Marxist Analysis of Youth Cultures 35 Mark Question Plan Flashcards
What must you start the answer with?
An Introduction
What must you end the answer with?
A Conclusion
What must you do at the end of every supporting paragraph explanation?
Link it to the question
P1 Point
Marxists argue youth cultures are formed to resist capitalism
P1 Supporting Study
Charles’ Study of Grime
P1 Supporting Study Explanation
All of the people in this youth culture were working class and not benefitted by capitalism
P1 Criticism Theory
P1 Criticism Study
P1 Criticism Study Explanation
Marxists have ignored the sense of belonging that comes with youth culture
P2 Point
Marxists believe young people make youth cultures to cope with their problems
P2 Supporting Study
P2 Supporting Study Explanation
He created the concept of “magical solutions” that young people used to try and solve their problems
P2 Criticism Theory
P2 Criticism Study
P2 Criticism Study Explanation
Barton argued that the “magical” solution of late skinheads of being violent was not socially acceptable
P3 Point
Youth cultures are formed to resist social change
P3 Supporting Study
Jefferson’s Teddy Boys
P3 Supporting Study Explanation
They acted violent towards immigrants in Britain to try and resist how this could affect their job prospects
P3 Criticism Theory
P3 Criticism Study
P3 Criticism Study Explanation
Marxists fail to look at how youth cultures act as a bridge to help young people transition to adulthood
P4 Point
Deviant Youth cultures have a close relationship with social class
P4 Supporting Study
Cohen and Clarke’s Late Skinheads
P4 Supporting Study Explanation
The young men in this youth culture were trying to keep the little identity they had where they lived due to immigration
P4 Criticism Theory
P4 Criticism Study
P4 Criticism Study Explanation
Spectacular youth cultures have been replaced with neo-tribes, which do not have as heavy of a committment to norms and values
P5 Point
Working class anti-school subcultures help youths to resist middle-class school norms and values
P5 Supporting Study
P5 Supporting Study Explanation
The 11 young men in the culture were all working class and acted deviant as they felt they couldnt relate to the norms and values of school
P5 Criticism Theory
P5 Criticism Study
Jacksons Laddettes
P5 Criticism Study Explanation
Too malestream-focused, need to observe that young women also can resist the norms and values of school