270 / 0.82
***Max Tailwind
T/O, Landing, Autoland
15 knots
1 or 2 engines
***Max Autoland Headwind
25 knots
***Max Crosswind, RCC 6
T/O: 30 knots
Landing: 30 knots
* Sideslip only (zero crab) landings are not recommended with crosswind components in excess 26knots (767)*
***Max Crosswind, RCC 5 / Good
T/O: 25 knots
Landing: 30 knots
* Sideslip only (zero crab) landings are not recommended with crosswind components in excess 26knots (767)*
***Max Crosswind, RCC 4 / Good-Medium
T/O: 20 knots
Landing: 30 knots
* Sideslip only (zero crab) landings are not recommended with crosswind components in excess 26knots (767)*
***Max Crosswind, RCC 3 / Medium
T/O: 17 knots
Landing: 25 knots
***Max Crosswind, RCC 2 / Medium-Poor
T/O: 15 knots
Landing: 17 knots
***Max Crosswind, RCC 1 / Poor
T/O: 13 knots
Landing: 15 knots
***Max Crosswind, RCC 0 / Nil
Operations Prohibited
***Max Crosswind CAT II Manual Landing
15 knots
***Max Crosswind Autoland
25 knots
***Max Crosswind CAT II/III
15 knots
***Wind Limit: Wet or contaminated runways whenever asymmetric reverse thrust is used
Reduce landing crosswind limitations by 5 knots
Inop T/R
***Maximum Runway Slope
+/- 2%
***Minimum Runway Width for 180° Turn
146 feet / 44.6 meters
Maximum Depth of slush, wet snow, or standing water for takeoff
1/2 inch (13 mm)
Maximum Depth of dry snow for takeoff
4 inches (102 mm)
***Maximum Operational Altitudes
***Maximum Takeoff and Landing Altitudes
Max G’s
Flaps Up: +2.5 to -1.0
Flaps Down: +2.0 to 0.0
Required O2
1000 psi for dispatch (2 pilots only)
Non-ETOPS: 1,500 psi
ETOPS: 1,800 psi or limited to 5 occupants (@ 70° F)
Before use of the EVAS system
EVAS: Emergency Vision Assurance System
HUD must be stowed prior to deployment
Front windshield sun shields must be removed prior to deployment
Cargo Door Wind Limits
Any cargo door operation: 40 knots
Any cargo door open: 65 knots
Maximum Cabin Differential Pressures
Relief Valves: 9.1
T/O and Landing: 0.125
***When must Anti-Ice be used
OAT on the ground and for takeoff or TAT in-flight is 10° or colder
and visible moisture in any form is present
Except during climb and cruise when the temperature is below -40°C SAT (except Ice Crystals, if present it must be ON)
Visible moisture is any form of precipitation such as clouds, fog with visibility of one mile (1600m) or less, rain, snow, sleet, or ice crystals
On the ground: Snow, ice, standing water or slush
Do not use engine anti-ice when OAT or TAT is above 10°C
Engine Run-Ups
When engine anti-ice is required and the OAT is 3°C or below
60% N1 for 30 sec no less than every 30 min
Before T/O: Run-up 60% N1 for 30 sec, confirm stable engine Ops
Check that area behind the airplane is clear
Icing Conditions in Decent
Engine anti-ice must be ON prior to and during descent in icing conditions
***Restriction on use of Aileron Trim
Don’t use while Autopilot is engaged
***Restriction on use of FLCH
Do not use FLCH on final approach below 1,000 feet AFE
***Autopilot use at airports > 8,500’
Do not use the autopilot below 100’ RA
So NO Autoland
***Autopilot min engagement altitude after T/O
Must not be engaged below 1,000feet AFE
***Min Autopilot use on Approach, Coupled ILS without autoland
50’ AGL
***Min Autopilot use altitude on Approach, Non-precision with VNAV
50’ below DA
100’ below DDA
DDA is required if approach is not selectable from NAV Database
***Min Autopilot use altitude on Approach, Non-precision with V/S
50’ below MDA
100’ below DDA
DDA is required if approach is not selectable from NAV Database
***Autoland Flaps
Flaps 25 or 30
1 or 2 engines
***Don’t us HF radios
Do not operate HF radios during refueling operations
N1 RPM Limit
Low pressure rotor 117.5%
N2 RPM Limit
High pressure rotor 112.5%
***Reverse Thrust Limitation
Reverse thrust is for ground use only
Do not use reverse thrust to back the airplane
Engine Starter Duty Cycle
5 minutes on, followed by 1/2 minute off per minute on
To monitor, CA times once the FO selects start
Engine Starter Re-engagement speed
0% N2 - Recommended
0-20% N2 - Normal
Engine Oil Limitations, Min Pressure
10 psi
APU starter duty cycle max
3 consecutive starts or attempts within a 60 minute period
***Flight Control Limits
Avoid rapid and large movements
***Max Flap Altitude
***Max altimeter difference for RVSM, in-flight
***Max altimeter difference for RVSM, on the ground
***Max altimeter difference for RVSM, from field elevation
Airport facility required for a HUD required T/O
CAT III RWY / ILS critical area protected
When must the FPA be caged
T/O Ops below 500’ / 150 m RVR
***Max x-wind for HUD required T/O
15 knots
***Max x-wind for HUD required approach beyond FAF
15 knots
***Max course offset while using the HUD
***EFVS required approach beyond FAF, what vertical nav modes are authorized
VNAV or Glide Slope
***EFVS required approach beyond FAF, what vertical nav modes are NOT authorized
V/S or FPA
***HUD approach database requirement
Line-selectable, FMC Nav Database that provides vertical and lateral guidance
***Conformal Approach Symbology
Not allowed on what approaches
N/A on CAT I ILS with offset or LDA with G/S
North/South Latitudes
Nav and displays not supported at latitudes > 87°
Required for single Ops FMC on VOR approach
1 pilot must have raw data on PFD/ND by FAF
Max Fuel Temp
***Min Fuel Temp
3°C above freezing point
Number of Fuel Tanks
3 Total
2 Main / 1 Center
***Main Tank Qty
40,000 lbs
6,000 gal
6,010 gal / 40,267 lbs
***Center Tank Qty
80,000 lbs
12,000 gal
11,900 gal / 79,730 lbs
***Total Fuel Qty
160,000 lbs
24,000 gal
23,920 gal / 160,264 lbs
Don’t reset circuit breakers
- Fuel Pump
2. Fuel Pump Control
Fuel Usage I
No center tank fuel
All main tank boost pumps ON
X-feed valve closed (for T/O and Landings)
Fuel Usage II
Fuel in center tank
Use center tank for all Ops until empty, then use Fuel Usage I
All boost pumps ON
X-feed valve closed
Dry running of the center fuel tank
***Max Fuel Imbalance
2,500 lbs (when total Main Tank is < 48,000 lbs)
1,500 lbs ( when total Main Tank is > 48,000 lbs)
***When can the Center Tank have fuel with less than full Main Tanks
Center up to 22,050 lbs with < full main tanks
Provided: Center Tank fuel weight + actual zero fuel weight does not exceed max zero fuel weight / CG limits are observed
***WX Radar, when not to use
Avoid Ops in hangar
***ACFT Dimensions Length Width Height Horizontal Stabilizer Width
Length: 180’3”
Width: 156’-1”
Height: 52’
Horizontal Stabilizer Width: 61’1”
***Gear Dimensions
L/R: 30’-6”
Nose/Main: 74’8”
***Continuous Ignition Required
- Moderate - Heavy Rain
- Hail
- Sleet (encountered or anticipated)
Dry Ice and APU
If there is dry ice,
For ground Ops:
Both Packs - ON
Until all cargo doors are open for 5 min, then APU and Packs may be turned off (FOM pg 312)
Don’t leave the APU on with ACFT unattended (Crew or MX)
Engine Type/Thrust
GE CF6-80
60,200 lbs of thrust
Fuel Dump Rate and Time
2600 lbs/min
30 min with full tanks
Max trim tolerance between the APS output and the FMC-calculated trim setting
One unit or less
Max allowable V speed tolerance between the APS output and the FMC-calculated V speed
1 knot
If there is a one knot difference, the FMC value takes precedence
Aborted Engine Start (reasons)
- EGT does not increase by 25 seconds after the fuel control switch is moved to RUN.
- There is no N1 rotation by 30 seconds after N2 is stabilized at idle.
- EGT quickly nears or exceeds the start limit.
- The oil pressure indication is not normal by the time the engine is stabilized at idle.
Max single engine thrust in a congested area
40% N1
Engine Warm-Up
- 3 min
2. Oil temperature must be above the bottom of the temperature scale
Engine Cool-Down
3 min
Do not delay engine shutdown for a taxi that is less than 3 min
When not to do a LTAET
- Hydraulic or electric MEL deferrals.
- A system that impacts braking or steering capability is not operative.
- Visibility less than 1,200 RVR/350m.
- When “FOM 10.37 Dry Ice Supplemental Procedures in Effect.”
- Ramp and/or taxiway slippery or contaminated.
- Aircraft to be deiced.
- During Icing conditions.
- Tight maneuvering required.
- 10-10 page restriction.
Tail Strike Pitch Attitude
T/O: 8°
Landing: 5°
Min Holding Speed
Vref 30 + 100
Flaps Up Maneuvering Speed
Vref 30 + 80
Max Rate of Climb
Vref 30 + 130
How far is the pilot seat from the nose/main gear
Nose: 7.5’
Main: 82’
Go Around Time & Fuel (Fleet Update)
15 min / 3100 lbs
Cockpit Monitoring System
Not to be used < 10,000’
Avoid use > Flaps 5 to avoid buffeting
APU Burn
400 lbs/hr