May test Flashcards
Explain why bursting of red blood cells affects the development of a foetus
- less oxygen (1)
- (less) respiration (1)
- (less) energy / ATP (1)
The dominant allele codes for the production of the protein that will act as an antigen.
Describe how the dominant allele leads to the production of RNA during protein
synthesis (lines 7 to 9)
- DNA unzips / separates / one strand copied / eq (1)
- complementary / base pairing /eq (1)
- template (1)
- mRNA produced / eq (1)
- transcription (1)
Give the reason why proteins cannot be made by red blood cells (lines 7 to 9).
no nucleus / DNA / no ribosomes/
mitochondria /eq
Give one piece of evidence from the passage that shows that antibodies are
smaller than red blood cells?
can pass across placenta (1)
Explain why the concentration of the rhesus antibody in the mother’s blood rises quickly
to harmful levels if she has a second child who is Rhesus positive
memory cells (1)
• remain in mother’s blood (1)
• recognise / identify antigen / binds with antigen (1)
• more antibodies produced/ produced faster / sooner (1)
• secondary immune response (1)
Suggest what is meant by the term in utero
• in the uterus / womb
A foetus with haemolytic disease can be given a blood transfusion.
Suggest the blood group of the source of the cells used for this transfusion
(lines 29 and 30).
(adult) (rhesus) positive / positive / eq
Explain the changes in the rate of evaporation from the clay pot
higher when temperature increases / lower when temp decreases (1) • more (kinetic) energy of water molecules / particles / eq (1) • increased diffusion / more liquid become gas / eq (1)
Suggest how the student could measure the rate of evaporation from the
clay pot.
use scale on beaker / tube / ruler / eq (1)
• volume / mass of water lost from beaker / level of
water in beaker / distance moved by bubble/eq (1)
- use clock / measure time /stated time /eq (1)
- divide volume / distance by time (1)
Explain one factor that affects transpiration from the plant that does not affect
evaporation from the clay pot.
light (intensity) / carbon dioxide / turgor (1)
• affects stomata opening / guard cells / eq (1)
Diagram of Transpiration setup?
Describe the roles of the hormones FSH and LH.
FSH stimulates development / growth / maturation /eq of
follicle / egg / sperm production (1)
• FSH stimulates oestrogen release /eq (1)
- LH stimulates release of progesterone / testosterone (1)
- LH stimulates ovulation / egg release (1)
- LH stimulates development of corpus luteum (1)
- LH inhibits release of oestrogen (1)
Describe the stages used to clone a male dog
nucleus from (body) / adult /diploid cell of male dog (1)
• insert (this) nucleus into enucleated / empty egg cell/eq (1)
• electric shock (1)
• mitosis / cell division (1)
• embryo into uterus / womb (1)
• surrogate mother (1)
Pet owners can now pay scientists to use cells from their pet to produce a clone.
The process costs $50000 for a dog and $25000 for a cat.
Cloning is not always successful and as with Dolly, many attempts may need to be
made to produce one clone.
Many scientists disagree with this use of cloning.
Comment on whether cloning of pets is a good idea.
Use the information in this question and your own knowledge to support
your answer.
For cloning
• can produce genetically identical pet / reduced genetic
variation/ eq (1)
• may have similar appearance / features to pet / eq (1)
• can be cloned before death / may stop owner grieving / eq
• expensive / eq (1)
• pet may behave different due to environment / training / eq
• many dogs used / die in attempt / dog farming / unethical /eq
• shorter life span (1)
• idea of reduce variation within breed/ inbreeding idea bad
for breed health / eq (1)
Name another organ that carries out excretion in the human body.
Explain the role of the nephron in osmoregulation.
as blood concentration increases
osmoreceptors / hypothalamus
detects change (1)
• pituitary gland release ADH (1)
• increase permeability of collecting
duct (1)
• reabsorbed from collecting duct /
into blood (1)
• less urine /more concentrated
urine (1)
• increases water level / reduces blood concentration (1)
• (so that) hypothalamus not
stimulated / pituitary releases less
ADH / negative feedback idea (1)
Name a substance found in urine?
Volume of Liquid is higher with Water than the Volume of Liquid with Salt Solution?
Explain these results
• more urine produced when drinking water / less urine when
drinking salt solution (1)
• lower blood concentration (when drinking water) / higher blood
concentration (when drinking salt solution) (1)
• detected by hypothalamus / osmoreceptors (1)
• less / no ADH released by (pituitary) (with water) / (more) ADH
released (with salt) (1)
• collecting ducts are less permeable (with water) / collecting ducts
are more permeable (with salt) (1)
• less water reabsorbed / absorbed into blood (with water) / (more)
water reabsorbed / absorbed into blood (with salt) (1)
Give two other factors that affect the volume of urine produced.
- exercise / sweating / activity (1)
- volume of fluid consumed before investigation / what they drank (1)
- temperature / eq (1)
- food eaten / diet (1)
State what is meant by the term in vitro.
in glass / in test tube / in (Petri) dish (1)
Describe a procedure the student could use to obtain explants and produce
these results.
use forceps / scalpel / knife / eq to remove explants / pieces from plant (1)
• wash in bleach / hypochlorite / ethanol / alcohol / sterile wipes / eq (1)
• (grow on) agar (1)
• nutrients / minerals / carbohydrates / amino acids / named mineral / eq /
growth factors / hormones (1)
• add acid / alkali / buffer (1)
• use several / multiple explants / repeat (1)
• control temperature / carbon dioxide / light (1)
• sterile agar / sterile tubes (1)
Explain the relationship between pH and the mean number of shoots
per explant.
- increases up to pH 6 and decreases above pH 6 (1)
- enzymes (1)
- optimum pH is 6 / (enzymes) denature at high / low pH / eq (1
Give two benefits of using micropropagation to produce new plants rather than
using seeds.
lots produced (1)
• genetically identical / no variation / all same type / identical / same characteristics /
guaranteed plant / they are clones (1)
• can grow GM plants / eq (1)
• faster / quicker (1)
• any time of year (1)
• can be used for plants that are hard to germinate / grow from seed (1)
Explain how layer A is adapted for its role.
few / no chloroplasts / thin layer / thin cells / one cell thick (1)
• transparent / lets light through / allows light to reach palisade layer (1)
• (waxy cuticle) reduces water loss / evaporation / waterproof layer / barrier to
water / eq (1)
• protects against infection / eq (1)
Explain how layers B and C (Spongy Mesophyll and Palisade Mesophyll) are adapted for photosynthesis and gas exchange.
two from:
(Layer B)
• vertical cells / rectangular / tightly packed / many chloroplasts (1)
• large surface area (1)
• absorb / capture / harvest / trap light / eq (1)
and two from
(Layer C)
- air spaces / gaps between cells / loosely packed / eq (1)
- for gas exchange (1)
- diffusion of CO2 / diffusion of O2 (1)
Explain how the stomata is able to regulate gas exchange.
guard cells (1)
• open / close stomata (1)
• let carbon dioxide in during day / when light (1)
Gardeners sometimes apply a spray called an anti-transpirant to plant leaves.
The spray is impermeable to water vapour but allows other gases to pass through.
Discuss whether an anti-transpirant spray will promote plant growth.
- reduce / stop transpiration / water loss (from plant) (1)
- so plant does not wilt / go flaccid (1)
- (but) allows absorption of carbon dioxide / CO2 can still get in / can still pass through (1)
- photosynthesis can occur / can (still) make glucose / carbohydrates / starch (1)
- but less absorption / transport of mineral ions / named mineral ions (1)
- less cooling / plant may overheat / eq (1)
A student reads that DNA codons are non-overlapping.
Suggest what is meant by the term non-overlapping.
You should refer to the sequence of bases in your answer
• each triplet / codon codes for one amino acid / eq (1)
• codons are discrete / independent of each other / nucleotides /
bases are not shared between codons / eq (1)
• example of triplet reading frames, e.g. CAT TCA / eq (1)
Describe what happens in the translation stage of protein synthesis.
- (mRNA arrives at) ribosome (1)
- mRNA has codons / is a template (1)
- ribosome moves along mRNA strand (1)
- tRNA brings amino acids (to ribosome) (1)
• anticodon (on tRNA) binds with codon (on mRNA) / tRNA binds with mRNA (1)
• amino acid chain produced / amino acid joined / polypeptide (1)
State what is meant by the genome of an organism.
the / its genes / DNA / genetic material (1)
Give the expected relationship between the named independent variable and the
named dependent variable in this demonstration.
• increasing enzyme concentration increases the rate of oxygen
production / eq (2)
one mark for naming the enzyme concentration / number of potato discs as independent variable and the oxygen production as the dependent variable (1)
Give two variables that the teacher controls in this demonstration.
- pH / volume of buffer (1)
- volume of hydrogen peroxide / substrate (1)
- time / duration of reaction (1)
- size / volume / mass / shape / surface area of each disc (1)
- temperature (1)
Explain the relationship between the concentration of enzyme and mean
volume of oxygen produced in one minute.
• increasing enzyme concentration /number of discs increases volume of oxygen
produced (1)
• more active sites (1)
• (increase in enzyme concentration) means more collisions / more enzyme
substrate complexes / more enzymes combine with substrates / eq (1)
Suggest why the teacher measures the volume of oxygen after the first minute of
the reaction rather than after 10 minutes.
• to measure initial / fastest rate (1)
• (as time increases) hydrogen peroxide / substrate
concentration falls / hydrogen peroxide breaks down /
is used up (1)
• valid (comparison) (1)
Suggest three ways to reduce the risk of being infected by schistosomes.
• stay out of water / wear
waterproof clothes / eq (1)
• treat drinking water / boil
water (before drinking) /
do not drink water / drink
bottled water / eq (1)
• sanitation / no faeces in
water / no urine in water
/eq (1)
- remove snails /eq (1)
- vaccination (1)
Explain how a vaccine could protect people from schistosomiasis (lines 24 to 25).
- antigen (1)
- memory cells / lymphocytes (1)
- (secondary) immune response (1)
• more antibodies / antibodies made sooner /
faster / faster immune response / eq (1)
Suggest what is given to the control group (lines 27 to 29).
(a treatment with) no
plasmid / no protein / only
water / saline / eq (1)
A scientist claims that the investigation proves the vaccine is effective against
schistosomiasis (lines 27 to 29).
Comment on this claim.
• reduced numbers / eq (1)
• by 19 or by 47% / about
• schistosomes / worms, still
present in body (1)
• no idea of group size /
needs to be repeated (1)
• no idea of age / sex /
health (1)
Give two reasons why blood clotting is important
prevent loss of blood / stops
bleeding (1)
• prevent entry of pathogens /
microbes / bacteria / viruses /
fungi / eq / prevent infections (1)
Explain why these mammals are described as transgenic.
(have been given) genetic material
/ gene / allele / DNA / genetically
alter (1)
• from human / different species (1)
Describe how a mammal is cloned.
use enucleated egg / empty egg /
remove nucleus from egg / eq (1)
• nucleus from body cell / diploid
nucleus (placed into empty egg) /
fuse adult cell with empty egg (1)
• use of electricity / shock (1)
- cell division / mitosis (1)
- embryo (1)
- uterus / womb (1)
- surrogate mother (1)
A drug can reduce the damage to nerve cells in the brains of people with HD.
The drug binds to messenger RNA produced by the mutated gene for huntingtin protein.
Suggest ways that this drug reduces damage to nerve cells in people with HD.
prevents translation / no translation (1) • prevents ribosomes attaching (to mRNA) (1) • prevents / no, codon binding to anticodon (1) • prevents amino acids joining / amino acid chain not made (1) • huntingtin / protein / polypeptide not made (1)
Explain the student’s results when he investigates the effects of different colours on photosynthesis?
no filter has highest rate of
photosynthesis / bubbling /
oxygen (1)
• (because) all light colours / wavelengths are present / has more light energy / most amount of light that can be absorbed / eq (1)
• green has low(est) rate of
photosynthesis, because
green light is not absorbed /
eq (1)
• blue / red has a medium rate
of photosynthesis because
light is, absorbed / not
reflected / eq (1)
• chlorophyll / chloroplast
absorbs red / blue light / does
not absorb green light / eq (1)
Give two abiotic variables that the student should control in her experiment?
- temperature (1)
- carbon dioxide (1)
- light intensity (1)
Explain why measuring the rate of photosynthesis by counting bubbles may
not be an accurate method to use.
• bubbles are different
volumes / sizes (1)
• O2 may dissolve in
water (1)
• bubbles may be CO2 not oxygen / may not be due to photosynthesis /other gases may be present (1)
• easy to miscount / miss
bubbles (1)
• bubbles get trapped /
stuck (1)
Suggest an alternative method that the student could use to measure the rate
of photosynthesis in her experiment.
use measuring cylinder / (gas)
syringe / burette / graduated test
tube (1)
• (to measure) volume (1)
• use hydrogen carbonate indicator (1)
• change colour (of hydrogen carbonate indicator)
Explain how root hair cells are adapted for efficient absorption of water.
elongated / pointed / projections / extensions /eq (1) • increase surface area (1) • thin wall for short diffusion path / eq (1) • concentrated cell sap for osmosis / eq (1)
Explain how water is transported from the soil to the leaves.
•water enters (root) by osmosis (1) • from dilute solution to more concentrated solution / eq (1) •(water) enters / moves up xylem (1) •water pulled up to leaf due to transpiration / pulled along transpiration stream / eq (1) • (water vapour) exits through stomata (1)
Describe how you could determine the rate of water loss from a leafy shoot.
• use (bubble) / (weight) potometer (1) • cut shoot underwater / dry leaves / place mineral oil on surface of water / eq (1) • measure distance moved by bubble (in cm) / mass lost / change in volume of water (1) • (in set) time (1) • repeat / calculate mean rate (1)
Suggest why Genex waited until Toystory was four years old before beginning to
collect his semen (line 9).
so semen contained sperm / (bull is)
(sexually) mature / sperm in semen /
gone through puberty / fully
developed / eq
Explain how the semen from the bull is used to fertilise cows using artificial insemination
collect semen / sperm from penis of bull (1) • insert straw into / inject semen (into cow) (1) • put (it / semen / sperm) in vagina / uterus /womb /cervix(1)
Suggest why the semen is stored in liquid nitrogen (line 13)
preserve (sperm )/ keep (sperm)
alive / viable / prevent growth of
microorganisms / slow down
metabolism / eq
Sexed semen is guaranteed to produce offspring of one sex.
Suggest why dairy farmers would prefer to used sexed semen (line 19).
provide females (produce milk) / will produce cows / eq
Describe how scientists could investigate which of two bulls is the best to use as a
father in dairy farming
use semen (from each bull) to fertilise (many /
similar) cows (1)
• collect / measure milk yields / eq (1)
• from each daughter / offspring of these cows /
mother of bull (1)
• select bull with highest (average) milk yield
(across all daughters) (1)
Explain why the composition of milk is important to consumers (line 22).
(milk that contains) (most) fat (1)
• (most) protein (1)
• (most) vitamins (1)
• (milk that contains) (most) calcium (1)
Give two uses of water in a plant.
• support / turgor / eq (1) • photosynthesis / eq (1) • cooling (1) • reactions / solvent / transport of mineral ions /named/mineral ion /eq (1)
Suggest two abiotic variables he controls. GQ Rats?
temperature (1) • (mass of) food / diet / type of food /eq (1) • water (1) • size of cage (1) • time (1) • volume of solution/eq (1
GH increases transcription in cells.
Explain why this affects the growth of rats.
(more) mRNA made (1) • (more) translation (1) • (more) proteins / polypeptides made (1) • enzymes / muscle / tissue (1)
Describe the different types of pathogen.
Refer to a disease that each type of pathogen causes in your answer.
• virus non-living organisms / small particles / protein coat / capsid / relies on other organisms for reproduction/ eq (1) • AIDS / eq (1) • bacteria microscopic single-celled / prokaryotic / no nucleus / have nucleoid / plasmids (1) • pneumonia / eq (1) • fungus not able to carry out photosynthesis / saprotrophic / singlecelled / hyphae / cell wall chitin/eq (1) • athlete’s foot / eq (1) • protoctist / protozoa Plasmodium / microscopic single-celled (1) • malaria / eq (1)
Explain how a change in the DNA of a microorganism can reduce its ability to
digest a substance.
- different (sequence of) bases in DNA / eq (1)
- changes mRNA / codons (1)
- transcription (1)
• change tRNA / anticodons /(sequence of)amino
acids (1)
- translation (1)
- changes structure / shape of protein /eq (1)
- changes active site (1)
• enzyme not functional / no binding / no enzyme
substrate complex formed/ eq (1)
Explain why a change in DNA may not affect the phenotype of an organism
as some triplets / codons code for same
amino acid / degenerative /eq (1)
• no change in protein / polypeptide / enzyme
produced (1)
- active site not changed /affected (1)
- mutation / allele may be recessive (1)
• so not expressed in phenotype / if
heterozygous / dominant allele present / eq
• mutation may occur in a non-coding
sequence of DNA /eq (1)
Describe how you could use hydrogen-carbonate indicator to investigate the
effect of light intensity on net gas exchange in a leaf.
• (how light intensity is varied )foil /
muslin / move lamp / eq (1)
• leaf in test tube with bung / use flask
with delivery tube/eq (1)
• (look for colour change after) same/ stated time (1)
• same size / species / type / surface
area /eq (1)
• same temperature / same volume of
indicator (1)
• correct colour change so goes yellow
with increased CO2 in dark / goes dark
red/ red/ purple with reduced CO2 in
light /eq (1)